Chapter 152 Knowing that our food will come, you dare to eat a big meal?!!

What the?

What's going on?

Now at this critical moment, how can you suddenly prepare to cook? Don't you worry about the revenge of the gourmets? At this moment, Little Thousand Butterfly was completely stunned.

Seeing that Mu Jiuzhiyuan was really ready to take Chu Feng to the kitchen, he hurriedly asked, "Senior Sister Mujiuzhi, should we find a way to deal with the bad guys at the gourmet meeting now?" "

Chu Feng looked back at her strangely, "Just now I have already asked them to call someone who can be the master." "


Xiao Qiandie's whole person was stupid, and for a long time, he stammered and asked: "This, this is your method??? "

Seeing Chu Feng's serious expression, she actually already had the answer in her heart.

This man didn't put food in his eyes at all.

Oh, my God~

It's the most vicious organization in the world.

Isn't he afraid at all?

Look at the two girls brought by the other party.

It's also a calm look.

The food truck owner that Senior Sister Kikuchi knew.

Who is it?

Xiao Qiandie couldn't figure it out, and only felt confused.

"Fluttershy, don't worry."

Kikuchi Yuango smiled a little reluctantly.

In fact, she is also worried about the retaliation of the food club.

But the matter was a foregone conclusion, instead of being scared all the time, it was better to calm down and watch Chu Feng make dishes.

Her love of cooking made her temporarily let go of her inner fears.

And staying by Chu Feng's side, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo had an unprecedented sense of security.

It always felt that no matter what, this man could protect her.

However, Kikuchi Yuanguo has secretly decided that even if he sacrifices himself in the end, he must ensure everyone's safety.

Perhaps she simply thought that as long as she agreed to join the food party, she would let go of the others.

Seeing several people walking into the kitchen, Xiao Qiandie couldn't help but open her mouth wide.

Now in the Chunguo Pavilion, is she the only normal person?

The kitchen of Chunguoting is very large, and all kinds of kitchenware are complete.

Look around.

Chu Feng found that most of the ingredients prepared here were mainly seafood.

After all, neon is surrounded by the sea, and many Western food ingredients will use seafood.

"What does Boss Chu plan to do?"

Suppressing the worry in his heart, Mujiu Zhiyuanguo said curiously.

"Squid cones, seafood platter, peanut whitebait, and shredded green pepper meat."

Glancing at the ingredients.

Chu Feng decided to make some dishes that could be cooked.

At this time, Xiao Qiandie also followed.

I couldn't help but be a little stunned when I heard this.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious food truck owner planned to make such an ordinary dish.


Perhaps influenced by Chu Feng and others.

Little Qiandie suddenly felt less afraid.

I was still looking forward to the next dish.

Kikuchi Gardeno, who often pays attention to the food group, did not care.

Many times the snacks sold by fast food trucks are quite simple.

But no matter what kind of dish, Chu Feng can make the most perfect taste.

The method of squid cones is simple.

Shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, minced green onion and diced ham mixed with sticky rice are all stir-fried and stuffed into cleaned squid cones.

Grease with oil, sweet pasta sauce and cumin powder and bake in the oven for fifteen minutes.

For a seafood platter, shrimp, crab, shellfish and other ingredients are brushed with garlic sauce, smeared with seafood juice and sea salt, and finally baked at high temperature to lock in moisture.

As for peanut whitebait, it is actually fried dried fish, which is the same as shredded green pepper meat, which is a home-cooked dish.

Kikuchi Yuanguo and Little Thousand Butterfly just came back to their senses.

After washing his hands, Chu Feng had already begun to move.

Grab a kitchen knife.

The washed shiitake mushrooms appear on the board.


The crisp chopping sound sounded violently.

At this moment, the kitchen knife completely turned into an afterimage.

The speed is so fast that it cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye.

"What a fast knife worker!"

Xiao Qiandie's eyes lit up, temporarily forgetting the trouble of the food club.

It was the first time she had seen such a fast knife worker, and she couldn't help but marvel.

A flash of adoration flashed in Kikuchi Yuanguo's eyes.

See the diced vegetables on the side.

At such a fast speed, each grain is guaranteed to be the same size.

Only top knife workers can do it.

Sure enough, Boss Chu's cooking skills were really breathtaking.

Just when the chef of Chunguoting was amazed.

Chu Feng had already begun to stir-fry on a large fire.

That's right!

To save time, he used fire.

This operation made Xiao Qiandie exclaim again.

At her current level, she didn't dare to do this at all.

With such a fierce fire stir-fry, it is difficult to master the heat.

Seeing the two of them fussing a look.

Thor glanced at his mouth, and even Connor said nothing.

They have seen this operation many times, and they don't find it strange at all.

"This is really a squid tube?"

Eating the first squid roll wrapped in sticky rice and diced vegetables, Xiao Qiandie's face was full of shock.

Squid cones are a common dish along the coast, and no matter where they are placed, they are not a specialty.

But what Chu Feng did gave her a completely different feeling.

"Soft and hard sticky rice, the crispiness of cabbage shiitake mushrooms and the essence of ham are perfectly integrated, the soft squid meat does not have the slightest seay smell, everything is done to the extreme to form the most perfect and suitable taste, sure enough, it is worthy of Boss Chu who can do anything!"

Boss Chu who will do anything!

This is the joking name for Chu Feng in the food group.

After all, many times, food trucks sell different things every day, but they can do everything.

Chu Feng glanced at Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo strangely.

It seems that whenever it comes to cooking, the other party will change his usual introverted personality, and the taste will be endless.

Chu Feng has always felt that her personality is very similar to Tian Suohui, both are introverted, timid and nervous types.

The only difference is that Kikuchi Sonogo is not nervous when cooking.

"Hey, it's still Kaede who makes the best food."

Picking up a hairy crab, Thor swallowed it in his mouth with the meat and let out a satisfied moan.

Connor was eating small dried fish fried until browned, and the scorched and tender taste made her want to stop.

"Huh~ Say this in front of the chef of Chunguo Pavilion, you are not afraid that people will be angry Chu Feng looks at the dragon maid who is eating happily, and can't help but be a little speechless."

Thor has been in the world for so long, sometimes he still doesn't understand the human world.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo's little face blushed, and quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, Boss Chu's level is already much higher than mine." "

Xiao Qiandie, who had previously felt that his chef was too humble, also nodded with deep sympathy at this time.

After tasting Chu Feng's cuisine in person, she knew that there was such a delicacy in the world.

At the same time, Little Thousand Butterfly kept staring at Kikuchi Yuanguo's hand.

The other party is still holding a crab tongs at the moment, and he is reluctant to put it down when he waves his hand.


Mu Jiu knew that Yuanguo quickly realized this, and the little face that had gradually turned rosy instantly became even redder.

The sumptuous meal made everyone eat 337 more than satisfying, especially Thor and Connor, whose mouths were full of oil.


Little Chidie and Kikuchi Yuango found that the fear in their hearts had completely dissipated.

The revenge of the gourmet party seems to have become less important, and only fearless peace remains.

It was a strange feeling, obviously scared to death, but unprecedentedly peaceful.

Mu Jiu knew that Yuanguo thought of Chu Feng's cooking heart.

The other party's cooking heart seems to have become stronger than before.

It didn't take long ~

When there is not much food left on the table.

The gate of the Chunguo Pavilion was pushed open rudely.

A man wearing a sea nut hat walked in.

The man wears a red suit, a mask and sunglasses, and his appearance is more different.

Behind him.

Followed by the tall Saqi and a guy with a ghost mask.

The three just entered the door.

I suddenly saw the residue on the dining table.

And also smell the residual fragrance in the air. (⊙o⊙)...

Three people who suddenly broke in.

This moment was all frozen in place.

Shaqi looked even more confused.

The other two were wearing masks and face shields, and they couldn't see their expressions for the time being, but they were estimated to be similar.


Knowing we're coming for trouble.

You dare to eat a big meal with joy.

Will food be so faceless?

It didn't take us seriously at all.

It's really unbearable for my aunt, but uncle can't bear it!

A cloud of anger suddenly burst out of the bottom of the three people's hearts.

The sea nut man even took off his sunglasses and mask directly.

Oblique, long eyes and fangs aligned on the left and right sides are exposed.

In those scarlet pupils, there was a trace of coldness...

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