Chapter 118 Chu Feng refuses to provide cooking and steals Xue Nai who eats meat buns!!

What kind of person is Big Boss Chu.

He was never used to others.

Point diagonally opposite.

Signal that if the other party is too expensive, they can go to the queue over there.

888 servings of ramen.

The price is affordable.

There are already quite a few people lined up there.

"No need, take a 'dog ignoring the buns' and take it away."

Under the snow, Yukino does not squint.

Calmly looked at the man in the food truck.

It seems that he wants to see the other person through.

The girl's eyes made people a little uncomfortable.

There is a hint of scrutiny in the high overlook.

In general, this is the case.

Big Boss Chu will not do her business.

At least not today.

But this bun was obviously bought for someone else, and he still knew the person.

Miss Yang Nai left a message in the group at half past seven, saying that she would ask someone to come over and buy food.

It's just that Chu Feng didn't expect that the other party would call his sister over.

The family under the snow is so rich, why don't you call the driver over? Chu Feng didn't understand, but still motioned for Thor to pack a copy.

Yukinoshita Yukino paid directly to leave, but Hiratsuka stopped her.

"Yukoshita-san, judging a thing just by the surface is a very stupid act."

Hiratsuka Shizune was more serious than ever.

She knows Yukinoshita Yukinoba well.

Proud, cold, straightforward, always self-fulfilling.........

Such a personality also led to the other party not having a single friend in school.

It's just that Hiratsuka Jing didn't expect that this girl would still look like this outside the school.

Yukinoshita Yukino noticed Hiratsuka's abnormal attitude.

Although this teacher attaches great importance to students, he rarely shows such seriousness.

She is more like a confidant big sister, teaching students in her own unique way.

"So, Mr. Hiratsuka also thinks the food here is delicious?"

Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was exceptionally calm, with a hint of mockery.

"Of course, Boss Chu's cuisine is very delicious."

Hiratsuka said of course.

"Huh~ I didn't expect you to be exactly the same as her."



"So she called you here."

Hiratsuka thought thoughtfully, and then took a deep look at Yukinoshita Yukino.

She naturally knew Yono Yukinoshita, after all, the other party was her former student.

After graduating from Toyonozaki, Yono was admitted to the Faculty of Science and Engineering of National University, which is indeed a bit far from here.

But the other party specially called his sister over, which was a little intriguing.

Thinking of this, Hiratsuka Shizumi smiled again and asked seemingly casually: "Yukinoshita-san, would you like to try the food here?" "

"Not interested."

Under the snow, Yukino is as cold as ever.

Actually, when I received a call from Yonai.

She was also a little confused.

As we age.

The sisters under the snow do not have a good relationship.

Lately, there has been almost no contact.

Yang Nai suddenly asked her to help buy a copy and let the driver bring it over early.

He also named the food truck.

This was completely unexpected by Yukinoshita.

But in line with the purpose of the Ministry of Service to help others, plus she is a sister, she did not think much, anyway, it was all along the way.

Who knew that seeing the price here, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly had a feeling of being teased.

A breakfast of 5,000 yen is obviously far from the supermarket price.

Look at the tall figure and straight facial features of the fast food truck owner.........

A strange thought quickly took shape in Yukinoshita Yukino's mind.

His excellent sister is not here to eat the food here, but to take care of this person's business.

Looking at the two teachers staring at each other with a comfortable face, Yukinoshita Yukino was more sure of his guess.

This man is a scammer who sells high-priced snacks with a face.

Although I don't know why the wise Yang Nai would believe in a liar.

But under the snow, Yukino is in his heart.

My sister is a perfect beauty with a dignified appearance.

Excellent in every way.

In fact, her feelings for Yang Nai have been particularly complicated since she was a child.

There is yearning, there is envy, there is hostility.........

No matter what.

Become someone like your sister and surpass each other.

It has always been her motivation to strive to improve herself.

But now.........

The Yang Nai who made her longing, but she was willing to come here to be the wronged leader? At that moment, Yukino Yukino's mood was particularly complicated.

As if something important had been snatched away.

It was as if the image of Yang Nai in his heart shattered.

Does that perfect sister also have a time when she is carried away by feelings?

At that moment, Yukino Yukishita, who had a complicated mind, made up a lot of things in his own brain, and his heart was surprisingly angry.

That's why she showed that look at 'insects'.

Hiratsuka Shizuki looked at Yukino under the snow.

Just know that the other party must have misunderstood something.

Didn't she also misunderstand Chu Feng to drug Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu at the beginning.

Hiratsuka expressed understanding and hoped to solve this misunderstanding.

Yono Yukinoshita mostly recommends food from fast food restaurants to his sister.

It's just that the eccentric guy doesn't like to say anything clearly.

"Give it a try, you can't look at the surface of everything." "

Hiratsuka Shizune persuaded again, looking at the girl's eyes a little helplessly.

It is clear that he is not very sociable, and his mind is still bizarre and complicated.

Feel the heat coming from the meat buns in the paper bag.

Yukino was a little undecided.

Is the food really that delicious?

Yono and Teacher Heratsuka are so enthusiastically recommended.

Under the snow, Xue Nai suddenly moved a little.

But soon~

Chu Feng's words dispelled her hesitation.

"I'm sorry, I won't provide her with any cooking today."

Big Boss Chu has never been accustomed to these heroines.

Yono can pack it, Yukino wants to eat it and come back tomorrow.

As for whether this iceberg girl will steal buns on the way.

Then it was none of Chu Feng's business.

Proud Yukinoshita Yukino.

You shouldn't do anything to steal food, right?

"Who is rare!"

On the iceberg girl's cold face, a trace of irritation finally appeared.

Glared at Chu Feng, left a sentence and turned to leave.


Hiratsuka was speechless for a moment.

I didn't expect things to turn out like this at all, and I didn't know much if I knew it earlier.

It's just surprising that Boss Chu, who has superb cooking skills, also has a stingy side.

Shizune Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro did not take this matter to heart.

Chu Feng only mentioned that today, there was always a chance to resolve the misunderstanding just now.

Inside the limousine.

Yukinoshita Yukino sits quietly in the back row.

Next to him was a paper bag of meat buns.

In fact, she chose this one with a bit of a mischievous mind.

What to choose from the three dishes, but choose a dog to ignore the buns, the meaning is already obvious.

Anyway, Yang Nai only asked her to buy breakfast, and did not specify anything.

In a closed compartment.

A wisp of fragrance overflowed from the seal.

Yukinoshita Yukino's nose twitched.

The gaze involuntarily glanced at the bag.

So fragrant~

Is that guy really delicious?

Under the snow, Yukino is still a little angry.

She is also the second young lady of the Yukoshita family.

Born in a neon family, he is also the number one chaebol in China.

Under the snow, Yukino has never eaten anything good since he was a child.

Even the dishes of Nine Star Chef have been tasted twice.

The owner of the fast food truck actually dared to refuse to provide her with food? Do you really think you're a star chef?

It's just a meat bun, don't eat it!

Yukishita Yukino complained in her heart, and then turned her head to look out the window.

Proud as she is, she can't do anything to steal food.

But ~ as the aroma gets stronger.

The snow-white neck began to surge involuntarily.

The street outside the window was completely absent from the snow under the snow.

Now my mind is full of the aroma of meat buns.

The movement is a little stiff to turn the neck.

Yukino looked at the paper bag again. 'Eating just one should be fine, right?' It was as if the devil was whispering in his ear.

Under the snow, Yukino began to get tangled.

The trembling little hand couldn't stop reaching for the paper bag containing the meat buns.

Eating is one of the instincts of human beings.

In the face of delicious temptation, Yukinoshita Yukino is no exception.

No matter how honest she is, she is only a seventeen-year-old girl after all.

The moment the seal was opened, a mellow aroma came to the face.

A hint of surprise and shock flashed in Yuki's eyes.

She had never smelled such fragrant buns.

And after sitting for so long, the buns in the paper bag actually exuded the heat they deserved, as if they had just been taken out of steaming.

The tangled expression climbed onto that pretty face again.

But this aroma seems to carry a kind of magic, constantly seducing her to reach out again and finally ~

Yukishita Yukino held a bun and glanced at the same machine in front of him a little thief-like.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to notice, she lowered her head, held the bun in both hands and took a bite gently.


The carriage was filled with the smell of meat buns.

How could the driver not smell? He just pretended not to see it.

To help the family under the snow, sometimes you have to pretend not only to be blind, but also to pretend that your sense of smell is not good.

Just constantly swallowing saliva, he obviously did not feel calm at the moment.

Damn blame~

The buns of that fast food truck are so fragrant!

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