Chapter 113 Jia Bai Li and Wei Nai, set up a stall to sell ramen in the morning!!

Half past seven in the morning.

Chu Feng and Thor were ready to go out.

Today the stall was set up surprisingly early.

Fortunately, Chu Feng got up at half past six every day.

Prepare the ingredients as soon as you see the task of the day.

Open the door.

I saw the energetic Wei Nai and the lifeless Jia Baili.

The two people standing at the entrance of the stairs had diametrically opposite temperaments.

Chu Feng couldn't help but suspect that Baili was the real devil.

"Wei Nai, what are you doing calling the old lady up so early?"

"Go to school, if you don't go to class, Xiaojia will be wasted!"

"Then I'd rather waste it for the rest of my life..."

Jia Baili glared at Wei Nai who was walking in front with dissatisfaction, but still reluctantly followed behind.

God knows why demons from hell are always nosy.

Tsukinose Vinet April.

A little demon from the simple Demon Realm.

Kind-hearted and helpful, he will take the initiative to help when he sees others in difficulty.

'You're the real angel, aren't you?' Jia Baili secretly complained.

In the end, I had no choice but to go to school.

Because Wei Nai hid all her network cables.

Jia Baili didn't know which of the other party's tendons was wrong and lived with her.

But the kindness is overflowing and always likes to chatter like an old mother, well~

Jia Baili really couldn't stand the other party's nagging.

After Wei Nai saw Chu Feng, he greeted him with a smile for the first time.

In the face of powerful humans living in harmony with the dragons, she always maintains the most basic awe.

When angels and demons come to earth, they will seal most of their divine power, and the power they can use is limited.

And then~

Wei Nai, who was kind in his heart, took the initiative to help Chu Feng move things.

"Huh? It's all ingredients, are you going camping so early? "

Helping to lift a box, Weina saw white radish and lettuce.

"The life of the rich is really idle, go to a picnic early in the morning!"

Jia Baili couldn't help but pout, and her tone was a little sour.

Recently, she has played games with too much krypton gold, and her deposit is about to bottom.

"No, we're just out setting up stalls."

Chu Feng said with a smile.

Cute girls are always pleasant.

The frustrated scrap angels are no exception.


"Set up a stall? Mr. Host must be joking, right? "

Wei Nai was really shocked this time.

The small mouth opened wide.

If memory serves.

The owners of the six suites on the third floor are all the man in front of them.

Yesterday she could see clearly on the bulletin board downstairs.

How much is the six suites in Songjing worth.

Wei Nai is not clear.

All in all, it's very valuable!

Such a rich man, actually said that he was going out to set up a stall? Just kidding???

Wei Nai Xiao Cute looked confused.

Even the lifeless Jia Baili's gaze towards Chu Feng had a hint of color, moat ah~

A man who can afford to raise two dragons is really not ordinary.

Several people quickly went downstairs.

Chu Feng ignored the surprise of the waste wood angel and the kind demon.

Directly open the trunk of the food truck and put the prepared ingredients in.

"Thank you~"

Chu Feng thanked casually and drove out of the apartment in a fast food truck.

Wei Nai stared at the back of the fast food truck, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"It turns out ~ Mr. Landlord really went to set up a stall ~~"

For a long time, Wei Nai said with emotion.

"How about visiting? We haven't had breakfast yet anyway. "

Jia Baili's voice suddenly came from behind.

Wei Nai turned her head, looked at her friend a little strangely, and was surprised: "Aren't you the most hated to walk?" And we don't know where Mr. Landlord sets up his stall? "

Jia Baili rolled her eyes and said in a slightly contemptuous tone: "Who said that the old lady wants to use it?" Isn't it convenient for God to walk? Do you always remember the breath of that dragon? "

"I advise you not to be impulsive, last time I used the magic walk to transfer the fat to the classroom, I don't want you to send something strange to Mr. Landlord, you will be treated as Hentai's!"

Wei Nai's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly stopped the impulsive Ka Baili.

God walking is one of the powers of angels.

You can be free to be where you want.

But when Jiabaili uses it, she always transfers her belongings.

"I'll use it anyway."

"The Phantom of Migration will take you."

In fact, Wei Nai also wanted to taste Chu Feng's craftsmanship.

The scent of yesterday afternoon's smell at the door of her room still makes her unforgettable.

Migration Phantom, a skill commonly used by demons to rush, allows oneself to move at high speed in a state unobservable by mortals.

Saying that, Wei Nai pulled Zhi Baili and disappeared under the apartment building.

The stalls are still located near Chiyoda Ward.

The main delicacy is ramen.

Chu Feng casually added the soul calming noodles and the dog bun.

The stalls are well located and there are a few tables on the side of the road.

Thor worked neatly and quickly prepared everything.

And then~

The dragon maid's two ears shook lightly a few times, wagging her tail and saying, "Boss, those two are coming." "

Chu Feng, who was standing in the food truck, was slightly stunned, and quickly reacted, "Jia Baili and Wei Nai? "

When Thor nodded, two beautiful girls appeared very abruptly in front of the fast food truck and were slightly shocked, Chu Feng stared at Wei Nai and Jia Baili who appeared strangely, and said with a smile: "It's so fast~ we meet again, what do you want to eat?" "

The speed of the two girls was indeed fast, and he didn't see how Zhengwan appeared just now.

Wei Nai smiled politely at Chu Feng, and then turned to Jia Baili and said, "It's ramen, let's order ramen alone." "

Jia Baili kept staring at the LCD screen on the food truck and muttered, "A ramen noodle is five thousand yen, are you sure you want to eat it?" "

Ramen is very popular in neon.

The average price is generally around 1,000.

The food truck's ramen directly doubled three or four times.

Recently, Jiabaili, who has been relatively strapped for money, does not want to be the big culprit.

A little natural Wei Nai only noticed the price at this time.

All three dishes are priced at 5,000 yen.

It's a little expensive indeed!

However, as long as he remembered the fragrance he smelled yesterday, Wei Nai really wanted to taste Chu Feng's craftsmanship.

The landlord who collects cheap rent should not fool people casually, right? After a few seconds of hesitation, Micronay decided to give it a try.

"No, you really want breakfast here?"

Seeing that her friend paid, Jia Baili's voice raised slightly.

"Well, I believe in Mr. Landlord's character."

Micronay nodded seriously.

Facing the trust of the diners, Chu Feng laughed, nodded slightly at the black-haired girl, and then looked at Jia Baili, "What about you?" "

Jia Baili was a little embarrassed.

Can't stand here and stare at Micronay to eat, right? And it was she who proposed to come over for breakfast.

I just didn't expect the price to be so expensive.

Although Jia Baili is a self-depraved abandoned house.

But she doesn't want face~

He was also the chief graduate of the Angel School.


If things here are not delicious.

She took out the trumpet of destruction and destroyed the whole world.

Jia Baili thought viciously.

Reluctantly pulled a crumpled note out of his pocket...

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