Chapter 124: Momo, Qi, Luoli, and Igarashi Tsinghua!!

Chu Feng read countless times.

But in his memory.

There seems to be only one lip painted with this death Barbie blue, which can be so beautiful and sexy.

Momoku Qiloli!

The current president of the private Hyakukao Gakuen Student Council.

And who else could be the one next to her carrying the big bag and small bag?

Naturally, it is the secretary of the student union who is obsessed with him to the point of extreme obsession.

Igarashi Tsinghua!

The long ponytailed girl seems to be very quiet.

But Chu Feng, who is familiar with Yan Yizhiyuan".

But I know what kind of madness this cute appearance hides.

This is a woman who can die for Momoku Luoli at any time.

Chu Feng didn't expect it.

I actually met these two people in Times Square.

Is there a private Hyakukao Academy here?

Food truck stalls are mostly around Chiyoda-ku.

He really didn't pay much attention to other regions.

"A serving of mapo tofu and shredded green pepper meat."

Momoku Qiluoli's voice was calm.

Among them, if there is no hint of superiority.

Chu Feng didn't care.

Know that this is a habit developed by the other person in a high position.

He started stir-frying.

Momoku Qiluoli sat directly in front of the window.

Generally speaking~

When fast food trucks sell stir-fried dishes, few people sit in front of the window, especially girls.

Except for the Yuanyue students like Jiu I Teruki who came to observe, no one wanted to endure this smell of oil smoke.

Although the food truck's extraction equipment is perfect, it still tastes a little.

Glanced lightly at the peach and Qi Luoli who looked good.

Chu Feng didn't say anything and continued to cook.

"Lord Qiluoli, don't you want to eat Arctic shellfish and tuna sashimi today, why did you choose this roadside stall?"

Igarashi Qinghua sat obediently next to Momoku Qi Luoli, and then asked in bewilderment.

"Don't you think the food here is delicious?"

The corner of Momoku Luoli's mouth outlined a beautiful arc.

Her nose has always been very smart.

When I just came out of the mall.

I smelled mapo tofu from far away.

Then look at the many guests sitting here.

She suddenly became interested and ordered two dishes casually.

Igarashi pouted and couldn't help but say, "President, I don't think there's anything delicious about this kind of roadside stall." "

As the number one iron fan of Momoku Qiluoli.

She doesn't want junk food to stain the tongues of grown-ups.

"Little girl, then you are wrong, the boss is a star chef, the cooking can still shine, today you can eat his food, that is your luck."

"That's it, the little girl will know when she tries it, the boss's craft is really speechless......... Hey, this shredded green pepper meat is so delicious! "

The two diners closest to the food truck laughed.

There was a hint in the tone: "The little girl has no knowledge." "


Igarashi Tsinghua himself is a proud person.

Only in front of Momoku Qi Luoli will she behave extremely well-behaved.

Treating other people, she was too lazy to be pleasant.


That cute face changed color instantly.

Igarashi snorted coldly, "Cooking will shine? What a joke! If he makes something that shines, I can eat your table..."

And then~

Igarashi saw the golden light coming out of the pot.


His dishes really shine???

Igarashi was stunned in place, with a ghostly expression on his face, and a series of question marks appeared in his mind.

Chu Feng glanced at the girl whose expression changed from well-behaved to ruthless to confused, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is worthy of being from "Yan Yi Yuan", and this expression change is switched without a sense of violation.

"You, what the hell are you playing?"

Igarashi quickly recovered from his shock.

The cuisine does not shine.

She was sure of that.

The other party must have done something.

But recall the details I just noticed.

Nothing wrong never occurred to me.

The other party is a simple stir-fry, and then the pot is gone.

Could it be that the level of this guy's fraud has reached such a high level? Igarashi's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't figure it out.

"Enough, Tsinghua, don't use your ignorance to slander a top chef."

Momoto Qi Luoli has always been very gentle with Igarashi Tsinghua.

But now the tone is very harsh.


Igarashi was sincerely terrified and did not dare to say more.

However, looking at Chu Feng's eyes, there was still a hint of disbelief.

Momoji Luoli looked at her helplessly.

Origin is destined for one's eyes.

Although Igarashi Tsinghua's family background is good, it has never been able to touch some aspects of the top chefs!

Even the high-level of the Baiyu clan must treat each other with courtesy.

Tao Xunqi Luoli looked Chu Feng up and down with interest, and there was even greater interest in the emerald pupils.

Such a young top chef, she really has never heard of it.

The Hyakoru clan controls nearly half of Neon's underground power.

As the next heir of the main family.

Momoku Luoli's insight is far beyond ordinary people.

Chefs in this world have a high status.

And it can make the cuisine have a vision.

There are only special chefs and a small number of nine-star chefs.

Such an existence is actually willing to run out to set up a stall?

Momokushi Luoli suddenly became interested in the man in front of her.

Eyes move down~

Staring at the plate of colorful mapo tofu.

A hint of surprise flashed under Momoku Luoli's eyes again.

Smell this fragrance up close.

She felt she could do two bowls of rice.


Both dishes were all placed in front of Momoto Qiluoli.

There was hardly any hesitation.

She picked up a piece of tofu and put it in her mouth, then closed her eyes.

The ultimate delicacy made the face of the president, who had always been cold, quickly appear a touch of blush and expand.

Igarashi couldn't help but be even more confused when he saw the most adored elder show this expression.

Is this guy really that delicious? Igarashi also tasted it.

And then~

The spicy and crispy taste instantly occupied her consciousness.

Igarashi is different from Momoku Irori.

I have never tasted the cuisine of a high-end chef before.

Naturally, it is difficult to develop resistance to good food.

Taste the craftsmanship of a special chef at once.

It's like being forcibly poured with a plate of mountain and sea delicacies after eating dog food.

The incomparable delicacy completely changes Igarashi's perception.

How can there be such a delicious thing in the world? Igarashi's face instantly turned crimson.

As if drugged by someone, I couldn't help but let out a groan.

That spicy and fragrant smell almost made her soar in place.

Neither of them spoke again, just quietly tasting the two dishes in front of them.


Sure enough, it was just as Momoku Luoli expected.

She literally ate two large bowls full of rice.

"Phew~ incredibly delicious, it really deserves to be from the hands of top chefs."

Momoji Luoli rarely showed a smile, and her tone softened.

"Don't dare to do it, just do it."

Chu Feng was a little more modest.

"Boss noble surname? Are you interested in helping us with the Hyaku-Kaoru family? "

The smile on Momoku Luoli's face gradually converged, and she asked very seriously.

If you can recruit a top chef, it will be beneficial to the family.

"Not interested!"

Chu Feng refused without hesitation.

Although the woman in front of her is tall and has a good figure.

But it wasn't enough to make him give up his free life as a stall...

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