Chapter 129 See also Ten Thousand Times Crit, Holy Sword Excalibur!!

In front of the food truck.

Meet the curious gaze of Tasshoe.

Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Junzi remained silent at the same time.

Both were silent about this morning's battle.


This battle is again invincible.

Chu Feng could guess the result without asking.

One of these two is quick and agile, and the slashing is fierce.

A defensive avatar like a knife, as well as all kinds of strange skills.

Even if Poison Island Junzi is lucky, the recent improvement is greater than that of Tianyu Slash.

But as long as it is not a fight for life, the two are actually half a pound and eight taels.

Tianyu chopping and poison island slashing have a tacit understanding, and at the same time ordered crab yellow ham baked vegetables.

They who were familiar with Chu Feng knew that this dish had a chance of being gifted.

Now the two are riveted and want to surpass each other in strength.

It didn't take long.

Two plates of delicate 'crab yellow ham baked vegetables' appeared in front of them.

Tianyu stared at Chu Feng obsessively, as if he hadn't seen enough of the other party's performance just now.

Thor glanced at the idiot girl in front of him lightly.

A sick delicate is nothing to worry about.

The dragon maid and Chu Feng have been getting along the longest and know them well.

Big Boss Chu hates troublesome women the most.

Tianyu Slash is among them.

When Poison Island began to stir the spoon, Tianyu Slash came back from his obsession.

Enjoy the exceptionally delicious baked vegetables.........

The expressions on the faces of the two suddenly froze, looking shocked, and then they let out an exclamation in unison.

Martial artists are very familiar with their bodies.

After all, only by understanding each part can we better exert our own strength.

However, just now~

They clearly felt a warm current in their bodies.

The injuries on his body actually began to miraculously improve.

The shallow wound on Tianyu's arm began to heal gradually.

The bruises on Poison Island's face and body began to fade.

This discovery~

Suddenly the two women froze in place.

Touching the shallow mark on his arm, Tianyu was surprised: "Chu Jun's cooking also has the effect of healing wounds?" "

She was indeed surprised at this moment.

The descendants of the upper earth stream are the best at polishing themselves.

The recovery ability of the Heavenly Feather Slash has always been far beyond ordinary people.

As long as the wound is not very deep, it can heal within a few days without leaving the slightest scar.

But now ~

The place where the wound was cut in the morning actually healed most of it in a short time, and it is estimated that it will be fully recovered tomorrow.

The same was true of Poison Island Rinko, who obviously felt that the bruises on his face had dissipated a lot.

A pair of eyes stared directly at Chu Feng, and her beautiful eyes were full of surprise and curiosity.

"Don't look at me, it's your luck."

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and didn't explain much.

【Self-healing +5】

【Self-healing +5】

In fact, after seeing the tip above the heads of the two.

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

I don't understand what's going on today.

In total, only four people ordered the main dish.

They all hit the jackpot.

Could it be that the system is doing a lot of kindness today?

Or is it the effect of Genshin cuisine as the main dish? Ask the system, and the guy starts playing dead again.

As long as it is not a necessary question, it will not give an explanation.

Shaking his head and smiling, Chu Feng was lazy to think about it.

It was just a five-point increase, and it didn't surprise him too much.

See the injuries of the two group members recovering quickly.

Tasshoe laughed and exclaimed, "I didn't expect that we were all lucky today. "

Poison Island Junzi was surprised: "You have also obtained the ability to heal yourself? "

"It's not ~ it's that I feel that my body has become better than before~~"

"Uh-huh~All thanks to Boss Chu~~"

Tashoe and Yoshino Yuhime spoke at the same time, and the excitement on their faces did not hide that girls were engaged in the chef industry, which was actually relatively disadvantageous.

The physique is already weak, and without strong arm strength, it is difficult to turn the pot and palm the spoon for a long time.

Not everyone is a strong woman like Miyoko Hojo.

Both Megumi Tasho and Yuhime Yoshino know very well that after their physique becomes stronger, they can go further on the road of chef in the future.

And all this is a gift from the man in front of him.

At this moment, their gazes looking at Chu Feng were full of gratitude.

Chu Feng just smiled and didn't speak.

The diner feels like he's earning, but he never loses.

For example, now~

【Ding! Congratulations on winning the skill: Hand Knife! 】

[Trigger a 10,000-fold critical attack return...]


He glanced at Tianyu strangely.

It seems that it is easy to brush skills from this sick petite every time.

The first time you brush the swing block, you can directly hit 100% of the white blade empty-handed.

The second brush to the automatic counterattack, ten times the increase to get the automatic double.

This time the hand knife was brushed, and it was another 10,000-fold critical attack.........

'Is it true that you are very close to her?' ’

Chu Feng couldn't help but come up with such a thought.

And then quickly throw it out of your head.

Sick or something~

It's better to stay away.

Unless this woman can fix her bad life.

He was just curious and looking forward to it now...

What secret skills can you get after a 10,000-fold critical attack with a hand knife?

【Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the secret skill: Excalibur! 】

Holy Sword Excalibur?

The one King Arthur got from the Fairy of the Lake? Or the one that Grandpa Tong got in the maze? In Chu Feng's past world.

This EX curry stick has appeared in many anime works.

Just looking at the name for a while, he really couldn't guess.

However, after the hand knife performed a 10,000-fold critical attack.

The system shouldn't directly give itself a sword, right? Quickly click on the secret technique introduction.

Holy Sword Excalibur: God-level secret technique, cultivated to the extreme hand knife, limbs are as indestructible as holy swords.

Seeing this, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly straightened, and it was almost difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart.

He now finally knew the origin of this secret technique.

The Holy Sword Excalibur, from the Golden Saint Seiya, is one of Capricorn Shura's famous stunts.

Although he couldn't figure out why this move was named Holy Sword, Chu Feng still had a little impression of the person of Shura.


A man who has cultivated physical skills to the pinnacle.

In terms of attack power alone, it can be called the strongest of the Golden Saint Seiya.

His hand knife is the ultimate unarmed attack.

One move ~

Can easily cut the planet and split the sky.

Of course~

Chu Feng didn't have a golden holy robe, nor did he have a small universe, just to obtain this trick extreme hand knife.

The destructive power produced depends entirely on his own strength.

But anyway~

This move is far tens of millions of times stronger than the hand knife of Shangjiliu.

Yu Guang glanced at Thor beside him.

I don't know if this holy sword Excalibur, who has a comprehensive physique of more than three thousand, can break through the defense of the dragon clan?

As if sensing this malice, the dragon maid subconsciously shivered.

No way?

Could it be that he had just imagined that Chu Feng's eight-pack abs had been discovered? All right~

Thor admitted that when Chu Feng was seriously cooking just now.........

Not only was Tianyu obsessed, but she was also reluctant to let...

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