Chapter 151 Chu Feng's strength, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo's touch!!

This, so easy to solve?

Kikuchi Songo stood in place dumbfounded.

Chu Feng stood sideways under the soft light of the restaurant.

It made her a little unable to see the man's face.

I only knew that the other party's tall body firmly blocked her behind.

Kikuchi Sonogo, who had stopped crying, left tears again.

Because, moved!


The chainsaw knife on the ground is still ringing.

Chu Feng looked at the blue-haired woman lying on the ground, and her hat had fallen to the side.

After a long time, he shook his head and said to himself.

"So weak!"

Fluttershy Butterfly: (⊙o⊙)...

Kikuchi Garden Fruit: (⊙o⊙)

Five men in black:.........

In addition to Thor and Connor.

Everyone stared at Chu Feng with a relaxed face.

The five men in black were completely frightened at this time.

Although they are only peripheral members of the material preparation group of the fifth branch, they all have several times the combat power of ordinary people.

They also followed Shaqi for a while, and they knew very well how terrifying this woman's strength was, at least ten times stronger than them.


Such a powerful existence, but now he can't even catch the punch.

What kind of monster is the fast food truck owner mentioned in the intelligence in front of you?

The five men in black shivered, and their tall bodies began to tremble.

Because of instinctive fear, sweat has gushed uncontrollably on his forehead and back.

And if this terrifying guy also punches each of them?

Will die! One hundred percent will die!

They don't have gourmet cells like Sackie.

It's just that I have improved my strength through training.

It's okay to scare ordinary people in normal times.

But compared to these monsters with gourmet cells......... A group of strong men with a height of more than one meter nine.

At this moment, like a frightened quail, they retreated in unison.

"So strong!"

Little Thousand Butterfly had already gotten up from the ground and looked at Chu Feng's gaze with a hint of adoration.

Mu Jiu knew that Yuanguo was still a little stunned, and she didn't see Kaede make a move clearly just now.

Although I don't know how strong this woman named Saqi is.

But I heard that everyone in the food club is a master of experience.

However, such a 'master' was knocked down by Chu Feng's punch.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, who didn't know why, only felt that the man in front of him was so powerful.

Staring at Chu Feng's back, his heart was filled with that sense of security again.

But Chu Feng~ was a little speechless at this time.

I obviously didn't use much force just now.

Why can't this woman help but fight so much?

A punch was put on hold, and I don't know how long I will be in a coma.

In the end, he suffered a little harder.

Looking at the five men in black who retreated into the corner.

Now Chu Feng didn't know what to say.

The quality of the people who will meet the food seems to be a little low! Take the lead to pounce on the street, the little brother below reflects this? To be honest, he was suddenly a little disappointed with the food.

After coming to this world, Chu Feng rarely made a move with people.

After the complex physique exceeded 3,000, it was not once.

He didn't know what kind of shock he had just thrown at will.

In fact~

If you digitize Shaqi's strength, the comprehensive value is about four or five hundred, which is a little stronger than that death row prisoner Sikorsky.

But the latter's fighting skills are stronger, and the two are really difficult to compare.

Anyway, in Chu Feng's eyes, these two goods are half a pound and eight taels, and they are very weak.

Chu Feng never was soft on people who deliberately found fault.

Even if he is a beautiful woman with big fierce and long legs, he does not know how to pity Xiang Xiang Yu.

If it weren't for the sake of people talking, and at the same time not wanting to get their hands dirty.

A character like Saqi can be pinched to death at will.

Looking at the five people in front of him, Chu Feng spoke again: "Quickly carry the people away and go back and call your boss." "

Too lazy to care who the other party is calling? The leader of the fifth branch? Or the boss of the food club? None of this matters.

He just needs someone who can call the shots.

Everyone sit down and be reasonable.

Solve the matter of Kikuchi Yuan fruit perfectly.


The five strong men in black breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Trembling and holding up the unconscious Saqi.

With a briskness that did not match his body size at all, he rushed out of the Spring Fruit Pavilion like a frightened bird.


"A bunch of idiots, even the guys forgot to take it."

Chu Feng secretly shook his head and casually turned off the chainsaw knife.

At a casual glance, the material is very ordinary, just a strange utensil in the chainsaw that can be added to the seasoning.

Set aside casually, when Chunguoting disposes of waste products such as cardboard boxes, this knife can be sold as garbage.

"Chu, Boss Chu, thank you so much."

At this time, Kikuchi Yuanguo calmed down slightly, tears remained on his face, and his eyes were full of guilt.

Then, she blamed herself worriedly: "It's all to blame me for attracting people from the food club to get you involved in this kind of thing." "

"Miss Kikuchi doesn't have to blame herself, after all, you are also preparing this meal before you will be targeted by them."

Since the development of the gastronomic club, the organization has a large number of people, and it is rare to grab people like it did at the beginning.

After all, chefs are the cornerstone of the culinary world, and IGO can't let food come around.

Otherwise, Shaqi would not have laid out the set of the fruit of the Jiuzhi Garden before coercing it.

Chu Feng was very clear in his heart.

Kikuchi Yuanguo, who has always been safe and guarded to his own business, is also in order to make himself a real delicacy, so he will take the risk to go to the black market to buy dream ingredients...

It's silly.

If you don't understand the black market at all, you dare to plunge headlong into it.

If you don't end the stall in the morning, you will decide to come to the appointment at noon.

I'm afraid that this girl has already been pocketed by the Food Club and the store.

At this moment, Chu Feng habitually sighed.

Sure enough, beautiful girls are not bad luck.

Although he doesn't like trouble, Kikuchi Sonogo can't help it.

After all~

This is the first diner to sincerely thank him.

Chu Feng never treated people who were good to him badly.

"Kaede, why don't you let me directly search that woman's memory?"

Thor's crisp voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Seeing that Kikuchi Yuan Guo was unaware.

Chu Feng knew that this nizi used magic.



How to forget Thor's magic.

Search Shaqi's memory directly, find the fifth branch or food club, and you can pass it in one step.

Such a convenient method, why didn't I think of it just now? Chu Feng was a little embarrassed, mostly because he was too tired last night.

However, he still noticed that Thor's tone was a little taken aback.

It is estimated that he saw that Kikuchi Yuanguo was too close to him.

This nizi has learned to be jealous.

Chu Feng smiled dumbly and walked in front of Thor and Connor.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Swear to God, he has no intention of diverting Thor's attention at all.

It's just that the portion size of Western food is too small, and it is impossible to satisfy Long Niang's appetite.



Sure enough, hearing Chu Feng's inquiry, the two dragon ladies nodded one after another.

Adding up to less than a pound of caviar with oysters, it's not enough for them to stuff their teeth.

"Miss Kikuchi, can I borrow your kitchen?"

Since you have already asked the people of the food club to go back to find helpers, wait an hour or two before talking.

If there is still no result, it is not too late to use it to find Saqi.

Anyway, he had already written down the breath, and he could find Shaqi with a single divine step.

This time is idle is also idle, simply fill your stomach first.

With gourmet cells, Chu Feng's food intake has also become very large.

He didn't eat enough just now.

"Boss Chu is welcome, you can use the kitchen casually."

As soon as I heard that Chu Feng wanted to use the kitchen.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo's eyes suddenly lit up.

The fear of the food fair also dissipated a little.

She knew how good the man in front of her was.

It's a little exciting to be able to see each other show off their cooking skills up close.

Looking up at that handsome side face, he remembered the way Chu Feng had protected himself just now.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo couldn't help but blush, lowered his head and whispered: "Well, in fact, you can directly call me Yuanguo..."

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