Chapter 137 Who can point out the murderer, I, Kudo Shinichi, write the name backwards!!

Where roller coasters ride.

Amusement park guards, staff quickly arrived to cordon off the surroundings.

Chu Feng, Thor, Connor and Kudo Shinichi and all the others riding in this roller coaster were stopped and temporarily not allowed to leave.

Thor was in a slightly better mood and did not respond for the time being.

After all, Chu Feng is a very principled person and will not disrupt social order at will.

The staff of the tropical amusement park gave each passenger a bottle of water very intimately.

Maori Lan and Suzuki Sonoko and others were obviously frightened.

Spit it out when you drink it, and keep repeating this action.

Of course, gin and vodka could not walk, so they could only stand impatiently in the corner.

Only Chu Feng, Thor and Connor drank water calmly, waiting for the end of the incident.

"Little sister, you don't seem to be afraid at all?"

Kudo Shinichi leaned over to Connor and crouched down and asked curiously.

He had long noticed the strange combination of these two big and one small.

Especially when the life case occurred, a pillar of blood rose up into the sky.

Even he who has seen many murder scenes, he has a little palpitations.

The little girl sitting next to him still looked expressionless.

At this time, he was drinking water in a leisurely manner, and his demeanor was extremely relaxed and wrong~

These three guys definitely have a problem.

Connor stared strangely at the person who came over automatically, and said expressionlessly: "Why be afraid." "

This is a declarative sentence.

It's just a matter of saying something that has nothing to do with him.

Kudo Shinichi was a little alarmed.

Somehow ~

The girl in front of him gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Shaking his head and smiling.

He felt like he was thinking too much.

What danger can a child of seven or eight years old have?

"Haha, the child is so brave."

With a roll of his eyes, Kudo Shinichi stood up and his gaze fell on Thor.

"Miss, did you notice anything abnormal just now? Kudo's purpose is simple. "

Judge whether the man and woman in front of you are murderers? Although this probability is low.

After all, the two people sat behind them, and there were three rows of seats between them and the victim.

However, only these few people at the scene are the most suspicious.

Including the two men in black who have been staying in the corner.

Shinichi Kudo, who pursues the truth, will not miss a single suspect.


Thor glared at him viciously, and said angrily: "Shut up your." Confession failed, the dragon maid is still angry. "

Kudo Shinichi didn't know why, but he felt that this woman was more terrifying than the little sister next to him.

Chu Feng patted Thor's shoulder and said slowly, "We didn't see anything just now. "


Kudo Shinichi quickly returned to his place.

The doubts in my heart have not diminished, but increased.

The pair's reaction was so abnormal.

How can a normal person be so calm when it comes to a homicide.

It's like nothing.

Yuan Zi also noticed Chu Feng and the others at this time.

Those dark green eyes instantly lit up.

"Xiaolan look quickly, there is a big handsome guy?"

Just now I witnessed the tragic scene up close, and the garden really didn't notice this superb treasure.

Xiaolan slowly raised her head, glanced at her best friend a little helplessly, and shook her head: "When is it, you are still in the mood to think about this, and there are already people around people..."

"Yes, the current good men are all famous grass masters, and the rest are crooked dates, just like this guy who only knows reasoning."

"Eh, Miss Yuanzi, I don't look bad, right?"

"You? It's far worse than the little brother over there, and I don't know which university they are students? "

Sonoko Suzuki hit Kudo Shinichi mercilessly.

Chu Feng and Thor didn't look very old.

Mistaken for a college student by Sonoko Suzuki and others.

It didn't take long ~

The people from the Metropolitan Police Department search class came.

Leading the team was Twilight XIII.

As soon as he came, he ordered to investigate the scene.

"Officer Twilight."

Kudo Shinichi walked directly over to say hello.

"It turned out to be Kudo-san, and you are also one of the passengers?"

"yes, luck doesn't seem to be good."

Twilight Thirteen was a little speechless.

If you temper the excitement on your face a little, I'll believe you a little.

Twilight Thirteen had a little headache.

Although Kudo Shinichi helped them solve some difficult problems.

However, the prestige of the visual hall was greatly challenged.

It's just that this kid encounters a murder like a shark that smells blood, and he has to drill in every time he tries to find a way.

This time it was good, he directly became a witness at the scene, and he could not be driven away.

Twilight Thirteen was a little bored, and after saying hello, he came directly to the forensic officer and asked, "What have you found so far?" "

Kudo Shinichi also followed, squatted next to the corpse, and muttered softly: "The deceased is about one meter and seven or five meters tall, and the neck incision is flat, which can be concluded to be the work of a sharp weapon, but an ordinary knife that is easy to carry can definitely not cut off a person's head in one go." "

"There are no obvious traces of struggle on the deceased's body, it can be judged that he was killed in an instant, and the murderer did not give him any time to react..."

Shinichi Kudo is worthy of being a high school student detective.

Just observe for a moment.

Let's tell the whole process of the death of the deceased in detail.

The forensics officer took a deep look at the smelly boy.

Then stared at Twilight Thirteen again.

That means as if to say:

Since there are such powerful people, why did you call me here? Twilight turned his head and glared at Kudo Shinichi or two.

This kid has a smart mind and first-class reasoning skills.

But I just don't know how to be a human being, and I don't care about other people's feelings at all.

Sighing, he said angrily: "You simply said the name of the murderer?" "

Kudo Shinichi felt strange.

People who don't quite understand why the Metropolitan Police Department is angry.

I haven't even started yet, how do I know who the murderer is? Officer Twilight, aren't you embarrassing me?

I have just begun to survey the scene, and I have not had time to ask witnesses... In this case, what if someone can find the murderer?

I, Kudo Shinichi, wrote my name backwards.

And then~

He saw the 'suspicious' man and woman walking towards this side.

The man seemed polite and did not cross the cordon without permission, but waited outside.

Twilight Thirteen was slightly stunned, thinking that the other party had some clues, and quickly got up and walked over.


The first words the young man said startled Twilight Thirteen.

Equally shocked was Shinichi Kudo.

"The murderer you are looking for is the one called."

The woman with "small pupils". "

The person who spoke was none other than Chu Feng, and also pointed to a woman in blue not far away.


"How do you know?"

The voices of Twilight Thirteen and Kudo Shinichi sounded almost simultaneously.

It's just that the former is full of surprise, and the latter is full of doubts...

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