Chapter 130 Xiaohui, timid, watch more horror movies!!

Several teenage girls sitting in front of a fast food truck.

At this time, none of them noticed Chu Feng's excitement.

Big Boss Chu has always been very good at controlling his emotions.

The excitement of Tianyu Slash and Poison Island Jizi quickly passed.

They are also the best among their peers in martial arts.

Quickly adjust your mindset and enjoy the food in front of you.

It didn't take long ~

After eating crab yellow ham baked vegetables.

Poison Island ordered another French vegetable jelly.

Just after eating baked vegetables, it is not suitable for eating cold food.

Came to Chu Feng so many times.

Such a simple truth, Poison Island still understands.

The purple-haired girl waited patiently.

"Sister Jizi, I heard that this year's High School Women's Kendo Competition is about to start?"

Megumi Tasho, who was resting next to him, suddenly asked.

After eating a dish, she and Yoshino Yuhime did not order anything else.

After all, they are not martial artists, they only have the food of ordinary people.

Poison Island Jizi smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, it will be held in Weijing this year, and it will not let me miss Boss Chu's cooking." "

"Sister Jizi doesn't seem worried at all, so confident......... Unlike me, I panicked at the thought of going to compete. "

Tashoe suddenly felt a little frustrated.

"What's there to panic about? Yes, I remember Yuhime seemed to say in the group, you were all selected for the fall tryouts? "

Far Moon is the best cooking school in Neon, and the annual autumn selection, Poison Island Tsuko has heard a little, and heard that the competition is always fierce.

When Tian Soe heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I was selected by luck, and although I was very happy, I felt nervous when I thought that there were hundreds of people staring at me during the competition. "

Yoshino Yuki glanced at her friend a little helplessly, and sighed: "Xiaohui, you should also change this problem, obviously the cooking skills are already better than me and Ryoko, and it is still easy to make mistakes when nervous." "

"But I can't help it, sometimes I don't know what's going on, and suddenly I panic..."

The more Megumi Tasho said, the more depressed he became, and the good mood he had just tasted the food almost disappeared.

Poison Island Rinko: "..."

Yoshino Yuhime: "..."

The two rolled their eyes in unison, not knowing how to persuade for a while.

In fact, Poison Island Tsuko didn't expect it.

Usually, 'Xiaohui in the field' is flying in the group.

The real Tassho Megumi is so timid.

"Timid? I do have a way to make sure you get bold. "

Right at this moment~

Chu Feng, who had been listening to the diners' chatter, suddenly spoke.

In fact, he was bored listening to the girls here.

"What way?"

Tashoe's eyes lit up.

In her heart, Chu Feng was an omnipotent existence.

The cooking is powerful, the personality is good, the cooking has a magical effect, and the person is still so handsome.........

Heck, what are you thinking, Boss Chu already has Sister Thor beside him.........

Tashoe suddenly blushed a little.

Fortunately, everyone who has eaten Chu Feng's cuisine has this reaction.

Poison Island Junzi and the others did not see it.

They're all curious now.

What good way can Boss Chu have? Even Thor is the same.

After all~

A person's naturally timid personality is not so easy to change.

And then~

I saw Chu Feng said very seriously: "To practice courage, I recommend you watch more horror movies, Midnight Bell, Silent Hill, Grudge, Shining..."

"As long as you can watch these movies without changing your face, let alone hundreds of people staring, even if it is a hundred times more, it will not affect you."

(⊙o⊙)... x5 What the hell is this way? Watch horror movies to practice courage~

Is this something that a normal person can do? Everyone present.

Including Thor.

They all stared at the man in front of them dumbfounded.

Boss Chu, are you the devil?

Actually recommend timid girls to watch horror movies?

You want to scare Megumi to death before the fall tryouts, right?

Poison Island Junzi glanced at Tasshoe, who had begun to tremble, and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

It seems that Chu Feng, who is almost omnipotent, also has unreliable times.

The timid Tasho Megumi has not watched horror movies since she was a child.

But she has heard the two big names of the Midnight Bell and Grudge, after all, they are neon specialties.

Just remembering a few words I heard in the past.

Now Tasshoe is a little hairy in her heart.

Not to mention telling her to see it.

It's scary to think about!

Look at the girls in front of them with strange expressions and resentful eyes.

Chu Feng shrugged helplessly.

What about trust between good people?

Why is no one believing me every time I tell the truth?

These are all his personal experiences.

Chu Feng was not bold when he was a child.

After the lights are turned out in orphanages, they often can't sleep because they are afraid of the dark.

Later through a large number of horror movies rendering.

It's okay for him to watch movies without turning on the lights now.

Megumi Tasho is timid and easily nervous.

When you are nervous, you make mistakes, and in the end you can't do anything well.

These Chu Feng knew.

Although Takashi has made great progress recently.

But this personality is difficult to reverse in a short period of time.

If you want to change, you have to take strong medicine.

Chu Feng always felt that his proposal was good.

It's a pity that the other party seems to be a little unwilling to accept it.

Tashoe walked away with mixed feelings.

Still thinking about the feasibility of this approach on the way back? That's right~

She who had always trusted Chu Feng, was actually a little moved.

There was a temporary silence in front of the window, and only the faint sound of swallowing remained.

Poison Island Rinko and Tenwa Chopper are tasting twenty-four layers of vegetable jelly.

Even if it's not the first time I've eaten it.

They were still quickly intoxicated by the cool sweet and sour taste.

"Boss Chu, Boss Chu, our painting has won an award!"

An excited voice broke the silence of the scene.

Chu Feng didn't need to look up to know that the Pingchuan girl was coming.


Heroic pears trotting towards the food truck, two golden ponytails followed the wind.

The girl hurriedly came to the window, and a pamphlet was handed to Chu Feng, panting and breathing.

Chu Feng reacted quickly.

It should be that the painting of the food truck won the award.

Eiri pear, who is almost exhausted from breathlessness.

It looks like a golden retriever who is about to paralyze after running for several kilometers.

Chu Feng couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Isn't it just to win an award, do you need to be so excited? But the efficiency of the illustration industry is really fast.

If he remembers correctly.

Yingli only submitted her work three days ago.

Now the results are actually out?

Chu Feng couldn't help but have a hint of expectation for the increasingly sluggish light novel world.

But when he turned the first page of the booklet, the whole person was not good.

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