Chapter 150 Mujiu knows that I have saved, go back and call your boss!!

"Beauty, gourmet will?!"

Hear Shaqi's words.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo's face instantly turned pale.

Two years after graduation, he has his own starred restaurant.

Now she is not the little girl who didn't understand anything at the beginning.

Food Fair, it's the worst organization in the world.

In order to collect dream ingredients, everything is used.

Coercion, kidnapping, killing, plundering.

There's nothing this bunch of guys can't do.

Food will be bad all these years.

It is said that many chefs were forcibly recruited by them.

Study dream ingredients and gourmet cells.

It often requires a lot of high-star talent.

Kikuchi Yuanguo is not stupid at all.

After a brief moment of trepidation

Quickly realized the purpose of the woman in front of him.

She didn't expect it

One day, he will actually become the target of the food party.

Face the notorious evil organization

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo subconsciously approached Chu Feng.

Thor sat quietly and obediently in place.

There is a hint of taste in his eyes.


Abominable monsters

Why is it so close to Boss Chu?


The dragon maid's gaze fell on Saqi again.

All blame this damn woman

It gave the big monster a chance.

What shit gourmet will? Just destroy it! Connor was expressionless.

But there was a look of interest in those eyes.

Seeing the way Thor knocked over the vinegar jar but had nothing to say.

Don't mention how funny it is.

Who let her go to sleep last night.

Even if the soundproofing magic is arranged

The Dragon Clan's hearing was still very sensitive, and Chu Feng did not know the reaction of the two Dragon Maidens.

Now I just think the worldview here is a little strange.

Staring at Sagi with a chainsaw knife in her hand.


Late-night cooks, all joined the food party? After verifying the star rating, you can enter the IGO intranet.

Nine Star has high authority and can query a lot of information.

Chu Feng had long known about the existence of the Food Club.

The early days of the world of gastronomy and fantasy ingredients

A group of villains who have obtained gourmet cells create a gourmet party

This is also the only powerful organization that can compete head-on with IGO at present.

The headquarters of the gourmet club is hidden behind a door to space.

The exact location is unknown, but it is known to have six branches.

Section 1: Cooking Support Group.

Second Branch: Intelligence Collection Group.

The third branch: food development team.

Branch 4: Appliance Supply Group.

Fifth Branch: Material Preparation Group.

Branch 6: Food Blending Group.

Jun Cao Shaqi joined the fifth branch ingredient mixing group.

So, where are the other late-night cooks? Thinking of this, the expression on Chu Feng's face became even more strange.

Shrugged, in the face of Shaqi's inquiry, he just said indifferently: "Chu Feng, a food truck owner with little reputation. "

"Chu Feng?"

"You are the food truck owner who won the nine-star qualification of Shinomiya Kojiro? Shaqi finally showed a shocked face, no wonder she felt that this man was a little familiar just now. "

"Huh~ Boss Chu said and laughed, your name, but it has long been spread in the culinary world."

"I'm afraid ~ it's all some notoriety~~"

Chu Feng scoffed.

Leapfrogging the challenge to win the star rating, the reputation is obviously not much better.

However, he is a stall holder, and he is not a person in the culinary world, and he does not care about the name at all~

Without waiting for Shaqi to speak, he continued: "Okay, don't pull the calf, you guys want to coerce Miss Kikuchi to join the food party, right?" "

"That's right, does Old Chu think that our cuisine will be an enemy?"

When it came to this, Shaqi simply did not pretend, and admitted it generously.

Planting wood Kuchi Garden fruit to steal dream ingredients is just an excuse.

Chu Feng was sure~

Now look for someone who recommended Mukuchi Garden Fruit to enter the black market trade, and there is absolutely no contact.

Coercion, kidnapping, and forcibly pulling people into gangs are the regular operations of gourmet clubs.

As long as the division is famous.

IGO will certainly not go to war for an eight-star chef and gourmet club.

The corners of Shaqi's mouth curved.

Although Chu Feng's star rating is higher than hers.

The intelligence collection group of the second branch also listed it as a key observation object.

But there are many chefs of this level in the organization.


Backed by a powerful gourmet party.

Shaqi didn't put Chu Feng in her eyes at all.

She, but someone with a backstage!

Kikuchi Sonogo was clearly aware of this as well.

With a look of horror, he took two steps back and hit the dining table behind him before stopping.

Little Dry Butterfly's whole person was already soft on the ground, completely enveloped in endless despair.

The gourmet club is so powerful that only IGO can barely suppress the other party.

Even the Yuanyue Group, which was extremely influential in their eyes, was far from being comparable to this terrifying organization.

Kikuchi Gardeno is clear.

Even if you contact Engetsu Gakuen immediately.

The chief marshal Xian Zuoemon does not necessarily have a way.


With a good heart, she didn't want to burden anyone.

That's why he subconsciously immediately distanced himself from Chu Feng.

Turning his head and looking at the other party in surprise.

Chu Feng read this look and instantly guessed her thoughts.

Dumb smile~

And really a silly and cute woman.

Originally, I felt like a Kikuchi Garden.

If you don't touch it, forget it.

Want to take Kikuchi Garden Fruit away in front of you? Chu Feng wouldn't think he didn't see it.

"Huh~ gourmet party, who to scare? If you want to take away my diners, you guys don't have enough to see. "

With his hands in his pockets, Chu Feng didn't care about Shaqi's threat at all.

Hearing this calm voice, he stared at the not very tall back in front of him.

Mu Jiu knew that the garden fruit was completely in place, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of security.

The little dry butterfly on the ground stood up with one arm, and a glimmer of hope suddenly flashed in her desperate eyes.

It just feels like something is wrong.

If memory serves

Now Chu Feng is the diner of the Spring Fruit Pavilion, right? Why is it completely reversed in him?

Kikuchi Yuanguo, who was crying, was suddenly stunned.

I quickly realized that what the other party said was also good.

She was also a food truck eater, though only once.

"Chu, Boss Chu."

The teary-eyed Mujiu Zhiyuan fruit was moved for a while, and his heart was extremely entangled.

She didn't want Chu Feng to risk herself or join the horror group of the Food Club, but soon, her eyes became firm.

In any case, you can't impair anyone yourself.

Although Boss Chu is amazing.

But she still doesn't think the other party has the ability to fight the gourmet club.

Who knew that Chu Feng didn't give her a chance to speak at all, and walked directly towards Shaqi and the others.


Mujiu Zhiyuanguo was suddenly stunned in place.


Boss Chu plans to do it directly? I heard that the members of the gourmet club are very strong.

With so many people on the other side, he won't get hurt, right?

Although it has gourmet cells, Kikuchi Garden Fruit has a slightly stronger physique than ordinary people

But having never experienced a fight, she knew nothing about it.

Chu Feng walked slowly.

Saqi stared at the man who was getting closer and closer to her, and a sneer appeared on her face

She has eaten a lot of fantasy ingredients, and her professionally trained full members have even developed some gourmet cell application skills.

A wild nine-star chef, Shaqi does not pay attention to it at all.


The chainsaw knife turns quickly.

After attaching the power of gourmet cells, this knife is enough to chop everything here.

And then~

She saw a fist growing bigger in front of her eyes.

"Mu Jiu knows that I have saved it, and he wants to arrest someone, and call your boss back to the law."

Before losing consciousness, a calm voice still echoed in Saqi's ears.

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