Chapter 144 Connor you sleep first, I'll help Boss Chu massage!!

Watching the police car leave with a smile on his face.

Chu Feng felt that he had done something good.

Of course~

He knew Conan must be having trouble going to the Metropolitan Police Department.

But I still can't help but want to tease this little guy.

Who called Conan's debut for more than twenty years is not over.

This is also one of the few anime that chases him to the abandoned pit.


I believe that with Conan's ingenuity, this little problem is easy to solve.

"Kaede, you seem to care about this little guy?"

Thor held Chu Feng's arm again, and a trace of curiosity flashed under his eyes.

"Whatever, isn't it normal to meet a lost child and send some rounds."

Chu Feng was duplicitous, and did not admit that he simply wanted to 'bully' Conan.


Thor laughed, but he didn't expect that Boss Chu also had a time to play tricks.

The two got along for almost a month.

She knew Chu Feng's personality very well.

Knowing that the little guy named Conan will be fine.

Boss Chu, who has a cold face and a hot heart, never hurts anyone easily.

The moonlight grew thicker, and the dark blue food truck drifted away under the light of the street lamps.

Sakura Apartments, Room 303.

As soon as she opened the door, Connor suddenly bounced off the couch.

"Kaede, Lord Thor, how late are you coming back today? Say it's good to close at seven, it's almost half past nine! "

It was rare for Connor to say so many words at once, and his tone was slightly resentful.

The main thing is that staying at home alone is too boring, and she almost fell asleep just now.

And then~

Connor's eyes widened suddenly, and a look of surprise appeared on his expressionless face.

"You, Lord Thor, you..."

Seeing Thor, who was almost hung on Chu Feng, Connor was shocked.

Stayed with Thor every day.

She naturally knew that the other party planned to confess today.

But I have always felt that the success rate is not high.

Unexpectedly~ she actually succeeded.

Connor felt a little incredible.

Surprisingly ~

Seeing the two come together, not only did she not have the slightest taste, but she was faintly a little swollen? In fact, Connor has always been very clear in her heart.

His own dependence on Thor is not love.

I just like to be with each other.

And now ~

There is one more such object. ——Boss Chu!

Whether it was Chu Feng, or his cuisine......... Connor loved it all.

Chu Feng didn't care about the surprise of the purple-haired loli.

Put the fried chicken nuggets and fried shrimp on the coffee table, and signal the two dragon ladies to go back to the house early after eating supper.

After nine o'clock he rarely ate, and his stomach was too full to fall asleep.

The way the two dragon ladies ate happily made Chu Feng smile heartily.

Just as I was about to go back to my room to rest, my mobile phone suddenly rang.

When I took it out, it was actually the fruit of the Kikuchi garden.

'What is the chef of Chunguoting looking for himself at this time?' ’

With a little doubt, Chu Feng connected the phone and clicked on the hands-free and asked, "Something?" "

"Mr. Chu, are you free tomorrow?"

On the other end of the phone came the gentle and sweet voice of Kikuchi Yuanguo.

"It's not clear yet, and the timing of the stall hasn't been decided yet."

Chu Feng told the truth.

"That's right, last time I said I wanted to invite you to dinner, and today I have prepared all the ingredients."

"What if... If you are not busy tomorrow, please come to the Chunguo Pavilion and give me a chance to entertain you. "

Kikuchi Yuanguo was obviously not very good at inviting others, and it took a long time for Zhijiwu to make it clear.

Only then did Chu Feng remember.

The last time I set up a stall in Ginza, Kikuchi Garden received a little gift, and the honest girl said at that time that she wanted to thank herself.

After setting up the stall for nearly a month, Chu Feng had also met many people, and he really had never seen such a polite diner.

However, he was also curious about what the other party was going to do, and the ingredients alone had been prepared for so long.

Thor, who had chicken nuggets in his mouth, heard a female voice on his phone.

The appearance of the 'big monster' immediately came to mind.

She was very impressed by Kikuchi Gardeno.

With a beautiful and cute face and a weight that does not fit her age, even her, who has always considered herself a good figure, is willing to bow down.

Such a girl.........

Is it really just a simple dinner with Chu Feng?

Just when Thor was a little nervous, the voice of Kikuchi Sonogo came from the other end of the phone.

"By the way, please bring Miss Thor and your sister with you then."

Usually chatting in the food group when there is nothing to do, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo certainly knows that Chu Feng also has a 'sister'.

"Okay, I'll contact you tomorrow after the stall closes."

When it came to the other party's words, Chu Feng was not easy to refuse.

After all, it is a customer of the fast food truck, or a group of friends of the food group.

Hearing that Kikuchi Sonogo had also invited himself, Thor was temporarily relieved.

When she first started dating, she didn't want Boss Chu to be snatched away so quickly.

Hang up the phone and look at Thor, who has a mouth full of oil.

Chu Feng took a tissue to wipe the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile: "What do you think, just go to have a meal." "

However, since coming into this world.........

Chu Feng eats what he makes every day, and he has never eaten other people's dishes, and it seems that it is good to taste Mujiuzhi Garden Fruit tomorrow.

Feeling Boss Chu's rare gentleness, Thor smirked and stared straight at each other like this.

Connor, who had two chicken nuggets in her mouth, suddenly felt a little sour at this time, and suddenly felt that the food in her mouth was not fragrant.

Retracting his hand, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Okay, go to bed early after eating, and you have to set up a stall tomorrow." "

"Two hours a day, do you need to rest so early?"

Connor pouted, just ate a mouthful of dog food, and began to spit on Chu Feng's self-discipline for no reason.

That's right~ Boss Chu goes to bed at half past ten every day and gets up at half past six.

As long as there are no stalls, this law of life cannot be moved.

It's night.

It was nearly half-past ten.

Connor, who was sleeping in a daze in bed.

Suddenly found Thor walking towards the door in the dark.

"Lord Thor, where are you going?"

Meng Buding sounded a soft and cute voice, which directly startled Thor, and quickly turned around and laughed: "That, today's fast food truck business is very good, Boss Chu seems to be a little tired, I'll go over and help him massage, Connor, you sleep first..."

Thor hurriedly opened the door and closed it gently.

Connor rolled her eyes, and a hint of blush quickly appeared on her expressionless little face.

The dragon clan is unrestrained by nature, don't look at her young now, only more than 14,000 years old, but she knows a lot.

What Thor wanted to do, Connor knew very well.

Isn't it that I want to take the initiative and take the opportunity to take down Boss Chu first.

It seems that the woman's call earlier also gave Thor a sense of crisis

Casually arranging a soundproofing magic for the room, Connor pulled up the cool quilt to cover her red face.

This night, doomed to sleep hard...

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