Chapter 123 Molecular cuisine is proficient, there are a little too many guests today!!

Eternal Spirit Knife!

System reward after defeating Kojiro Shinomiya.

The system price is 8,000 points!

At that time, Chu Feng still felt a little expensive, and he was reluctant to pay for it himself.

But after the reward arrived, he found that the system was really a bit pitted.

Yongling Dao (Normal)

All right~

As always, the system likes to miss certain details.

Who would have thought that kitchenware was graded?

And to improve the quality, then you have krypton gold!

Kitchenware is simply divided into three levels: ordinary, excellent and perfect.

It can be upgraded sequentially, or it can be directly krypton gold to perfection.

To upgrade the Yongling Dao to the perfection level, it takes 50,000 points.

Exactly five hundred million!

Chu Feng, who had always been thrifty, had a headache.

Excluding the purchase of ingredients and usual expenses.

He is only now close to 400 million.

Don't say that there is no 500 million now, even if there is.........

Want Chu Feng to take all his worth to upgrade a knife? No kidding!

Big Boss Chu is reluctant to save up his belongings.

The normal version is the normal version.

Just use it.

In this regard, Chu Feng is not picky at all.


The Yongling Dao, which is suspected to have been modified by the system, seems to have a stronger function than in the original work.

Just the ordinary version, it made Erinai and Kakukiri Shinki obviously feel the improvement of umami.

If it's Perfect?

Afraid that people will not be allowed to ascend to heaven in place? Saving!

Chu Feng recently had the motivation to save money again.

At least one billion and eight billion must be saved before he has the confidence to krypton gold.

One plate of mapo tofu drains three bowls of rice.

For a long time, I took the memory and walked away.

Facing the adoring and obsessive look in the boy's eyes when he left.

Chu Feng's scalp felt numb for a while.


It's about the same as a girl like Erinah and Alice.

Banana Peel Boy?

It will only make him feel cold.

【Ding! Congratulations on getting a skill lottery............】

【Molecular cuisine, Western cuisine, basic theory, knife work, carving work...】

[Skill is being extracted............]

Alice's skills?

I glanced at the white-haired girl's skill introduction.

Except for molecular cuisine, everything else is normal and intermediate.

"This guy is a bit serious~"

When Chu Feng muttered to himself, the interface wheel had already begun to turn.

【Congratulations on winning the skill: molecular cooking! 】 】

[Trigger a thousandfold critical return...]

【Congratulations on obtaining: Molecular Cuisine (Proficient)】

Luck is not bad, the thousandfold critical attack is directly raised to the level of mastery.

Chu Feng had never been exposed to molecular cuisine, and he had never met a diner who was good at this before.

Drawing this skill from Alice is equivalent to critting from scratch, and it is already good to be able to improve to mastery.

But molecular cuisine?

There is a high probability that food trucks will not sell such things.

Molecular cuisine is also known as molecular gastronomy.

In fact, it is to cook ingredients in a scientific way.

The taste of food is processed or recombined in molecular units.

It allows the potato to appear in the form of foam.

It is also possible to turn lychee into caviar-like and have the taste of caviar and the taste of lychee.

This cooking technique, which breaks the original appearance of the ingredients and recreates the shape of the ingredients, requires a lot of complex equipment.


Food trucks do not have this condition for the time being.


Chu Feng also didn't like to break the traditional way of cooking.

There is no other reason, it is too troublesome~

Glancing out the window.

Erinai and the others were still resting, they should have eaten too much, and they didn't want to move.

Takeshina's mature demeanor, Erina's loneliness and arrogance, Alice's eccentricity.........

This moment became an extremely beautiful scenery in front of the fast food truck.

Passers-by looked sideways.

Three noble women eating fast food in the open-air square.

This discordant picture is too easy to notice.

Shinjuku is located in Shibuya-ku.

It is also a famous rich area in the capital.

There are many wealthy people who come to Times Square every evening to shop.

Seeing this scene in front of them, a picture involuntarily appeared in their minds at this time.

A fine dining restaurant with a quiet and elegant environment, white tablecloths with gold patterns, steaks and red wine, French snails, and waiters playing soft and beautiful music on the violin...

Only such specifications are worthy of the three ladies in front of them.

Discerning people can see that the identities of Erina and the others are not ordinary.

There are even a few who have recognized the identity of the 'Tongue of God'.

Look at the dark blue food truck......... Passers-by were collectively speechless.

Although the car is in good shape.

But it's just a food truck after all.

This kind of place can actually make the tongue of God condescend to sit down? Is the food here really that delicious?

Some passers-by looked strange and some looked confused.

And the person who recognized Erina's identity had come to the window and ordered a magic mapo tofu.

Then ~ he saw the light.

An exclamation ~

Immediately attracted the attention of more people.

"What's going on? Why does his pot glow? "

"Is it the refraction of the setting sun? But that's too eye-catching, isn't it? "

"No, I think there must be something wrong in his car, most of them have some kind of props."

"It makes sense, props such as fluorescent lamps should be able to achieve this effect."

"Grandstanding, relying on crooked ways to attract customers, actually dare to put a price of 10,000?"

"It's just a matter of slaughtering customers, let's go, there's nothing to see, I still have to buy new cosmetics..."

After all, the number of people who really recognize Erina's identity is a minority.

After all, not everyone pays attention to the culinary world.

Seeing such a bizarre scene, some choose to continue to watch the excitement, and some directly turn around and leave.

In the face of things beyond their own knowledge, most ordinary people will subconsciously choose to escape.

The middle-aged man who had just ordered food no longer had the heart to pay attention to others.

At this moment he was completely stunned.

Although he has begun to go bald, he is not yet dizzy.

The light in front of you is by no means a fluorescent lamp, it is not refracted sunlight.... Rather, the glow emitted by the tofu itself.

Oh my God~ Cooking actually shines?

This kind of unheard of thing actually happened in front of him.

At this moment he felt very lucky.

I was fortunate to see such an incredible thing.

The middle-aged man is dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he is a successful person at first glance.

After being amazed, he didn't ask the owner why the cooking was glowing.

This kind of trade secret, even if asked, will not be answered.

And people with this kind of ability, the origin of identity is certainly not simple.

The middle-aged man who knows how to deal with the world found a table and began to taste the magical cuisine.

And attracted by beauty and good food.

The number of people visiting the food truck is gradually increasing.

Of course~

It's just a little more, not a full house.

After Erina and the others left, the five tables were never full.

However, Chu Feng was already quite satisfied.

Usually, food trucks are not visited by so many people.

"Oh my God, this glowing tofu is so delicious, I feel like I can eat three bowls of rice tonight!"

"What kind of fairy meat slice is this, just looking at it makes people have an appetite~"

"If you look closely, the green pepper is exactly the same as the length and thickness of the shredded meat. Crispy and refreshing in the mouth, endless aftertaste......... The boss should not be a star chef, right? "

"Who else can make such a delicacy except a star chef."

"The boss will still set up a stall here tomorrow, right?"

"How can you eat such a delicacy only once, I will come tomorrow..."

After feeling the enthusiasm of a large number of guests for a long time, Chu Feng nodded with a smile, and did not mention that he had no place to go.

As for the food group, it will not add insignificant passers-by.

These are ordinary people who simply can't brush useful skills other than offering cashback.

Business management, cultural relics identification, history.........

This was the skill that Chu Feng had just extracted from this group of people.

But he's a cook, what's the use of this?

Throw it directly to the back of the skill column to eat ashes, too lazy to take another look.

And then~

Someone else came to the window to order.

Business for food trucks is really good today.

Two women came.

Chu Feng still knew each other.

One of them has a pair of high braids in circles.

White hair, pale blue lip gloss, emerald pupils......... With her outstanding figure and outstanding appearance, she looks quite cold.

And behind her.

Standing a girl with a long ponytail standing.

The cute appearance gives people a very quiet feeling of fire.

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