Chapter 120 Magic Mapo Tofu, Little Lost Brother Kume Teruki!!

Far Moon Gakuen.

Shijie Office Building.

Eri Nai stared at the household registration that Chu Feng had just sent.

To be precise.

She was looking at the girl in the picture.

The hair is extremely pale purple.

The pink little face is cute.

Even if it's just a half-body ID ~ photo.

Connor's cuteness remains undiminished.

"Unexpectedly, that guy still has such a kawaii sister."

A hint of surprise flashed under Erina's eyes, and an imperceptible smile appeared on her face.

Although Connor's appearance and name are not at all like Chu Feng's own sister.

But who cares about this? Anyway, the eldest lady doesn't care.

"Scarlet, leave this matter to you, be sure to complete all the formalities in the afternoon and put down your mobile phone, Erina said lightly."

Crimson nodded, and then asked a little curiously: "Miss seems to be different today than usual." "

Erinai was stunned and asked rhetorically, "What's different?" "

"In the past, the eldest lady would not take the initiative to help others."

"You say this? Just thank him for letting his mother return to China. "

Although he knew that Chu Feng didn't do anything, Xue Che Zhenjie just came to admire it.

But anyway, she is willing to go home now, completely because of Chu Feng.

Erina could not forget the moment when she saw Shinkiri again.

There is resentment, there is anger, there is joy...

Facing a mother who has been away from home for ten years.

Erina's rare silence.

Maybe it's because I often eat food truck dishes.

Now Erina's temper is much better, at least not easily.

The family had a dinner with a bad atmosphere, and Senzoemon left the mother and daughter alone.

That night~

The mother and daughter talked a lot and gradually opened up.

In fact~

Also possessing the Tongue of God, Erinae is well aware of the real reason why Kakushi left home.

The vast world outside, with better chefs and more special ingredients.

Only these can satisfy the evolutionary speed of the Tongue of God.

Erinai thought of Chu Feng.

The man who dared to scare himself when they first met.

Maybe I'm really lucky.

You can meet the perfect dish at this time.

As long as Chu Feng keeps coming out.

She was not worried about the evolution of the Tongue of God at all.

The only thing Erina's worries about during this time.

It's that food trucks don't appear anymore.

Although Chu Feng sent notices in the group every day, the fast food truck also came out normally every day

But this guy Chu Feng is too mysterious, and he appeared in this world very suddenly, as if there was no trace of his past at all.

Erinai was afraid that the other party would suddenly disappear without a trace just like when he came.


Now Erinai can put this worry aside for a while.

Since Chu Feng arranged for his family to study, he would not leave at least in a short time.


Through the admission application, you can also know the exact address of this guy.

It's useless, but it's better than the group of friends knows.

Think of it here~

A smile appeared on Erina's face, she was going to eat the food truck tomorrow, and she hadn't been there for three days


Six o'clock in the afternoon.

Shinjuku Times Square.

The center of the plaza is a complex commercial building consisting of a shopping mall and a department store.

At this time, there were already many vendors selling snacks such as fried chicken, takoyaki and tempura.

The food truck stopped smoothly at the corner of Times Square.

When Thor sets the table and chairs.

Chu Feng, who opened the window, lit up the LCD screen.

【Magic Mapo Tofu / 10,000 yen】

【Stir-fried meat slices / 10,000 yen】

【Shredded green pepper meat / 10,000 yen】

Today's main dish is Magic Mapo Tofu.

As for the other two~

Anyway, there is still a surplus of red hair pork exchanged last time.

Chu Feng was fortunate to use it.

Just as the preparations were made, the first guest arrived.

Kume Teruki!

The boy with a banana peel on his forehead walked coquettishly and hurried to the food truck.

Since I saw today's dishes in the group in the morning.

For a long time, I was bored all day, and I was bored to do anything.

Since being conquered by Chu Feng's craft.

He became the other party's little fan brother, and he was always looking forward to the other party's spicy cooking.

Although I have begun to study various Chinese cuisines, Teruki Kuga still likes Sichuan cuisine the most.

I heard that the stir-fried roast duck last time was fiercely spicy, but he was not in Yongjing at all that day.

Teruki Kume, who missed out on spicy cuisine, was heartbroken.

These days, I stayed in the far moon and didn't go anywhere.

The emperor pays off.

Today finally made him wait for the dish he had in mind.

And it's also his best Mapo tofu.

"Boss Chu, come and get a Mapo tofu!"

Rushing to the food truck, Teruki Kuga couldn't wait to order the food.

Because he ran too quickly and sweated, the shrugging 'banana peel' was already glued to his face at this time, and it looked particularly funny.

Chu Feng is a businessman with professional qualities.

You don't usually laugh when you encounter something funny.

Unless you really can't help it.

For example, now.........


After the corner of his mouth twitched, he laughed, but not loudly.

I am also a diner for a long time, and I have to save some face for others.

Forced to smile and nodded slowly, Chu Feng began to stir-fry.

For a long time, I sat down in front of the board.

He casually wiped a handful of yellow hair stuck to his forehead.

Then stared intently at Chu Feng making dishes.

Although there is a high probability that you will not learn the other party's craft.

But Shoki Kume is as serious as an elementary school student at the moment.

Chu Feng began to wash his hands.


Start stir-frying the trimmings in a hot pan.

Beef, peppercorns, ginger and other trimmings are prepared in advance.

Stir-fry for a while, and then heat the oil after fishing out.........

Changhou? ~~~ The oil temperature rises rapidly.

The moment the spices are in the pot.

A strong spicy fragrance instantly greeted Jiu I Zhaoji.

"So fragrant~"

The smell of spices alone made this eighth seat of the far moon temporarily lose his mind.

With his understanding of the dish of mapo tofu, he didn't understand why a simple stir-fry of the trimmings could burst out with such a rich aroma.

It's completely unscientific.

When Teruki Kume came back to his senses.

Chu Feng had already mixed the water mixed with bean flour into the pot. 'Goo Goo ~~~'

The water in the pot burst instantly.


Spicy aroma mixed in hot air.

This moment seems to be even stronger.

Kyume Teruki subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

The insect in the heart has been completely hooked out.

I haven't put tofu yet, and the soup alone is so fragrant... He couldn't imagine the final taste of this dish.

Chu Feng took out a piece of tofu from the bucket.

Grab a kitchen knife.

It was only at this time that I noticed that the light blue knife had a lifelike dragon pattern printed on it.

He naturally recognized that it was the totem of the Dragon Kingdom, the Huaxia Divine Dragon!

The beautiful blade body seems to exude a divine aura.

Good knife!

Although the ranking is low among the ten masters of the Far Moon.

But Teruki Kume's eyesight is definitely not bad.

Chu Feng's knife is definitely a superb kitchenware.

At least I've never seen such a good knife for a long time.

Several sword lights flashed.

Evenly sized tofu chunks fall into the piping hot pan.

It's not too flashy.

Except for the speed of the knife that is so fast that people don't have time to react.

Everything is so unpretentious.

Teruki Kume lost his mind again.

Just those few random swords that Chu Feng had just made.

He estimates that he will not learn it in his whole life.

A few clicks~

Tofu is neatly cut into countless small cubes.

Is this really something that normal people can do?

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