Chapter 122 The magical Eternal Spirit Dao, where did Chu Feng come from?!!

This kid didn't take IGO seriously at all.

It seems that Chu Feng's confidence is far more sufficient than he thought.

Kakushi shook his head and smiled.


Her gaze fell on the three-course meal.

Move chopsticks~

The first thing the three of them tasted was luminous cuisine.

In addition to Alice, Erina's and Kakukiri's movements are very elegant, and Shichi slowly picks up a piece of tofu and puts it in his mouth, and the mother and daughter show the aristocratic temperament to the fullest.

Alice, on the other hand, is more rude in comparison.

Pick up the tofu and stuff it into your mouth without hesitation, and then make a sound that is enough to be locked up in a small black room.

From the age of five to fourteen, she stayed at the Center for International Studies in Northern Europe, hardly influenced by neon aristocratic etiquette.

Influenced by the rich aroma, Alice can't wait to start tasting the glowing mapo tofu.

Then, she had only one feeling left.........

Delicious! Indescribably delicious!

On the other hand, Erina, who possesses the tongue of God, and Kakukiri.

The feeling at this moment is naturally different.

In the beginning~

A slightly spicy sensation first stimulated Erina's delicate tongue.

After the taste is instantly magnified countless times, the nine flavors come together perfectly, deriving an ultimate delicacy.

As Teruki Kuga said, this magic mapo tofu has nine flavors.

The various tastes are intertwined, as if the spirits of the rhyme dance on the tip of the tongue.

"Perfect! Flawless! "

The slightly more resistant Takeshi Shinki was the first to open his beautiful eyes.

Under the stimulation of this supreme delicacy, a smile suddenly appeared.

"Each taste is fresh and bright, layered on top of each other, as if soaking in a spacious bath, and someone is constantly adding firewood. This spicy water is like a pool water that is constantly heating up, giving you the feeling of enjoying a natural hot spring. "

Xue Che couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This is definitely the best mapo tofu she has ever tasted.

"Beef mixed with minced ginger and pepper, and peppercorn noodles mixed with water, with chopped green onions and garlic, obviously just a common Mapo tofu method, but it can be perfectly intertwined just right, Boss Chu's craftsmanship is really amazing..."

After Alice ate some tofu, she still had time to swallow a bite of rice.

After doing all this, she praised one after another with a satisfied face.

Facing this frank little girl, Chu Feng shook his head and smiled: "It's just a plate of tofu, it's not a big deal." "

"Just a plate of tofu?"

Alice was slightly stunned, and then exclaimed as if frightened: "This is a glowing dish!" "

"Even if it shines, it's for people."

She felt that the man in front of her was too Versailles.

If glowing cuisine is nothing.

So what kind of dishes are special in his eyes? Can you fly in place?

Alice was a little speechless and simply continued to eat.

In fact~ Chu Feng really doesn't think that there is anything special about Magic Mapo Tofu.

In terms of star rating, it is only one level higher than golden egg fried rice and split siu mai.

Eight stars!

Although this was the first eight-star recipe that Chu Feng got.

But now, it is difficult for him to be complacent about this little thing.

However, in order to match the grade of this dish, he deliberately used red hair pork stir-fry.

The grade of stir-fried meat slices and shredded green pepper meat is not high, but with the addition of fantastic ingredients, the world is not a price drop...

Erina, who was wearing a white shirt and a plaid short skirt, was still experiencing the fluttering of her tongue at the moment.

It seems that there are countless villains dancing on her tongue, forming a wonderful melody.

The tongue of God can clearly feel the essence of cooking more clearly than ordinary people.

The taste of this magic mapo tofu materialized in my mind.

Erinai feels like she is in a large theater and enjoys the moving symphony in the stands.

The melody in my head, the flutter on the tip of my tongue, the supreme delicacy.........

This crispy experience is simply addictive.

Erina, who has always attached great importance to her own image outside.

At this time, I couldn't help but let out a small moan.

It's not that she doesn't want to endure.

It's really this kind of hemp with spicy, spicy with crisp, crispy with fresh taste is too perfect.

When she came back to her senses and saw the few Mapo tofu left on the plate, she was speechless for a while.

Alice and her mother started too quickly.

There is now only a piece of tofu and some soup left on the plate.

Shinki is a nine-star chef himself, who has eaten countless delicacies in his life, and is much stronger than Erina's resistance.

The dish did intoxicate her, but she was able to get out quickly.

And Alice.

In addition to feeling delicious, what else can I feel.

He has long been transformed into a rice cook, and he can't wait to plunge into the plate.

Erinai was about to grab the last piece of tofu.

Who knew that Alice, who had turned into a glutton, moved faster.

Almost instantly, he picked up the piece of tofu and stuffed it into his mouth, and ate it into his stomach like a date.


Erina was a little angry.

It was as if a nameless fire was burning in my heart.

She only tasted one piece of such delicious tofu? Now just ready to taste it? How can it be repaired!

Erina, glaring angrily at Alice.


Alice, who was flushed, froze, and then pointed to the dinner plate and said with a dry smile: "How about you drink some soup?" "

"Drink ~ drink soup?"

Erina glanced at the only bright red broth left on her plate, and then stared at Alice deadly.

Drink your sister!

Erina's anger was even more angry now, and she couldn't wait to 'tear' this guy's mouth.

Xue Che looked at the two sisters with a smile, and experienced the liveliness that had been lost for a long time.

When she was at IGO headquarters, even if many people gathered, she felt very deserted.

It's like now, the family is happy to enjoy the food, don't mention how warm the heart

And this time she came back and obviously felt that Erinai was different, not at all like the intelligence she heard said, just a ruthless vegetable testing machine.

Although she has been away from home for ten years, she still cares about her only daughter.

When Erinai was a child, Erina was forced to taste various dishes by the thistle to increase the evolution speed of the God's Tongue.

These things are really clear, but there is no way to stop them.

First, she was troubled by things at the time, and secondly, even without the beak thistle, the tongue of God would continue to evolve with age, until she could not find a dish that satisfied her.

But now Erina's appearance seems to gradually come out of the shadows.

Will laugh, get angry, and grab food with people.

Kakuki could see it.

These are all subconscious manifestations of Erina's sincerity.

He took a deep look at Chu Feng.

She knew that all these changes came from this man's cooking.

"Okay, don't make trouble, there are two dishes waiting for you."

Kakushi laughed, feeling more relieved than ever.

Erinai snorted softly, and finally stopped being angry with Alice and began to taste the stir-fried meat slices and shredded green pepper meat.

And then~

A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Dream ingredients again? "

Chewing the fried meat slices gracefully, Kakuki nodded sincerely, "Red fur pork that grows in Moko Canyon." "

Alice's eyes lit up next to her, and hurriedly said: "I know this, a giant wild boar with a fierce temperament, and now there is a test product in the International Research Center, every time I want to take a look, my parents won't let..."

"Hmph, did you go to take a look? Most of you want to secretly cut two pieces of meat, right? The red-haired pig has a fierce temperament and bumps into people when he sees it, and Uncle Zong Wei and Aunt Leonora will definitely not let you go. "

Erina rolled her eyes.

Alice is very talented, but too playful.

Otherwise, the current level of cuisine is definitely more than that.

Who knows, the other party didn't pay attention to her words at all.

This girl was already shouting into the fast food truck: "Boss Chu, where did you get this meat, sell it to me?" "

"Not for sale!"


Alice stuck out her tongue and continued to bury her head in the cook.

She just asked casually, and did not expect Chu Feng to agree at all.

But dream ingredients~

Alice has long wanted to use it as a molecular cooking.

It's a pity that even if the Yuanyue Group has a big business, it is impossible to give this precious ingredient to the little girl for experiments.

Chu Feng didn't take Alice's words seriously, but just felt that this girl was a little familiar.

He can cook with dream ingredients, but it is impossible to sell them alone.

After all~

Only the recipes provided by the system to cook dream ingredients can eliminate the properties of gourmet cells.

Ordinary people who eat gourmet cells directly will surely die.

Although Chu Feng is not a good person, he will not rush people's lives.

The other side ~

Erina, who savored the stir-fried meat slices and shredded meat, gradually felt wrong.

Since obtaining the gourmet cell here in Chu Feng.

She has also eaten several dream ingredients, including red pork.

But the two dishes made by Chu Feng, the pork was particularly delicious, more delicious than what she had eaten.

Is there a difference in quality between the same dream ingredients? Erinai didn't know much about this.

As if seeing her doubts, Xue Che said with a real smile: "This is red hair pork, the same grade of the same dream ingredients taste similar." "

"Why is his pork so fresh?"

"See the knife he just used?" It should enhance the freshness of the ingredients. "

Xue Che Zhenji explained with a smile while looking inside the fast food truck, "I guessed right, Boss Chu?" "

Chu Feng shrugged indifferently.

There is no need to deny this kind of thing, and it is easy for a chef with good eyes to see it.

"A knife that enhances umami? It's amazing! What's the name of this knife? "

Alice, who had already eaten, came to the window and asked with a curious look.

"Eternal Spirit Dao."

Looking at the eccentric girl in front of him, Chu Feng did not hide the name of the knife

Anyway, people here have not seen Xiaodangjia, it is impossible to know that the legendary kitchenware he has long checked on the Internet, and this world has no connection with China.

"Does it mean to keep food fresh forever spiritually?" What a peerless knife! "

Alice stared at the dragon pattern on the light blue knife and couldn't help but be amazed.

I have already enjoyed Mapo tofu for a long time.

He also looked at the Yongling knife on the kitchen counter with interest.

However, there was not the slightest surprise on his face.

The big guy takes the artifact to cook, isn't that all normal operation? Base, don't!

Finally experienced the ultimate spicy.

He had completely become Chu Feng's loyal supporter.

Xue Chezhen squinted his eyes and looked Chu Feng up and down again.

Mysterious origins, superb cooking, and magical kitchenware......... What is the origin of this kid?

Dragon Kingdom? Wrong!

Although it is one of the few countries that IGO has never been able to penetrate.

But it is impossible to cultivate such a young chef.

Not to mention the magical kitchenware of the Yongling Dao.

As a Special Executive Officer of IGO.

Xue Che Zhenji still knew something about the Dragon Kingdom, and he was very sure of his judgment.

So, where did Chu Feng come from?

This question has no answer to this question, and there is no answer to the well-informed Yan Che Zhenjie...

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