Chapter 112 Unexpected Tenants, Angels and Demons!!

Ten years of ups and downs.

The eldest lady of the Xue Che family who used to be arrogant and collapsed.

Now I also know the love of people.

Face the only man who can satisfy you.

Kazuki let go of his pride in a rare way.

Just look at the back of the other person leaving.

Chu Feng didn't know if he should congratulate her?

【God's Tongue +1】

The extremely 'lucky' Kakushi was rewarded.

But how do you feel that Erina's mother is a little unlucky.

The evolution of the Tongue of God accelerated.

It's not a good thing for Kakushi Makoto.

Never mind~

Just come to the food truck here for a few dishes.

Anyway, when I first traded the recipe, I gave Anne contact information.

Chu Feng shrugged without heart or lungs, and then beckoned Thor to collect the stall.

Two o'clock sharp.

Dark blue food trucks slowly drove out of the depressed streets.

With nothing to do in the afternoon, Chu Feng casually found a movie to watch, and then began to prepare dinner.

When Thor saw the sumptuous dinner, he was surprised and curious: "What happened today?" What's the joy? "

Usually Chu Feng is not so diligent, they usually eat fast food trucks to sell leftover dishes, or make something casually.

"No, I just suddenly wanted to eat some home-cooked food."

Chu Feng shook his head with a smile, he had just been promoted to special chef, and he wanted to try the current level.

There are not many dishes made, only shredded green pepper meat, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mapo tofu, beef stew with radish, and sauerkraut vermicelli soup.

Although it is just a very ordinary home-cooked meal, the two things of 'color and fragrance' alone have made Thor and Connor drool.

"Huhu~~ Mapo tofu is so strong, numb and spicy and tender in taste, it's really delicious, Chu Feng, can you teach me to do it well?"

With piping hot tofu wrapped in his mouth, Thor said vaguely.

“......... Well, there is time to teach you again. "

Chu Feng was silent for a few seconds, but he still couldn't bear to discourage Long Niang's enthusiasm.

A cook lady who can only roast her own dragon's tail, what else can she expect to learn.

"Hmm~Lord Thor, scrambled eggs with tomatoes are the best, the sweet and sour taste is very delicious~~"

The rice in the bowl had been dyed red and yellow, and Connor's pink face was flushed, and it seemed that she really liked to eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Chu Feng looked at the two dragon ladies who were eating happily, and couldn't help but smile.

After being promoted to Special Chef.

Even if it's just ordinary home-cooked food.

Serving it out is also a first-class delicacy.


The doorbell rang.

"Strange, who will come at this time?"

With a hint of doubt, Chu Feng opened the door.

Outside stood a girl with short and medium black hair.

"So fragrant?"

The moment the door opened, the black-haired girl smelled a tempting fragrance and blurted out subconsciously.

Suddenly remembering that it was time for dinner, she realized that she might not be coming at the right time, and bowed slightly: "I'm sorry, we are here to rent a house." "

The black-haired girl is very polite and has a sweet voice, but it seems a little familiar.

Only then did Chu Feng remember that he had posted a rental notice on the bulletin board downstairs.

Anyway, it is empty, it is better to rent it out to make some small money.


Chu Feng felt a little strange.

He obviously only saw the black-haired girl alone.

Then another few seconds passed.

A blonde girl appeared in his sight with a slow stagger.

The girl's facial features are exquisite, like a ceramic doll, her skin is fair and smooth, and her body is petite and delicate.

If you ignore her casual and scruffy red tracksuit and messy and ungroomed hair, she is definitely a proper beautiful girl.

But at this time.

The blonde girl looked listless.

The two dark circles looked like they had stayed up for days and nights.

Jia Baili!?

Fallen scrap angels? This time Chu Feng recognized it.

This decadent temperament contrasts with the face of an angel.

Except for Jia Baili, it is impossible to appear in other girls.

【The Fall of Jiabaili】

Chu Feng had only seen a little, so he didn't recognize the black-haired girl just now.

Looking back now, the other party seems to be a demon.

Well, angels and demons come together to rent a house.

I don't know if God and Lucifer will be angry if they find out.

"Excuse me, can we look at the house first?"

The black-haired girl's voice pulled Chu Feng's thoughts back.

At this time, Thor and Connor, who had finished eating, also walked out.



"What are you doing here?"


Both dragon ladies showed surprised expressions on their faces, and then asked in unison.



The black-haired girl opened her small mouth wide, her big eyes seemed to be about to bulge, and her upper face stared at the two dragon ladies in horror.

Dragons are rumored to be a powerful and ferocious race in Hell.

Jia Baili's godless eyes finally had a hint of color.

It was different from the surprise and fear of the brunette girl.

She seemed to be very interested in Doragon and looked the other up and down with interest

Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at Thor and Connor.

Could it be that there is also a contradiction between the dragons of the other world and the angels and demons? This doubt just flashed through my mind.

He's just an ordinary food truck owner.

Never like to think outside of business: "Don't worry, they're just tenants." "


Thor nodded slightly, and then saw the dark angel aura on Jia Baili's head, and couldn't help but laugh: "It turned out to be a fallen angel." "

"What's wrong with self-depravity? Lady, I'd love to! "

The blonde girl shouted, her tone reasonable.

Well, that's a lot of fun!

The black-haired girl secretly looked at Chu Feng with some fear.

Very handsome human being, looks very kind.

But how can a human live with two dragons? She couldn't figure it out a little, but she knew that the human being in front of her was not simple.

Room 304.

The dark-haired girl looked around seriously.

Followed by a powerless scrap wood angel.

"Wei Nai, why are we renting a house here?"

"Because your house has a big hole."

"That's not what you broke, as a demon is actually afraid of cockroaches, do you want to laugh at me so that I can inherit my wife's game equipment?" Also, obviously a problem that can be solved by a repair technique, why do you have to change the room and forcibly pull me over? "

"Because this is close to the school, Xiaojia, you should also go to school, and you have been on leave for many days."

"Hey, isn't school on holiday? Go to school or something, let's wait until the world is destroyed. "

After looking at the house, Jia Baili directly lay on the sofa, looking like she didn't care.

Wei Nai did not continue to pay attention to her, but turned to look at Chu Feng, and asked a little restrained: "The environment here is very good, the house is also very new, is the monthly rent really only 100,000?" "

Wei Nai still felt a little unbelievable.

The studio apartment I used to live in cost 70,000 a month.

And the two-bedroom house here is actually only 100,000.

Although the landlord's house lives with two dragons, it seems to be very dangerous.

But after seeing Chu Feng nodding, Wei Nai tangled for a while, but decided to rent it, after all, the living expenses are so little, you have to save some money.


Looking at the two people who signed the contract, Jia Baili couldn't help but wail, she still didn't want to live too close to the school.

Handing the keys to the two new residents, Chu Feng went home to continue eating.

As for the identities of Jia Baili and Wei Nai, he didn't care at all.

Scrap wood angels and cockroach-afraid demons should not be a big problem.

Before leaving, Chu Feng had sternly warned them that they would pay compensation for damaging the house.

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