Chapter 111 A kind reminder, could it be that he is Chef Lin?!!


Cuisine without defects.

Even though the Divine Tongue has evolved to an extremely high level.

The fried steak still left her unable to fault anything.


It's been a long time since a dish has had such a big impact on her.


"Such a powerful young man, your level should be more than nine stars, right?"

Feeling a faint warm current rising in his stomach, Xue Che Zhen slowly spoke, and Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and was noncommittal.

Katsu took a deep look at the young man in the food truck.

A huge wave rose in my heart.

Twenty-year-old special chef.

Never before in IGO history.


Is the other party really just at this level? Takeshi couldn't see it for the time being.

Frying steak is simple.

The taste depends on the level of the chef.

She can't see any problem in making a simple dish, which even IGO's special chef can't do.

Could it be that he is Chef Lin?

Xue Che looked at Chu Feng seriously for a moment.

That flat face could not give her a definite answer.


At this time, Xue Che Zhenji had already decided in his heart.

Chu Feng's cooking level is definitely more than just as simple as it shows.

Pick up the knife and fork again.

Slowly taste the delicacy in front of you.

The movements are gentle.

As if you want to stay in this moment all the time, try to restrain yourself from eating slowly.


A steak is two pieces of meat.

Even if you deliberately slow down, how long can you eat?

Anne is no better now.

She is just a first-class executive.

The status is far inferior to that of Kakushi Zhenkai.

There are also very few dream ingredients that can be distributed each month.

She had eaten the meat of the iron horse running ox before.


Such a strong impact and heartfelt comfort.

An experience Anne had never had.

It's as if the ingredients and spices are completely integrated.

Even the clumsy buttery milky aroma.

It's just right to add a touch of spring to this dish.

It perfectly brings out all the deliciousness of the dream ingredients.


This first-class executive who has eaten countless delicacies.

At this moment, I couldn't help but let out a groan.

The pretty face quickly climbed a flush.

Annie felt that this fried steak was even more delicious than the twenty-four layers of vegetables that day, and Xue Che Zhen glanced up at Annie and said lightly: "As an executive, you must remain calm when tasting dishes in order to objectively identify the true level of the chef." "

Xue Che Zhenji obviously attaches great importance to his love disciples, and he has not forgotten to preach at this time.

"But with my current level, I can't identify Boss Chu's cuisine at all?"

Anne looked up, and she looked quite cute.

She was born with an unusually keen sense of food.

From an early age, IGO trained her as a reserve executive.

Anne lived up to her expectations either.

He became a first-class executive at a young age.

But Chu Feng's dish.

It was clearly far beyond her identification scope.

Except for the 'groove'.

Anne couldn't find any words to express the shock in her heart at this time.

Xue Che was speechless for a while, and was stunned by his stupid apprentice to the point that he had nothing to say.

In fact, she just wanted Annie to calm down, and this appearance in front of the public was really missing the majesty of the IGO executive.

Enjoy a fried steak.

Takeshi felt the satisfaction of a long absence.

Pull out a tissue and wipe it over your mouth.

She was a little annoyed that she didn't go out with a napkin today.

"Let's order another bowl of six shrimp noodles."

Looking up at Annie, who was eating a mouthful of oil, Kakushi Zhenji spoke again.

"Huh? Do you still want to eat?? "

Anne was suddenly stunned, a flash of incredulity flashed in her eyes, and then quickly turned into surprise.

The amount of rice is very small, eating only a little at each meal, and sometimes even eating only one meal a day.

Even the dishes made from dreamy ingredients could not make the previous god's tongue change his habits.

However~food truck cuisine~

Can you actually make a second copy of it?! At this moment, Anne was pleasantly surprised.

She had been by her side for a long time, and she already regarded the other party as her mother

I always hope that the other person's body can be improved, even if it is only a little

While the Tongue of God casts the glory of the Qiqi family, it also brings great pain to the parties.

The higher the degree of evolution, the repulsion caused by the inability of the tongue of God to accept the taste is enough to completely destroy the body of the person concerned.

This is the case with Makoto Hokukiri, otherwise he would not have gone out in a thick kimono in the early summer heat.

Recently, in addition to feeling tired easily, her body often has chills, and her whole body is listless.

After eating Chu Feng's dishes, Xue Che's real body felt the warmth that had been lost for a long time, and Annie trotted to the window with excitement on her face, and then ordered two portions of six shrimp noodles.

Looking at this kawaii girl, Chu Feng showed a kind smile.


Feel the ultimate shrimp aroma.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, he can even do ordinary cuisine to the extreme."

A bowl of mellow and fragrant six shrimp noodles.

Until you drink all the soup.

He still couldn't find any defects.


Perfect as always!

Kakushi got up and slowly walked to the window.

"Can you do this in every dish?"

At this moment, Kakuki was really curious.

Staring at the two strange eyebrows in front of him, Chu Feng denied it.

"Of course not, I'm not an immortal."

Boss Chu has always adhered to an honest style.

In addition to the recipes produced by the system.

The other dishes he makes can only be regarded as special cuisine.

Xue Che nodded with deep understanding.

I feel a little taken for granted.

No chef can excel in everything.

When a special chef encounters an unfamiliar dish, it is possible to make it a starred dish.

But anyway.

The young man in front of her had already surprised her beyond her expectations.

Today's fried steak and six shrimp noodles are what she has been doing for nearly a decade......... No~

It should be the most delicious food she has ever tasted in her life.

Not one!

After taking a deep look at Chu Feng, Xue Che Zhenjie hesitated slightly, and then spoke.

"In the future, dream ingredients will be sold as little as possible, and IGO has many departments, and our executive officer is just one of them. Once brought to the attention of the Secretariat and the Investigation Department, you will also be in trouble. "

Takeshi gave a kind reminder.

I struggled to find a chef who could satisfy myself.

She naturally didn't want anything to happen to the other party.

Shinki is the boss of the executive department.

Mainly responsible for the star rating of restaurants, chefs, recipes, etc., and mediating conflicts between chefs.

It can be said that everything related to cooking in the world is basically under her control.

But dream ingredients are the responsibility of other departments, and she has no right to ask.


Chu Feng nodded nonchalantly.

When he usually goes out at the stall, he rarely uses fantasy ingredients.


IGO's Bureau of Affairs and Investigations.

I don't know who is inside?

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