Chapter 145 Breathing method soup, a stall opposite the fitness center!!

"Kaede, it's only half past six, don't plan to sleep for a while?"

"No, it's out at eight in the morning."

"Ah~ why is it so early, you haven't slept all night."

"Huh~Who do you think it's because of~~"

"Oh, what do you say, shame on people~~"

Thor called, his face flushed and he covered his head with a cold cover, and his coquettish appearance was diametrically opposed to last night's performance.

Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

Who took the initiative to sneak into his room ~ last night? Why did you start to get shy after one night? I heard that women's minds are more complicated.

Chu Feng didn't think much anymore, got dressed and prepared for work.

The stall is set up at eight o'clock in the morning, and the time is a little tight, so you can only cancel the morning run.

He wouldn't admit that he consumed a lot.

After all, deal with a dragon.

O Alexander! Open the Points Mall.

Redeem the ingredients you need today.

Chu Feng was busy in the kitchen.

Ingredients can be redeemed anytime, anywhere.

But only the cabinets of the fast food truck have a permanent fresh-keeping function.

It didn't take long ~

A ruddy-faced Thor walked in a maid outfit to help.

All right~

This familiar maid outfit is dragon scales transformed.

In fact, Thor didn't need to spend time getting dressed at all.

Just now, I just hid in the room and didn't dare to come out.

"Huh? Meat buns again today? "

The dragon maid quickly noticed the finely chopped minced meat on the board, and the kneaded dough on the side.

After setting up the stall for so long, Thor quickly guessed what Chu Feng was going to do.

"Soup dumplings!"

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

See Thor with a shy but a little gluttonous.

I couldn't help but reach out and scratch that delicate little nose.

The tip of the dragon maid's nose was suddenly smeared with a layer of powder.

It seems to feel strange.

Thor glanced at Chu Feng with disgust, quite like a little woman.

A newlywed man and woman are like a newlyweds, and the kitchen is filled with happiness.

In a daze, Connor walked into the kitchen with a pair of dark circles under her eyes.

I was about to ask what to eat in the morning, but I closed it not long after I opened my mouth.

I woke up early in the morning and ate a mouthful of dog food.

Resentfully looked at Chu Feng and Thor alike.

Connor trotted back to the room.

Now she has no appetite and doesn't want to eat anything.

The soup dumplings use unfermented noodles.

Areas where pasta is predominantly referred to as 'dead noodles'.

Because it is a dead noodles, the dough can be kneaded as long as it is simply kneaded, shaken, pulled, dragged, and applied to water a few times.

The method of filling soup buns is very simple, the only trouble is the stock.

The recipe given by the system calls for the use of pork bone broth and beef bone broth.

Time is a bit tight!

Normal practice will certainly not work.

The water in the two large pots had completely boiled, and a wisp of fragrance faintly came out of the gap in the lid of the pot.

Thor put away his playful thoughts and carefully watched Chu Feng's approach.

Since she is already with each other, she wants to learn more and help out in the future.

Cooking is always Thor's eternal pain.

She doesn't want to be a cook who can only roast dragon tails all her life.

And then~

Under Thor's astonished gaze.

Chu Feng slowly stretched out his two hands and placed them on the side of the stainless steel pot.

The scalding body of the pot didn't seem to have any effect on him at all.

Thor didn't care.

Chu Feng's physique is far beyond ordinary people, and this temperature is nothing at all.

Now she was just curious about what the other party planned to do next.


The flames like coiled dragons wrapped around Chu Feng's arm all the way forward, quickly concentrating on the palm.

The next moment~

Two flames instantly wrapped the two cauldrons of soup.

"Huh? Do you also know fire magic? "

Thor was amazed.

"This is not magic, it should be regarded as a physical technique, through a special breathing method to generate energy in the body, and then release."

Shaking his head, Chu Feng explained with a smile.

In fact, it was also the first time he used breathing to assist in cooking.

In the past, there was a lot of time, and there was no need to show off skills.

Today, there was not enough time to boil the soup, so Chu Feng thought of the Breathing Method of the Sun.

Thor didn't care about any breathing method, stared at the two flames in front of him, and muttered, "This intensity seems to be a little weak." "

Seeing the eager Dragon Niang, how could Chu Feng not know her plan, and quickly spoke: "Come on, you better learn to control the fire first." "

Thor was born with a scorching flame, but she was never able to control the temperature.

Let her boil the soup, I am afraid that the bones in the pot will be burned.

Can't help, Long Niang is a little depressed.

But a pair of beautiful eyes still stared at the two pots.

Then she was surprised to find that the flame only surrounded the body of the pot, and there was not a trace of flame on the lid of the pot.

This precise control of the flame, Thor felt that it was difficult to learn.........

When the stock was a little cooler, Chu Feng began to plate the filling.

The filling of the soup bun is a bit special, and it is necessary to add pork bone broth and beef bone broth in batches

Repeatedly whipping the filling to completely absorb the stock, and then the time to prepare the buns always flies.

Made a bowl of beef noodles and asked Connor to get up and eat it.

Chu Feng and Thor went out to set up a stall.

Eight o'clock sharp.

Opposite Shibuya Private Fitness Center.

A food truck appeared on the stall.

Thor neatly set up the tables and chairs, waiting for diners to come to the door.

Look at the sign on the building opposite.

Chu Feng was speechless.

Designated to set up a stall opposite the fitness center, the system is trying to smash people's signs, right?

Those who are bent on losing weight or staying in shape.

I don't know how I feel when I smell the soup dumplings.

The trainer at the fitness center won't run out and hit me when he sees it, right? Chu Feng felt that there was no big problem.

Just checked it on the Internet.

Here is the best private fitness center in Winjing.

Men and women are divided into different venues, and one-on-one fitness instruction is implemented.

Many members are celebrities and models.

These people are generally image-conscious and should not come to trouble themselves.

Without further thought, Chu Feng opened the steamer.

The aroma of soup dumplings is stronger than that of a dog.

Just uncovered.

A seductive scent wafts into the street.

Now this point.

People have started to visit the fitness center one after another.

The sudden smell of fresh fragrance suddenly made many people look sideways.

A dark blue food truck was parked on the side of the road.

The stainless steel steaming lattice in the window is exuding the fragrance of He Fear from the inside out.

For people who are keen on fitness and strictly need to stay in shape, this smell is really terrible.

Eat light, tasteless, nutritious meals every day.

Suddenly smelling this, who can bear it.

"What kind of man?" How do you come here to set up a stall? "

"So fragrant! Is it the aroma of meat buns? It seems that I haven't eaten meat buns anymore. "

"yes, I haven't touched this thing since I started losing weight..."

"This fragrance is pure and strong, intoxicating, you feel energetic when you take a sip, it should be okay to eat one or two occasionally, right?"

"Uh-huh~~ Eat enough to have the strength to exercise, I'll taste the taste first."

"I'll go too, if you only eat one, it shouldn't be a big problem... Five".

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