Chapter 141 Fate will not change, unfinished date!!

"Three portions of fried chicken."

Gin Jiu's voice was cold, and his eyes were sharp.

The cold and arrogant look is chilling.

Of course~

This killer temperament is only effective for ordinary people.

In the eyes of the real strong, it is just a small handle for the banmen to get an axe.

Chu Feng glanced lightly at the Porsche 356A parked not far away.

Then slowly nod.

He is a chef and pays little attention to the identity of his guests.

The reason why I paid attention to the gin car just now was because the car was not parked in the parking space. 'It should have been dragged away by the traffic police, right?' ’

Chu Feng also saw the patrol motorcycle passing by this side just now.

While frying chicken nuggets, keep an eye out for Kudo Shinichi.


This kid's eyes looked outward.

Gin and vodka chose the table farthest from the food truck.

Kudo Shinichi's actions did not attract the attention of the two for the time being.

But Chu Feng knew.

Even if the details change.

The gears of destiny will eventually return to the beginning of the story.

Kudo Shinichi was destined to not escape the end of his smaller body.


Chu Feng didn't mean to remind the other party at all.

He and Kudo Shinichi are not acquainted, so why are they nosy.

And with the character of the other party, sooner or later something will happen.

Curiosity kills cats.

Even if Kudo Shinichi had good luck this time and hidden.

In the future, I will also pay a heavy price for my impulses.

Chu Feng was silent, and fried the chicken nuggets for Thor to bring over.

When the smiling dragon maid appeared in front of Gin Jiu.

This ruthless and ruthless killer actually had a creepy feeling.

That moment came and went quickly.

He was even suspecting that he had delusional.

But that horror of sweaty hairs all over the body standing up instantly.

Gin Jiu is sure that everything is true just now.

Don't mess with it!

You must not provoke this woman! The killer's instinct is a warning.

Gin Jiu quickly withdrew his gaze.

Look again at the fried chicken nuggets on the table.

Suddenly I felt.........

What a fragrance!

Back in the food truck, Thor didn't care about the murderous guy.

A little breath, just to warn the other party not to cause trouble here.

The other party was really honest and silently nibbled on chicken nuggets.

It didn't take long ~

The pair of cold and sharp dark green seemed to have a touch of strange color.

Firm chicken, mellow aroma, not greasy texture......... This is a delicacy that gin has never tasted before.

As a key member of the Black-clad organization, Gin Jiu has never been a hedonist.

On the contrary, he is more strict with himself like an ascetic.

Perhaps fried chicken nuggets are one of his few hobbies.

And the cuisine here is definitely the best food he has ever eaten.

"Big brother, the fried chicken nuggets here are really amazing, shall we order two more?"

Vodka's humble voice sounded again, and that boxy face was full of excitement.

After coming out and mixing for so long, it was the first time he knew that the original food could be so delicious.

"Shut up, only three copies."

Gin Jiu stared coldly at the silly little brother, and his tone was quite dissatisfied.

Vodka hasn't been on much mission lately, and his temperament is a little lazy.

Even in the face of a delicacy that is rare in the world.

The people of the organization should also not forget their mission.

Black organizations act with efficiency.

The two quickly finished solving the food on the table.

When the gin wine payment left, Mao Lilan and the others were just about to leave.

Staring at the backs of the two men in black, Kudo Shinichi fell into deep thought again, always feeling that there was something wrong with the other party.

"Kudo, let's go, why are you stupid?"

Suzuki Sonoko, who had eaten and drunk enough and just wanted to go home and get a good night's sleep, hurriedly urged.

"Ah~ Xiaolan, you go back to the garden first, I suddenly remembered that there was something else."

Kudo Shinichi, who came back to his senses, quickly said hello and chased in the direction where the Porsche left.

Somehow ~

Maori Lan suddenly had a feeling that he would never see Kudo Shinichi again.


Everyone is in a class, and we will meet soon on Monday, why should I think so?

Seeing that Suzuki Sonoko was still waiting for him on the side of the road, Mao Lilan didn't think much about it, and the two girls walked away along the flower bed.

Maybe the stalls are close to Tropical Paradise... Plus snack prices are cheaper than before.

Fast food trucks are doing very good business today.

Tourists who are already tired after a day of playing, smell the aroma of this fried snack, and some are always willing to stay and taste it.

Yono under the snow is long gone.

The number of fast food truck guests gradually increased.

She also didn't want to stay and bother.

Chu Feng's silk strips were making dishes in an orderly manner.

Thor had long been outside the food truck, shuttling back and forth between diners.

In fact, she didn't quite understand how today's things were sold so cheaply.

Looking at Chu Feng, who had never had a chance to stop and rest, Thor couldn't help but feel a little distressed

She knew very well that in order to accompany them to the amusement park, Chu Feng got up at four o'clock in the morning to prepare the ingredients.

Fried snacks look simple, but they are cumbersome to marinate and require a lot of preparation.

Thor now only hopes that the closing time will come sooner.

In fact, Chu Feng was not as tired as the dragon maid thought.

Far beyond the physique of ordinary people, it is also an extremely simple dish, and it is easy to make.

Except for the fried Mars stick, which is a system-designated dish, the other two Chu Feng prices are not expensive.

Occasionally a little cheaper, a little busy, it's nothing to him at all, anyway, the stall time is not long, and Boss Chu is in a good mood today.

As night falls, the crowd disperses and the food trucks close on time.

Thor, who was sitting in the passenger seat, stared out the window and suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

"This~ doesn't seem to be the direction of home, right?"

The dragon maid felt that this road was a little familiar, and looked at the man beside her strangely, but found that Chu Feng had a smile on his face.

"The amusement park is only halfway through, do you want to end like this?"

Chu Feng, who was driving, looked ahead and suddenly said something.

"No, no, no~~"

Thor quickly shook his head, his head was about to shake into a rattle, and his eyes faintly flashed with golden light.

Oh my God~ This is not a dream, right?

Boss Chu, who was like a rock, actually took the initiative to ask her out. 'Want to end an unfinished appointment? ’

Right now~

The words still echoed in Thor's mind.

The answer is yes~

Of course not!

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