Chapter 142 is as brilliant as early summer, Boss Chu's romance!!

Tropical paradise, night falls.

When he sat in the small cabin of the Ferris wheel, Thor's whole person was still a little confused.

Mune's boss Chu actually took her to the amusement park to realize the unfinished date.

The Ferris wheel is the highest attraction in the entire amusement park, and it is also the best place to create an atmosphere for every couple.

The dragon maid blushed a little, and from time to time she looked at the man sitting opposite.

Tropical Park is the best playground in Huangjing, and it usually closes at 11 or 2 pm.

As the Ferris wheel slowly moves up from the very bottom, the lights below get farther and farther away.

The bright moonlight dispelled the darkness and scattered on the cabin, as well as on the man and woman inside.

"Remember the night the food truck hit you?"

I don't know when, Chu Feng had already turned his head with a smile on his face.

"Ah~You said that day, of course I remember~~"

Thor nodded heavily.

If it weren't for that chance encounter.

How could she possibly know Chu Feng.

"That day~ it also happened to be the full moon~~"

"Is it? Time flies so fast, I've been in this world for almost a month, Thor was slightly stunned, and now I think back, it turns out that I have been 'living together' with Chu Feng for so long. "

The huge Ferris wheel slowly moves to the top.

The small cabin was quiet again.

Thor looked out at the bright moonlight.

I feel that this is the best time to confess.

Just about to turn around.........

But there was a bang in my ears.


Flames with long tails rose into the sky.

Brilliant fireworks bloom around the Ferris wheel.

This moment~

The entire sky is completely illuminated.

Thor watched all this dumbfounded.

Asking herself what she knows about Tropical Paradise, why didn't she know that there were fireworks displays at night? Brilliant fireworks bloomed, and the eyes of the entire tropical paradise were gathered.

Couples snuggled up to watch this grand performance, children held their parents' hands and chattered non-stop, and many people looked up at the sky, tears of envy fell.

How much does it cost to set off fireworks throughout the amusement park? Which bastard is so extravagant that he suddenly plays such a play.

At this moment, some people are envious, some people are jealous, and some people secretly complain in their hearts.........

I don't know which girl is so lucky to meet a guy who can only throw money and does not understand romance.

On the Ferris wheel.

Thor looked at this scene blankly, and then saw Chu Feng standing up.

"Like it?"


Thor nodded hurriedly, his golden eyes as if they were sparkling.

Tropical Paradise certainly doesn't offer free fireworks, let alone fireworks that completely cover the entire playground.

Oh, my God~

How much money would that have to be wasted?

Thor, who followed Chu Feng out of the stall every day and gradually learned to be diligent and thrifty, his first reaction was actually money.

A sharp stir, and soon she reacted.

Boss Chu, who has always searched, actually spent a lot of money to make such a big scene.........

He, what the hell is he trying to do?

The dragon maid became unusually nervous, and a hint of blush appeared on her face.



"Today I thought about it all afternoon, and really confessed this kind of thing, and girls should not be allowed to speak."

At this moment, Chu Feng's tone was unprecedentedly serious.


Thor jerked his head up, staring at the man in front of him in disbelief.

Table ~confession~~

He was ready to confess to me???

That wooden boss Chu actually has an active side? Thor didn't believe his ears a little until...

"So~let's dating~~"

did not say like, did not say love, Boss Chu will not talk sweetly.

He just looked at Thor very seriously, and said what he thought at this time extremely seriously.


Nodding fiercely.

Thor didn't care about that.

There are only a million willingness in the heart.

Originally, she planned to be with the man in front of her.

One flashed, and his arms tightly wrapped around Chu Feng's arms.

The dragon maid was now extremely excited, and the dark green dragon tail swayed wildly from side to side

Seeing this scene, Chu Feng shook his head and smiled: "If we shake it again, we will have to fall." "

"Don't be afraid, when the time comes, I can catch it, you just ride on my back."

"I'm not worried about falling, I just don't want to affect the innocent..."

The power accidentally released by the Dragon Lady can easily destroy the entire Ferris wheel.

Thor's shaking dragon's tail came to an abrupt end.

Then I saw the men and women in the small cabin in front of me kissing.

The dragon maid suddenly became a little shy, and then raised her head to stare at Chu Feng's side face.

This move, even if he had never been in love, Chu Feng knew what he should do.


One of the largest fireworks burst out, shining brightly into the night sky.

The top of the Ferris wheel is as splendid as the first mansion.

Under the brilliant fireworks, the couple embraced each other.

Even though the outside world was extremely noisy, Chu Feng and Thor only felt unusually peaceful at this moment.

An elated Thor sat in the co-pilot's 903rd seat.

Chu Feng drove the fast food truck smoothly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After the fireworks dissipated, the two took another ride on the Ferris wheel and enjoyed the world of the two.

Hmm~ Ambergris is really fragrant!

Although the world of the two is good, Chu Feng and Thor have not forgotten that there is still a little li at home.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't know if tonight's date was romantic.

But looking at Thor's happy look, it should be a success.

Before the afternoon stall, he contacted the staff of Tropical Park and prepared to surprise Thor.

Tropical Paradise already has an 'atmosphere-setting' business, and they can even tailor a solution for customers as long as the price is right.

Thor's feelings for himself.

Chu Feng had been faintly aware of it.

He also liked this dragon lady who liked to be a maid.

Originally, he had already prepared to accept it during the day, who knew that he encountered the roller coaster murder.

Seeing the sullen Thor in the afternoon, Chu Feng moved wisely and decided to surprise her.

After all, confessing this kind of thing should still be done by men.

Yu Guang glanced at the Dragon Lady who had both joy and shame on her face.

Chu Feng smiled heartily, and the loneliness in his heart subsided. Many.

From now on, he will no longer be alone in this world...

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