Chapter 125 Offering a reward of 500 million death row prisoners, Sikorsky!!

The evening breeze of early summer gently brushed the enchanting face of Peach Qiluoli with a hint of warmth.

An elegant and rude smile, a light blue lip gloss and green eyes seem to glow.

Just now, she just asked casually, and did not expect Chu Feng to agree at all.

Anyway, just try it, and it doesn't hurt.

Thor glanced at the peach and silky Luoli, who was like a strange beauty snake, and felt a pang of irritation for no reason.

I always felt that this woman's gaze at Chu Feng was a little special.

But fortunately, Boss Chu was determined and was not confused by this blue-lipped demon woman.

The dragon maid was slightly relieved, and then saw a foreign man walking towards the food truck.

"One for every dish."

The man has short blonde hair on his head, at least one meter nine meters tall, and his body is full of ligated muscles, and his body size is at least more than one hundred ~ kilograms.

As soon as he came, he grinned at Chu Feng, showing two rows of white teeth, and ordered three dishes in one go.

The blonde man's smile was a little weird, with a hint of malice.

Chu Feng nodded, signaling that he knew, and the man walked towards the farthest table.


Momoku Luoli stared at the back of the blond man, and her brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"You know him?"

Chu Feng was also a little curious.

He can't remember when he offended a foreigner.

"Well, since a month ago, five death row inmates have been escaping from top prisons in different countries, and Sikorski is one of them."

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in the enchanting pupils of Tao Yuqi Luoli.

In fact, she was also curious about why a death row inmate would set his eyes on the top chef in front of her.

The appearance of the other party just now was obviously not good.

"Death row inmates?"

Chu Feng returned to interest and asked in a low voice, "Is there a reward?" "

Tao Xunqi Luoli glanced at Chu Feng strangely.

It seems that the other party's eyes changed when he said the word "reward".

Top chefs, there should be no shortage of money, right?

Momoku Qiluoli felt a little too careful.

"When this guy escaped from the Evans Detention Center in the White Bear Country, he killed more than thirty guards. A bounty was already issued there, but it was very stingy, and it was only about 150 million yen. "

"It's only 150 million, it's really a bit less."

Chu Feng suddenly lacked interest.

The main white bear country side bid too low.

The strength of this blond man is not weak.

Probably thirty or forty times more than the average person.

Although he could catch the other party at will, Chu Feng didn't want to do cheap work.

Sensing that Chu Feng was a little lost, the idea in Tao Yu Luoli's heart came out unconsciously again.

Then, she tentatively asked: "Actually, there is also a bounty on the dark web, and a rich man in Weijing paid 500 million to buy his life." "

"How much?"

"Five hundred million!"

"He has a feud with this Sicoki?"

"Well, Sikorsky brutally killed his only daughter."

Momoku Qiluoli can basically be sure now.

The top chef in front of me really loves money.

But with her super high intelligence.

I still don't understand why the other party refused the solicitation of the Baiyu clan. 'Doesn't he know how rich the Bai Yu clan is?' ’

This was the only reason that Momoku Luoli could think of.

Hearing that there was a reward of 500 million, Chu Feng was indeed a little moved.

After all, with this money, he could upgrade the Yongling Dao to the perfect level.

As if seeing Chu Feng's intentions and knowing what the other party wanted to ask, Tao Xunqi Luoli smiled and said: "I won't tell you who the bounty is, the underground forces have their own rules, and non-members can't receive tasks from the dark web, but..."

A hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, and she continued, "If you are willing to join the Bai Xun clan, I can recommend you to join." And the annual salary of the guest secretary of the Yu family is not low, at least one billion starts. "

In order to invite a top chef to join, Momoku Qi Luoli showed great sincerity.

There are still many branches of the Baiyu family, and they are staring at the location of the main family all the time, vainly trying to replace it.

As the heir of the main family, Momoku has always been building her own team.

And the man in front of her is definitely worth her devotion.

"Then forget it~"

Chu Feng shrugged.

He wouldn't sell himself for a mere 500 million.

A trace of regret flashed under Momoku Luoli's eyes.

Then I found that the tofu that the other party had just made did not shine.

Before she could react.

The other party took out a piece of fresh pork from under the kitchen counter. (⊙o⊙)...

It's the most common kind on the market.

Tao Xunqi Luoli was stunned, and asked with a strange look: "Are you deceiving consumers?" "

She is not stupid and sweet, she knows that the pork she just ate is wrong, most of it is some kind of dream ingredient.

Just unexpectedly, the other party also prepared ordinary pork.


Chu Feng chuckled, "I didn't say what kind of ingredients must be used in each dish. "

Ordinary kitchen knives in hand, the board suddenly sounded clicking".

For the malicious diners, he didn't even bother to use the Yongling Knife, so he casually stir-fried three dishes to cope with the matter.

Sikorsky seemed to have discovered this, and after eating, he took a deep look at Chu Feng, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Huh~ It seems that he doesn't plan to attack you right away, but this guy is very strong, you have to be careful~~"

When Taoxunqi Luoli said this, her tone was full of ridicule, and she was clearly not worried that Chu Feng would suffer a loss.

It didn't take long for her to get up and prepare to leave, motioning for Igarashi to hand the other party a business card before leaving.

"If you need help, you can always contact me."

"Why help me?"

Chu Feng knew that the other party was referring to the matter of 'bounty'.

"Just make friends."

Momo Kaoru Luoli turned around and left, leaving a confused Igarashi Qinghua.

Following each other for so long, she had never seen the president take the initiative to make friends with anyone.

Until leaving Times Square, Igarashi couldn't help but ask, "President, even if the things he makes are delicious, it's not worth your condescension?" "


Momoku Luoli chuckled twice, "You don't understand the weight of the top chef, and that food truck owner may be more than the top~~"

Although the value of force is not high, she has lived in a gray area since she was a child, and she believes in her vision.

The man and woman in the food truck were very strong and did not pay attention to Sikorsky at all

Only the fool who had just escaped from prison did not realize this after receiving the business card.

Chu Feng didn't take it too seriously.

After all, he has always disliked taking the initiative to cause trouble.

After the last diner left, the food truck closed the stall and left.

Today's business is good, counting the cashback to earn twenty or thirty million, but unfortunately there are not many useful skills.

Not long after leaving Times Square, when passing a path, a figure stopped in front of the car.

What a coincidence~ it was Sikorsky!

Chu Feng laughed and parked the food truck on the side of the road steadily.

Even in the face of 500 million yen on the move, he still remembers the traffic rules.

I saw Chu Feng and Thor walking down from the food truck.

Sikorsky, who had short blonde hair, straddled the middle of the road and grinned: "Boy, hand over all your dream ingredients, maybe the uncle is in a good mood and can let you live." "

At this moment, Chu Feng was a little speechless.

Finally experienced the mood of the protagonist in the novel when he met a mentally disabled villain.

At this time, the eyes that looked at Sikorsky were full of care for the mentally handicapped.

He didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, and greeted directly: "Thor, stun and take away!" "


The crisp laughter of the dragon maid sounded, and the figure had disappeared in place.

Before Sikorski could react, he saw a finger enlarging in his eyes.


Thor just poked out a little finger.

A strong man with a height of more than one meter nine fell to the ground in response.

Before confusion.

Sikorsky only had time to come to mind.........

He is a person who crawled out of the missile silo in the only passage of the Evans Detention Center, and he also got magical dream ingredients, and his strength is not what he used to be

How could a little girl be knocked down with a finger? Stuff Sikorski into the trunk.

The food truck drove towards the nearby mountain forest.

After all~

Interrogating prisoners: "Of course, this kind of thing cannot be done at home.

Chu Feng also has a child over 14,000 years old in his family.

It's just a pity ~

Even if Thor uses magic to control the other party.

Still didn't ask for anything useful.

Sikorsky didn't know anything at all.

Not long after this guy escaped from prison, he ran into a man.

When the other party gave him dream ingredients.

He also told him that Chu Feng had a lot here.

Will be suspicious, take the dream ingredients.

After enduring the pain of life and death after obtaining gourmet cells.

Sikorski felt stronger than ever.

The heart is filled with greed, and this guy directly kills neon.

It's just that Chu Feng has no fixed place.

Sikorski also happened to meet today.

"Chu Feng, did IGO send him? Do you want me to take a trip to their headquarters? "

Thor was a little unhappy, someone dared to hit Boss Chu's idea, and he was simply impatient.

This kind of person who wants to ruin their happy stall life is absolutely unforgivable.

Now Thor can't wait to raze the IGO headquarters to the ground right away.

Laughing and flicking Thor's forehead, Chu Feng shook his head and said, "Don't jump to conclusions, we can't just guess and go to trouble people, we have to be reasonable in everything." "

"So what do we do now?"

"Of course, first exchange him for money, this is 500 million for nothing!"

"What about who is behind it?"

"Since his goal is dream ingredients, let's wait for him to take the initiative to deliver it to the door."

Investigating things like that, Chu Feng was too lazy to do this kind of useless work.

Even Sikorski didn't know who the man was, he couldn't find out, but the guy didn't seem to be very smart.

The person who found temptation did not even have the most basic perception.

The strength is far inferior to the red-haired man who patronized the fast food truck last time...

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