Chapter 121 is called Magic Mapo Tofu because it can shine!!

In the end, Yuanyue Shijie is still just a group of students.

Without gourmet cells and eating a lot of fantastic ingredients, they have always belonged to the category of ordinary people.

Therefore, the chef after the seven stars, the gap in strength is so large that it is like a mountain that is difficult to climb.

In the fast food truck, Chu Feng had already covered the pot.

Teruki Kume frowned, his face full of doubt.

Such a simmer under the fire, the aroma can not be cathartic, can it really make a perfect dish?

Generally, stir-fry dishes over high heat, no one will cover the lid, which will only make the dish have a burnt smell.


This is a top chef right now.

Teruki Kuga will not doubt the craftsmanship of the other party.

Just because you don't know it doesn't mean that this practice doesn't exist.

I watched it with peace of mind, hoping to learn a little from it

Chu Feng, the great god, can benefit him endlessly by casually leaking something out of his fingernails.

Little Fan Brother Jiu I Teruki, always believe in this.

And then~

The moment Chu Feng opened the lid of the pot.

A brilliant golden light suddenly erupted inside.

Kyume Teruki's gaze froze.

The eyeballs almost popped out.

Glowing mapo tofu? Don't say you've seen it.

He hadn't even listened.

Teruki Kume was stunned.

Then he raised his head stiffly.

Staring at Chu Feng, who was bathed in golden light like a god.

At this moment, he seemed to see the god of food.

"Why, why does Mapo tofu glow?"

Kume Teruki subconsciously asked this question.

Obviously, this scene has completely exceeded his understanding.

With an inexplicable smile on his face, Chu Feng slowly spoke, "Because it's called Magic Mapo Tofu." "

Teruki Kume: (⊙o⊙)...

He felt that Chu Feng was teasing him, but there was no evidence.

All right~

It's his honor for the big guy to joke with a little person like him.

Teruki Kume doesn't care about this little thing at all.

Now his whole mind was deeply attracted by the golden light in the pot.

"You really said a word of nonsense."

I don't know when~

Erinai appeared in front of the food truck.

Accompanying him were Shinkiri, Alice and Scarlet.

Because the name of the dish is 'Magic Mapo Tofu', it glows.

What is this not a nonsense?

Saying is not saying.

In fact, at the moment when Chu Feng opened the lid of the pot.

Erinai has already arrived.

Watching each other cook is definitely a pleasure for the eye.

So none of them spoke.

And Erinai also wants to know the principle of mapo tofu glowing.

Just hearing the answer given by Chu Feng, she still couldn't help but habitually tire bar.

In fact, Erinai knew that this kind of question was difficult to answer.

As a member of the Uzaki family, he knew that some top or grand chefs could evoke visions when cooking.

The specific reason may not be explained by the chef himself.

I saw Teruki Kume with a demented face.

Erinai couldn't help but sigh.

The ten masters of this session's mentality is a little bad.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding for a long time.

Any ordinary person sees dishes that glow when they see them.

I guess you will be stunned.

Although the family of Teruki Kuga is also engaged in catering.

But the star is not high, and you usually can't contact the top chefs at all.

Naturally, Teruki Kume didn't know that some dishes can actually cause visions.


When the sound of the spatula touching the pot surface sounds.

It took me Teruki to come back from the shock.

Then I saw Mapo tofu still glowing on the plate.

The bright red soup is filled with pieces of white, yellowed tofu.

The spicy and fresh fragrance soared into the sky, scrambling to the tip of the mouth.

As if beckoning him to enjoy.

Such a beautiful and gorgeous mapo tofu, I have never seen it in my life.

His throat surged uncontrollably, swallowing his saliva, and the eighth seat of the far moon picked up his chopsticks.

Thor handed him a bowl of rice just in time.

Look at the evenly sized tofu cubes on the plate.

Teruki Kume, who asked about the scent, couldn't help it anymore, and picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.


A hot and charming fragrance hit instantly.

"Ma, spicy, fresh, fragrant, hot, emerald, tender, crispy, live, this mapo tofu actually has nine tastes?"

Teruki Kume's face flushed and he asked in disbelief.

"There are indeed nine flavors."

Chu Feng said a little nonchalantly.

I don't think this is so subversive.

Hemp, spicy, crispy, fragrant, hot, tender.

This is the wonderful thing about authentic mapo tofu.

Mapo tofu, hemp first.

But few people can make mapo tofu in six flavors.

And the magic mapo tofu, which has been systematically improved, has deduced six flavors to nine...

After the fusion of 'fresh green life'.

This dish is even smoother.

The delicate taste makes people exclaim deliciousness.

For a long time, I teruki will not say more.

The whole person only cares about tasting the food, hoping to understand something from it.

Looking at the eighth seat of the distant moon without eating, Erina sighed helplessly.

No anger, no irritation, just feeling helpless.

Chu Feng's cooking was irresistible even to her mother, let alone Yuanyue's students.

Erinai began to order, and in addition to the magic mapo tofu, the other two also ordered one each.


They saw the golden light coming out of the pot again.

"Huh~ Even if I have seen it once, it still feels very interesting to watch it again."

Xue Che Zhenji propped himself on the table with one hand, and played a folding fan with the other hand, watching Chu Feng perform without any image.

"Mother has seen many visions before?"

Erinai wondered.

"No~ Although some chefs can make similar glimmers, some can also appear illusions."

"But either is a huge drain for the chef himself, and no one does this thankless thing except for certain important moments."

Kazuki explained patiently.

"What about him?"

Erinai secretly glanced at Chu Feng, who was still stir-frying.

"I don't understand, his cooking method is normal, but it can cause visions, as if... The dish itself will shine in ten ways. "

Tsutsuki frowned lightly and said how he felt.

Erinae and Alice sounded a little confused.

Their level is too low to reach that level.

Not for a moment~

Three courses had already appeared in front of them.

Tofu is pale yellow in color and covered with a layer of reddish chili oil.

The spicy aroma comes to the nose, and the color and fragrance are beautiful.

The stir-fried meat slices look like fried meat slices with green and red peppers.

But the rich aroma is no less than the magic mapo tofu.

The same goes for shredded green pepper meat.

It's just that it looks better than the stir-fried meat in other places, and the color is more distinct.

Xue Che Zhenji suddenly frowned.

Then took a deep look at Chu Feng, who was standing in the food truck.

This guy obviously didn't take her words seriously.

The day before yesterday, he was reminded to use less dream ingredients to cook.

This kid is good.

The two plates of fried meat served today are all made of red hair pork...

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