Chapter 143 I met Conan by chance, of course, I chose to call the police!!


Thor, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly let out a soft snort.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Feng turned his head to look at her.

"Just passed by that abandoned building, there is a familiar atmosphere."

Even in an emotional state, Thor can roughly perceive the situation around him.

"A familiar breath?"

"That's the guy named Kudo."

Thor didn't remember Kudo's name, only the other person's last name.


Chu Feng blurted out subconsciously.

Stop the food truck in the curbside parking space.

Looking at the night outside, it seems that Kudo Shinichi has shrunk.

"Who is Conan?"

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Thor asked curiously.

"One is terrifying."

"Guy, someone must die wherever he goes" Death? "

Seeing that Chu Feng seemed to be very serious, Thor also frowned and asked, "This guy named Kudo is Conan?" "

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Thor pondered for a moment, and his expression became serious.

"Damn it, even I hid it. But he looks weak, or we'll kill him now!" "

", kill Conan?"

Just about to get out of the car and go over to take a look, Chu Feng found that Thor was saying the most ruthless words with a serious and serious expression.

What kind of grudge is this?

Thor shouldn't know Conan, right?

Why do you want to kill each other before you meet?

At this moment, a series of question marks appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

As if seeing his doubts, Th solemnly said: "You don't know, the Grim Reaper is not just one, but a group of sinister guys who often hide in the shadows to create accidents and take people's lives, and we dragon clans have several of them who have suffered their losses..."

Hearing this, Chu Feng couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to put his hand on Thor's head, and said softly: "Don't forget, this is no longer your original world, there is no such strange guy..."



Hearing Chu Feng's affirmative reply, Thor was slightly relieved.

If it was really a god from another world, she would also have a hard time getting up.

Just with Chu Feng, Thor didn't want his former enemies to come to him.

But she was also a little curious.

How can a human kid bring misfortune to people? Stroll in the moonlight.

You can vaguely see the grass in the abandoned building.

Walk around the corner.

Chu Feng and Thor saw a child sitting on the ground blankly, still wearing the clothes of a high school student.

"Huh~ no wonder the breath is weak, it turns out to be smaller~~"

Thor still held Chu Feng's arm and whispered in the other party's ear.

Feeling that softness, Chu Feng was a little ape-like, but still calmly said: "It's really amazing, high school students suddenly shrink into elementary school students, where did the excess go?" "

When I watched Conan before, I never figured out this problem.

"What's so strange about this, a lot of magic can do it."

You're magic, and we're talking about science.

Chu Feng wanted to complain very much, but he had no groove to spit on.

Poison that can make people smaller seems to be quite fantastic.

All right~

It's very knowledgeable!

Shaking his head secretly, Chu Feng was ready to walk out from behind the wall.

Seeing this, Thor couldn't figure out Boss Chu's thoughts, and said curiously: "Feng, you want to help him return to normal?" "

"Can you do it?"

"No, but Conna Ayi."

"Does Connor-chan also get bigger and smaller?"


This time, Chu Feng was really a little surprised.

I didn't expect Connor to have this ability.

Then why has she always been the image of little loli.

But thinking that the other party is still a child over 14,000 years old.

Chu Feng was quickly relieved.

Although he also wants to see Connor grow up.

The two spoke very quietly, and there was extraordinary magic such as cognitive impairment, and Kudo Shinichi had no idea that there was someone behind the wall.

He glanced at the child who was still sitting on the ground.

Chu Feng shook his head at Thor, not meaning to help him return to normal at all.

Anyway, they are not familiar.

Thor glanced at Chu Feng strangely.

I always feel that the other person has a bit of bad taste.

The hands that put their arms around Chu Feng's shoulders were hard again.

She is too lazy to care about other people's affairs, anyway, everything is decided by Boss Chu.

Almost dragging Thor to Conan.

Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Netizens sincerely do not deceive me!

The girl who has just started to fall in love is really super dependent.

Kudo Shinichi looked at in surprise.........

Snuggle tightly to the man and woman who appeared in front of him.

What a coincidence~

It was the food truck owner and the maid waiter.

It turned out that the two were a couple.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Kudo Shinichi made a judgment in an instant.

Damn it~

Is it time to think about this?

Shouldn't I think about why I became like this? Kudo Shinichi felt like his head was about to explode.

Track down the man in black and discover that the other party is making a shady deal.

But before he could do anything, he was attacked from behind.

When he woke up again, he turned into a child.

Kudo Shinichi couldn't accept it.

Now I just want to figure out what really happened to me.

And then~

I heard the food truck owner say, "Little friend, are you lost?" "

Although it's a little strange that the couple suddenly appeared in the abandoned building.

But Kudo Shinichi didn't think much about it.

Many couples nowadays like to pursue excitement.

The dark environment of the abandoned building is just what is needed.

Forcibly calming himself, Kudo Shinichi pretended to be pitiful and flattened the high mouth of the book.

Chu Feng squatted down, rubbed Kudo Shinichi's head, and asked very kindly, "What is the name of the child?" Would you like to help you contact your family? "

Although Thor wondered why Chu Feng pretended not to know the other party, he still took advantage of the coincidence to stand aside.

"My name is Edogawa Conan, I live in Yonehanamachi, can my eldest brother give me a ride?"

Kudo Shinichi, no, should be called Conan now, asked with a look of innocence at this time.

He knew that Chu Feng had a fast food truck, so he just hitchhiked back to think of a way.

Chu Feng was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but complain secretly.

'Trouble you to change your clothes first when you pretend to be a child.' ’

The wide clothes on the main Conan are too eye-catching, and it looks a little awkward.

Pretending to think for a few seconds, Chu Feng suddenly shook his head and said very seriously: "That's not okay, what if you are treated as a bad person who kidnaps children, you should not be able to remember the number at home at this age, I think it's better to report it." "

Wait a minute~


Why did you just say that you would help me find my family, why did you suddenly turn around and send me to the LeisureView Hall?

What else is it that I can't remember the phone number at my age? When Lao Tzu was seven years old, he could already recite the top thirty in pi, bit! Conan suddenly felt that his IQ was greatly insulted.

Then he suddenly realized.........

He is now a black household with no identity.

Once you go to the Metropolitan Police Department, you will definitely be in trouble.

He was about to say something, but his mouth covered the man in front of him.


Then, he saw the man in front of him take out his mobile phone.

"Hello, I picked up a lost child on XXX Road, you guys hurry up and send someone to receive it!"

Under Conan's desperate gaze, Chu Feng finished the phone call at an astonishing speed.

Who is this special person?

Is it still unreasonable?

There is no reason to report directly without asking the wishes of the parties.

This moment allow~

Conan felt desperate.

Until the police car with a rapid dripping sound appeared in front of it.

He also stared directly at Chu Feng without forgetting resentment.

That look, like a wronged little daughter-in-law...

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