Senpensekai no Madoushoshi

Section 10 Consultation

After Toslin's words sounded in the room, it was silence that returned.

"... Toslin. Don't joke about that. It will take the hero and hence the goddess lightly."

But after a while, the Viscount answered so with the feeling of difficulty in reacting.

"... well, would that be the reaction"

You expected half of it, and there's no change of expression that far in Toslin.

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

I apologized unexpectedly, wondering if I would have been a little different if I had anything just a little piercing.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault."

Toslin pounded my shoulder again with a laugh.

"Bye, Dad. Will you look at this?

But it seems Toslin didn't give up persuasion. When I took the seal out of the bag, I handed it to the Viscount.

"Is this... a church seal? Hmm? Marie Arrone?

At first I was surprised (a lot) by the Viscount's eyebrows, but when I saw the signatures and marks written on the back, I changed my complexion. And then I check inside, and then my complexion changes again.

"Now you believe me?

What it says there is that I am the king of Sorletta, that I am the owner of the Knights of the Goddess, that the Toslins are members of the Knights of the Goddess......

- And that they are recognized by the Archbishop, Lady Mariarone.

"... it's hard to believe... So you fought that Sands One, too?

"Well. But I couldn't make it to the final showdown."

To his daughter's confession, the Viscount repeatedly blinks. My gaze is busy going and going with letters and toslins and me.

"... oh my god. I heard about the Knights of the Goddess being resurrected for the first time in a thousand years, but I didn't know my daughter was named there..."

"Well, there's a lot going on. But I'm not the only one. So is Carol. Isn't that right, Iris?"

They talk, and I snort.

"Yes. Carol is definitely one of us and part of the Knights of the Goddess I own. As stated there, even in the name of Marie Arrone, you have actually been awarded the knighthood."

"Well, for a reason, I can't reveal that right now. There's nothing we can do about getting into trouble..."

"I see..."

When the Viscount returns the seal to Toslin, he suppresses his eyesight. They poke at the fact that there's not even too much clapping, and I guess they come confused.

"Um, I know it's difficult for the Viscount to be in a position, but can you help me somehow? Please."

But I apologize to the Viscount, but we need this man's help at all costs. So I desperately thought of the words and bowed my head.

"... Dear Calvafon. Please, don't do that to me, I'm just a Viscount."

Then the Viscount finally says so in a voice of trouble. When I raised my face, I saw a deep wrinkle engraved on my toslin-like, terminal face.

"My Illiburg family is a knight's family that goes as far as the Battle of Illua a thousand years ago if history is followed. Our ancestors fought and won the Dark Army of Auschnell on this land with Valeria Nyamnyam, the wizard's ancestor."

The Viscount took the bottle himself and tilted it into the glass. Amber liquid is poured into the air, and its surface plays candlelight. He breathed heavily as he poured it into his mouth all at once.

"Since… we have been rooted in this earth and have polished ourselves in case we are asked for strength again. He also traveled to equip himself with the power to do so."

This is about Toslin, of course. She is a warrior in an elf with excellent magic handling and no unusual magic powers. Toslin said he decided to travel to the outside world half-baked because he wouldn't bud if he stayed in Elf country like this.

"Therefore, it is the ultimate honor required of the Apostolic Master of the Goddess, Calvafon. It's an honor."

So the Viscount got out of the chair and knelt on the spot.

"Well, Dad...... Can you help me?!?

Toslin gladly rushed over to the Viscount and took that hand. But the Viscount shook his head sideways.

"But I can't do that... I can't."

"Huh? Why not?

Toslin's face, overflowing with joy, clouds at once.

"Earlier we talked about ideals, and now what we need to do is talk about reality… and so on. It's Toslin. Take it easy. Your usual lord wouldn't know without telling you."

Until then, Ritzereich, who had a tongue-in-cheek on the dish, broke in here.

"Reality, talk...... So you're saying that even if you're on our side, it doesn't taste good?

"Well, if you blame it on me, you do. The Count Phil Ortho family and this Viscount Illiburg family are subordinates. If you lose your relationship, you will naturally no longer be able to take refuge in the Count's house, and in this case, the worst could be hostility."

Rizzelaich continues with a pimple of juice from the grapes poured in Rizzelaich.

"On the other hand, how much good is it to have taken our side? What happens to the inhabitants when they fight the Counts? What happens after you finally win? How far can the Church guarantee me? and even the eagle not in that position immediately raises this much concern"

With the support of Ritzereich, the Viscount must have gotten somewhat easier. The wrinkles engraved between the eyebrows became slightly but thinner.

"... it's Toslin. I'm glad you relied on me. But..."

"... yeah, sorry. Right...... Dad has something convenient..."

In the end, the Viscount's cooperation could not be drawn from this discussion. Left me wanting my feathers to rest at least while I was in this realm, and the Viscount left the dining room behind.

"Ha, I didn't think my dad was as stubborn as that. I lost track of the candles."

After the meal, I am now off to eat in a given room. Toslin sat deeply down on the couch and spilled her stupidity as she looked up to the ceiling.

"Don't rot. That's all there was to it. It means you have a sense of responsibility. I'd rather be proud."

"No, well, I don't know if it is... But, um, I was counting on you, so most of the things I've been thinking about have been wasted... rotten, or I'm just falling asleep."

Toslin answers that as he waves toward Saluena.

"You are also responsible for the boss, etc. who was in charge there. Don't we all think about what we should do now?"

Yeah, yeah, right. Toslin is the leader of the party, and I can count on you, but you can't just hug him in the bum. We're buddies, so we need to be wise at times like this.

(Ugh...... Nevertheless, the proposal is not so easy to find...)

Sitting back on the bed with Ritzereich bluffing his legs, I also think.

With the help of the Viscount, I can no longer use my hand in clearing Carol's wrongdoing.

Then I don't know if I should go out and exercise my strengths to help Carol. Rather, it's the most important thing you shouldn't do.

Because the Counts are only victims. That's what Carol said about putting wet clothes on, but someone is killing the Count. It would be too much of a story for us to get up there on the ground feet and go wild.

In the first place, then Carol has always been an inquisitor. That's not the end we want.

"Then I guess we'll just have to go back and find the real killer, huh? It's not that I'm hostile, it's rather a story that benefits the Counts, and they won't say no."

Rizzelaich nodded next door as Laplice fell asleep over my head.

"Right. The Earl's family tells me you don't need to talk, but maybe the Viscount will give you that kind of mouthfeel."

"Yeah, that's right. I think that's the best part."

"Then it's settled. Let's leave here first thing tomorrow morning and go back to Count's territory."

Finally, that's how Saluena, who was making Mippo in the bath wear clothes, closed the operational meeting.

"Yeah, but I need to tell my dad about the candles before I do. That's why I came here in the first place, and I wonder what you can do to help me with this."

So the next thing we know about the candles is that we're going to shelf them and focus on rescuing Carol.

By the time we find the killer safely and come back, we'll be gathering some information, too.

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