Chapter 119 Connor wants to go to school, and takes the initiative to Erina!!


What a fragrance!

Yukino first tasted the mellow wheat aroma.

The delicate wheat fragrance seems to carry a unique sweetness, constantly impacting her taste buds.

The black long straight girl sitting in the back seat of the luxury car was instantly stunned.

It turns out that the thing that guy made is really so delicious!? When biting through the skin, reveal the pork filling inside.

The rich aroma of pork, as if it had been accumulated for a long time, directly penetrated the tip of Yukino's nose under the snow.

I can no longer care about the weakness of being a thief, and at this moment, the girl's eyes are only fragrant meat buns.

Take a bite down.

The fresh aroma is not greasy, and the taste is mellow.

The fresh filling poured into the mouth even more vigorously.


Under the snow, Xue Nai's indifferent eyes seemed to suddenly have a look.

The action of nibbling on the bun sped up a little again.

Everything is a subconscious act.

No one can refuse the deliciousness of fast food truck cuisine.


The meat bun in his hand disappeared without a trace.

Yukinoshita Yukino aimed at the paper bag again.

From the seal, you can see the white and soft face, like a bun with buds in the mist.

I really want to eat another one.

Yukishita Yukino's little hands began to move again.

She had already eaten breakfast.

But maybe it's psychological.

After swallowing a bun.

Now she feels hungrier.

How can it be repaired~

This damn greed and gluttony! I Yukino under the snow ~

Never succumb to desire.

The black long straight girl froze.

It was as if there were two villains constantly arguing.

One told her that she couldn't eat anymore and that it was wrong to steal something from someone else.

The other is chattering about the deliciousness of meat buns.

Greedy emotions.

It was the first time it appeared so clearly on Yukinoshita Yukino.


As if after a long ideological struggle.

The girl still stretched out that evil hand.

No way~

It's so fragrant!

This time she took a hard bite.

Oily and watery, fragrant but not greasy.

The first time you eat such a delicious thing, you should be forgiven for eating one more, right?

Yukinoshita Yukino comforted himself and felt extremely at ease at the moment.

She seemed to finally realize that Yang Nai simply asked her to come over to taste the food and bring her a copy by the way.


Yukinoshita Yukinoshita is ashamed of his superficial thoughts.

Yang Nai and Pingzuka sensei, they didn't deliberately exaggerate each other's cuisine because of Chu Feng's appearance.

Even their praise is enough to describe the deliciousness of this dish.

Even the dishes of the nine-star chef are probably not as good as the buns that they just ate.

That food truck owner, the level of cooking is actually so high?

Yukinoshita Yukino now finally understood the meaning of Hiratsuka Shizune's words.

You can't just look at the surface and make a conclusion.

But ~ how could I possibly think ~

The suspected Jiuxing chef was actually bored enough to come out and set up a stall? Who dares to believe it?

Yukino was ashamed and embarrassed, but he did not forget to complain madly.

She was always concerned about the refusal to provide food.

After eating two meat buns for breakfast.

Yukino finally felt that her stomach was a little bloated, so she suppressed the greed in her heart and reluctantly sealed the mouth of the bag.


When she got out of the car, it was back to her usual high cold.

Just staring in the direction where the car left, if you look closely, you can see the girl's anxiety at the moment.

Uncle driver, you won't tell yourself about stealing food, right? Yukoshita Yukino is extremely worried about this.

The appearance of the heroine of spring things.

It was just a small episode for Chu Feng.

He generally rarely refuses customers.

Unless you really can't help it.

Chu Feng now gradually did not care about the number of passengers.

Sometimes the business is too bad, such as today, there are only six customers.

One less snow under the snow, it doesn't hurt at all.

After finishing today's task, Chu Feng and Thor closed their shares on time.

Just got home~ The two saw Connor standing on the balcony staring outside.

"Connor-chan, what is so fascinating?"

Thor came behind the purple-haired loli and looked out curiously.

But outside it was still the same as usual, there was nothing special except for vehicle pedestrians.

Chu Feng glanced in the direction Connor was looking, and asked with a smile: "You want to go to school?" "

There are not many high-rise buildings around Sakura Apartments, and they are basically six- or seven-story apartment buildings.

And three kilometers away, there is exactly one primary school.

This is supposed to be a recess activity, and a group of children are playing on the playground.

With the dragon clan's vision, this distance is almost as close as it is in front of you.


Connor nodded subconsciously, and then lowered embarrassedly.

"No, people are just bored, just take a look..."

Although Connor is a bit natural at times, he is a very sensible child.

Since he was taken in by Chu Feng, he has eaten and lived here, and the other party has never mentioned rent and food, if he asks for school at this time.........

Connor couldn't open her mouth, and she didn't want to cause trouble for the other party.

Rubbing his purple-haired head, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Since you want to go, let's go to study, when we go out of the stall, you are bored at home alone, right?" "

Gently smooths Connor's windswept hair.

Big Boss Chu was surprisingly gentle at this moment.

Thor looked at the back and laughed obsessively.

"Thor, you should be able to conjure up the family register with magic, right?"

Chu Feng suddenly turned around, and Thor hurriedly wiped a handful of saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Then he nodded heavily, patted his chest and said, "No problem, wrap it on me." "


The dragon maid looked startled and hesitated: "But we don't know the surrounding schools, which one should we choose for Connor?" "

"That, don't bother so much, just choose one at random..."

Connor said a little embarrassed.

She didn't want to cause trouble to Chu Feng, but she really wanted to go to school.

So tangled ~~

As if seeing her hesitation and unease, Chu Feng deliberately said with a straight face: "That's not okay, our family wants to go to school, how can we pick a school at random and perfunctory, of course, we have to find the best." "

He remembered that when he first left the orphanage, because he did not study well, he began to run for life when he was a teenager.

Although Long Niang is completely unworried about her livelihood, she can always learn more by going to a school with strong teachers.

Connor still wanted to struggle, but seeing Boss Chu's 'fierce' gaze, he lowered his head weakly.

Thor is now ignoring Connor's schooling.

His mind was full of the words 'our family' that Chu Feng said.

When Boss Chu said this, did he already admit that I was his family? Isn't it said on the Internet that you have to go through the lovers stage before you can become a family? If he and Chu Feng take Connor to school to sign up.........

That sense of déjà vu of a family of three.

It immediately made Thor's blood surging.

"Well, yes, we can ask the people in the food group."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and then he took out his mobile phone and opened the chat software.

In fact, you can also let Thor run and get all the elementary school materials in Junjing

But that was too troublesome, and what was on paper, Chu Feng was generally not gullible.

【@所有人, who knows which elementary school is the best nearby? (Area map attached)】

Chu Feng just sent the news to the group.

Suddenly blew up all the people online.

You must know that he hardly appears in the group except for announcements every day.

Xiaohui in the field: Uh-uh~~ Boss Chu was stolen???

Food Expert: Outrageous! This guy actually posts things in the group that have nothing to do with setting up a stall?

Cute little peach: The stone hammer, Boss Chu is gone.

Boss Chu: Don't make trouble, get down to business.

Fallen Jia Baili: That girl in your family is going to school?

Tianyu Chopper: Who are you again? How do you know that there are other women in Chu Jun's family?

Fallen Gabriel: Because I live across from him.

Tianyu Chopper: Ahhh You dare to live opposite Chu Jun, you simply deserve to die!

Fallen Jia Baili: Where is the crazy woman, stupid mortal, you have the ability to come and beat me along the network cable.

Tianyu Chop: Do you dare to send an address? The old lady killed immediately!

[Tianyu Slash and Fallen Jia Baili were banned by the group master for 24 hours. 】

Look at the two guys who are making a fuss.

Chu Feng decisively gave them a forbidden package.

Then edited another message.

[I am looking for a school for my sister, and I hope to inform me that I have an understanding of this aspect.] 】

Food expert: I didn't expect you to have a sister, I thought you only had Thor.

Megumi Field: I'm curious about what Boss Chu's sister looks like? But it's all May, so it shouldn't be easy to enroll now, right?

God's Tongue: I'll solve this little thing, it just so happens that a school in this neighborhood has my Xue Che family funding.

Rest assured, definitely the best elementary school in this piece.

When you pass on your sister's family registration photo, you can enroll tomorrow.

Boss Chu:......... Thank you.

After privately sending Connor's household registration to Erina, Chu Feng was still a little confused, originally he just wanted to listen to the opinions of his friends, and then throw money to get it by himself.

Anyway, he has now deposited more than 300 million, and this money is completely affordable.

But I didn't expect Erinai to take the initiative to help and do everything for her, and Connor could go directly to school tomorrow.

The relationship between Erinai and him doesn't seem to be good yet, right?

Chu Feng thought for a long time and had no clue, so he had to put it aside for the time being, waiting for the next meeting to ask...

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