Chapter 138 IGO's star certification, more or less has a little effect!!

"How do you know?"

Kudo's tone was questioning.

This has just begun to investigate the case, and before the witnesses asked, the man in front of him directly pointed out the murderer.

What about you when this is an open-book exam? Sherlock Holmes is not that powerful.

Anyway, Kudo Shinichi didn't believe that there were people present who could solve the case better than him.

Compared with.

Twilight Thirteen is much more rational.

No matter who gives clues to the Metropolitan Police Department.

He should be taken seriously.

He looked seriously at the young man in his twenties.

He asked seriously, "What evidence do you have to prove that this Miss Hitomi is a murderer?" "

At this time, a sensitivist had already brought Xiaopu over.

The woman had a pear blossom on her face, sobbing while pointing at Chu Feng: "I didn't kill anyone, why are you slandering me?" "

Chu Chu's poor woman's voice was full of grievances, as if she had been greatly wronged, and many people around looked at Chu Feng one after another, feeling that he was talking about it.

The murder has just happened, and it is really difficult to be convincing to point out the murderer in such a short time.

"Officer Twilight, we found a blood-stained knife in this lady's handbag, most likely a murder weapon!"

Just as Chu Feng was about to speak, a secret official not far away said loudly that there was also a woman beside him.

The little pupil with tears on his face suddenly raised his head and said incredulously: "Aiko, did you really kill Mr. Kishida?" "

Aiko obviously hasn't recovered from the great sadness of losing her boyfriend, and her eyes are a little dazed.

At this time, Kudo Shinichi suddenly spoke: "Twilight camp officer, this Miss Aiko is not a murderer, I just said, ordinary knives cannot easily cut off the head, let alone a woman, let's listen to this gentleman's high opinion, suddenly the conversation changed." "

In fact, Kudo Shinichi also wants to know.

Why did this person in front of him decide that Xiaopu was the murderer? Shrugged ~

If he didn't want to leave early, Chu Feng would not be too lazy to mix in the murder case.

He's not some curious high school detective.

But Thor was in a bad mood, and Chu Feng was really afraid of the dragon lady going violently.

In fact, you can use cognitive impairment to walk directly.

But the record of riding a roller coaster is more troublesome to eliminate.


Or simply point out the murderer.

After all~

At that time, he saw the crime with his own eyes.

It's just a pity ~

No one believes this.


Chu Feng turned his head to look at the dragon maid.

Thor expressionlessly handed out a bag of evidence.

Inside was a silk thread and a dozen pearls, as well as a rope with an iron hook.

With Thor's ability, he can collect this evidence in an instant, and there is still time to smooth the bag of evidence from the forensics.

"This is?"

Twilight Thirteen looked puzzled, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Kudo Shinichi, however, had his pupils dilated, thinking of a possibility.

"So that's how you tie a pearl necklace around Mr. Kishida's neck with a rope, hang an iron hook on the rails, and use the momentum of the roller coaster to separate his head from his body?"

Shinichi Kudo, who is good at reasoning, saw this complete evidence.

In fact, it is no different from the open-book exam, and the murderer's crime process is sorted out in an instant.

Likewise, he was clear.

According to the seating order of everyone at that time.

Only the small pupil and Reiko in the second row are the most suspicious.

"Little Hitomi, where is the necklace around your neck? Obviously I was still there when I rode the roller coaster just now........."

Reiko turned her head to look at Xiao Hitomi, and suddenly took a few steps back in horror.

"I, I lost my necklace."

Little Hitomi instinctively covered his neck and said nervously: "Maybe I accidentally dropped it when riding the roller coaster just now, or it may be that they stole my necklace and then killed Mr. Kishida......... Otherwise, how is it so coincidental, the tools of the crime are exactly in their hands. "

Staring at the small pupil whose expression gradually became hideous, Kudo Shinichi had already determined that the other party was the murderer.

Twilight Thirteen was a little hesitant, this group of people in front of him, he now looked like a murderer.

"Officer Twilight, the Metropolitan Police Department has just passed information about all passengers."

A police officer handed over a stack of information, and Twilight looked at it carefully, and suddenly his pupils shrank sharply.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and revealed a formulaic smile while looking at Chu Feng.

"Mr. Chu, thank you very much for the evidence."

Twilight Thirteen suddenly became polite, with no intention of asking about the origin of the evidence.

Kudo Shinichi was keenly aware of a dramatic change in the attitude of the other party.

Subconsciously look down.

Chu Feng, Nine-Star Chef! With just a few words, Kudo Shinichi already understood everything.

Born into an elite family, his father is mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo, and his mother is Yukiko Fuji, a former famous actress employee.

He knows a little bit about the top chefs.

Nine Star Chef!

Already beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Regardless of the country, you can get certain privileges.

No wonder Officer Twilight's attitude suddenly changed so quickly.

Nine-star chef, Weijing Sensory Hall has no right to manage it at all.

Kudo Shinichi stared at Chu Feng in amazement.

The other party looked to be about twenty years old.

Such a young nine-star, he really has never seen it.

Twilight and Kudo Shinichi's expressions changed.

Chu Feng had a full view.

You can guess a little.

Certified high-star chefs have simple profiles in almost all countries where IGO works.

This is to prevent some people who do not have long eyes from offending top chefs and causing unnecessary conflicts.

Now it seems that IGO's star certification is still somewhat useful. #,

"Can we go now?"

Chu Feng spoke again.

"Well, you can leave at any time."

Hesitating for a moment, Twilight Thirteen nodded slowly.

He was well aware of the privileges that the man in front of him had.

And with the identity of the other party, it is impossible to lie about such things.

The case has been clear, and the murderer is Xiao Hitomi.

Silk threads, necklaces, iron hooks...

Even if the other party is wearing gloves when committing the crime, there will always be traces when carrying these items, and it is easy to find out.

Chu Feng left with Thor and Connor, and when this happened, the three were gone. Fun to play.

Gin Jiu stared closely at the back of the three people leaving.

Although it is not clear why the attitude of the people in the Metropolitan Police Department has changed before and after.

But as long as he is not blind, he knows that the identity of Chu Feng and the others is extraordinary.

After Twilight Thirteen closed the team and removed the cordon, Xiaolan and Yuanzi came over.

"Kudo, is that handsome guy also a detective?"

Sonoko Suzuki's biggest interest is finding handsome guys.

Now she was also quite curious about Chu Feng's identity.

"It's not."

Looking at the crowd that gradually dispersed, Kudo Shinichi slowly shook his head.

Xiao Lan was surprised: "Isn't it a detective?" But he is really good, so quickly to find the murderer. "

Yuanzi nodded repeatedly: "It's really powerful, I don't know what he does?" "

Seeing the scene just now, neither of them was a fool, and guessed that the other party was definitely not a student.

Kudo Shinichi was silent.

Somehow ~

Xiaolan and Yuanzi's amazed look always made him feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

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