Chapter 126 The embarrassment of trying the first step of God, the conditions of Momoku Qi Luoli!!

Under Thor's magic.

Chu Feng saw Sikorsky's memory.

This guy came from a city background, had no professional training, and practiced his martial arts skills in the underground arena.

As for the person behind the scenes.

It looks like a shell being manipulated.

Even if you follow the breath and walk with God.

It is estimated that only one body can be found.

Since the other party adopts this method, there will be no flaws.

Chu Feng was too lazy to do useless work.

Anyway, next time you just need to meet this strange breath of 'people'.

Most likely, it is behind the scenes.

This kind of little minions with a rat's tail, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Glancing at the unconscious Sikorsky, Chu Feng took out the business card given by Tao Xunqi Luoli.

"You wouldn't want to call that woman now, would you?"

The dragon maid pouted.

"Yes, Bi Jing is the only one who knows who the bounty is."

It was now approaching nine o'clock, and Chu Feng didn't want to disrupt his schedule.

Dialing the number on the business card, Momoku Luoli's cold voice soon sounded.


"Chu Feng."


"Food truck owner!"

Only then did Chu Feng remember.

The two did not exchange names at all.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

And then~

There was a voice of surprise on the other end of the phone.

It seems that the other party did not expect him to call so early.

"Sikorski caught?"

Tao Xunqi Luoli was surprised by Chu Feng's efficiency.


"Boss Chu's strength is really strong."

"Can you contact the seller?"

"Yes, I can also help you claim the bounty."

"What conditions?"

Chu Feng never liked to owe favors.

Tao Xunqi Luoli was silent for more than ten seconds before she spoke: "Well, how about you come over?" "

"Now, where are you?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised, but quickly thought of an answer.

Neon people pay great attention to formalism and like to talk about important things in person.

Thinking that he wanted to understand everything, he said 'it will be right away', and Chu Feng hung up the phone.

I didn't pay any attention to the text message from Mokaoru Luoli, which was her address in the suburban villa.

"She told you to go over now?"

Thor was alert.

It's so late, could it be that the 'blue-lipped demon woman' wants to take this opportunity to seduce Chu Feng? With this thought, Thor's whole dragon is not good.

"What are you thinking about?"

Chu Feng flicked the smooth forehead of the dragon maid, and said with a smile: "I used the god walk to go over and will be back soon." "


Thor quieted down this time.

She knew.

Although he didn't understand why Chu Feng had angelic skills.

But just know that the other person will be back soon.

A cool breeze from the mountains and forests blows on your cheeks.

Chu Feng's mind appeared a strange appearance of Tao Xunqi Luoli.

Next second~

He appeared in the soft light.

It's just that~

Glancing at the scenery ahead.

It's a little embarrassing~

Chu Feng felt a little presumptuous.

The time and place of the transfer were not chosen.

This is neither Momoku Luoli's room nor a living room.

Rather, a bathroom.

In the bubbly-filled bathtub, Momoku Qiluoli was lying inside, revealing her delicate collarbone and fair neck.

The phone rests quietly on the edge of the bathtub, holding a glass of red wine gracefully in one hand, as if ready to savor it.

But now ~

This private Baikao student council president who removed his blue lips and lowered his long hair.

That beautiful face was full of dismay.

She really didn't expect that what Chu Feng said would arrive immediately.

He really appeared in front of him right away.

The total time does not exceed five seconds.

Nima~ You can teleport, right?

The way Chu Feng suddenly appeared really startled Tao Xunqi Luoli, and ignored the others for the time being.

When she came back to her senses, she remembered that she was still soaking in the bathtub.

His heart beat violently, and a hint of blush appeared on his pretty face.

But Momoto Qi Luoli is also a person who is accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves.

This shy emotion was quickly hidden by her.

It seemed to sense Chu Feng's gaze.

Momoku raised her glass, made a toasting motion, and smiled gracefully: "Does it look good?" "


Facing Lian Bai's tight arm, Chu Feng subconsciously replied.

The peach and Qi Luoli, who removed the president's iconic attire, is indeed much gentler and better looking than before.

"Have you seen enough? Would you like to see more? "

Momoku rolled her eyes angrily and gently sipped her lipstick wine.

Chu Feng exited the bathroom expressionlessly, and took the door with him by the way.

At this time, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

I didn't expect this situation to occur the first time I used Shenxingbu, which was really a bit unexpected.


This skill comes from Jia Baili.

Most of myself was also influenced by that guy.

After all, the fallen angel is not very reliable every time he uses the god walk.

Chu Feng quickly found a reason for himself, and then waited in the living room for Tao Yuqi Luoli to come out.

Sitting on the sofa, his mind couldn't help but think of the white color just now, and his heart was still a little fast.

It didn't take long ~

Momoku Qiluoli walked out wearing a bathrobe.

Qianqianyu has warm and white legs, a slender body and a graceful figure, and the loose bathrobe cannot hide her capital.

Sitting opposite Chu Feng, Tao Xunqi Luoli looked calm, but she never spoke

In the spacious living room of the villa, the air was suddenly quiet, and the atmosphere was still a little awkward.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to win over the former president two years ago.

In a very short period of time, he controlled the entire Hundred Flower King Academy with thunderous means.

It's just that no matter how bold and cold-blooded, she is still a girl after all.

The first time I encountered this kind of thing, my heart beat faster than normal.


Chu Feng was the first to break the calm...


Big Boss Chu didn't make excuses this time.

Although no one could have imagined that Momoku was in a bath when she answered the phone.


Momoku took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

In fact, after receiving Chu Feng's call, she estimated that the other party would need at least half an hour to travel.

After all, the villa is located in the suburbs, and Momochi Luoli thinks she has enough time to take a bath.

Who knew that this guy Chu Feng would actually 'teleport'.

This operation directly stunned her.

'Teleportation? Is this really something that humans can do? Until this moment, Momoku Qi Luoli was still in shock.

At least she was well-informed, and she had never heard of such a thing.

He glanced at Chu Feng, who looked embarrassed.

She was now even more curious about the man's origins.

Adjust your mindset quickly.

Tao Xunqi Luoli returned to her usual coldness, and her red lips said lightly: "Don't mention this matter again, let's talk about business." "

"Well, what conditions do you have? How much commission is required? "

When it comes to business, Chu Feng has always been very serious, especially when talking about money.

Although he is not short of money now, who made him poor before, he has the confidence to have a deposit.

The system needs krypton gold, and there are still two dragons to raise at home.

As the only man in the family, you have to work hard to make money.

Chu Feng quickly forgot the embarrassment just now and looked directly into the eyes of Tao Xunqi Luoli.

The latter is a bit of a surprise.

He seemed surprised by the man's man's enthusiasm for money.

But at the same time more surprised by the principle of this person.

It is clear that there is superb cooking skills, as well as extraordinary teleportation.

It's not too easy for this guy to get money.

Just find a random bank or the vault of some rich man.

However, Chu Feng would rather drive a fast food truck to set up a stall, or receive a bounty to make extra money like now.

Tao Yu Qi Luoli has read countless people, and she has never seen such a strange person.

The corners of his mouth involuntarily hooked a moving arc, and he asked rhetorically: "Do you think I can see that commission?" "

Chu Feng glanced at the mansion he was in, which was worth at least several hundred million.

"So what do you want?"

He was ready for the bleeding book.


Momoku Luoli's answer was a little unexpected.

I saw her pretending to think for a while, and said: "When I go to your side to eat in the future, I will ask for three designated dishes." "

When he was chatting with Chu Feng earlier.

She already knows how food trucks operate.

There are only two or three random dishes a day.

God knows when her favorite dish will appear?

“......... That's it? "

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Because I didn't expect that Momoku Qi Luoli's conditions were so simple.

The system has never stated that guests cannot order their own food.

It's just that he is troublesome and usually too lazy to do it.

But occasionally satisfy the wishes of diners......... It's totally okay...

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