Chapter 157 Golden Tiger Tail Fruit, Bliss Noodles and Concubine Laughter!!

"How does it not count?"

Guan Shouhei, who was standing next to Dojima Gin, put his hands in his wide sleeves, squinted and smiled: "After ingesting gourmet cells, human cells are more active, and as the enjoyment of gourmet food continues to evolve, it is normal to obtain some strange abilities while surpassing ordinary people in strength." "

"You call this normal?"

Kohei Sojin, who mixed in with the members of the Ten Masters, pointed to the bukiwuz in the ring, and said a little speechlessly: "This is too exaggerated~"

Non-Shijie's Yuanyue student, there are only three people at the scene: Kohei Sojin, and Takashi Eiguchi Alice.

Thanks to the relationship with Chu Feng, Kohei Sojin and Tian Sohui were not blocked when they came in.

Neither of them has touched high-level cuisine, and knows very little about fantasy ingredients and gourmet cells.

Kohei Sojin's reaction was even more exaggerated than Akane Kubo Momo.

The corner of Dojima Gin's mouth twitched, and he glanced at his best friend's son, and said helplessly: "Sojin, Joichiro didn't tell you about the food world at all?" "

Kohei Sojin was stunned for a moment, and nodded silently.

"Huh~ I'm really an unreliable father~~"

Dojima Silver sighed, a little confused about Kohei Joichiro's thoughts.


Kohei Sojin echoed.

If Dad had let him know about this earlier, he would have been mentally prepared not to make such a fuss.

However, Kohei Sojin has always been a very optimistic person, and now that he knows it, it doesn't matter, calm down and continue to watch the showdown.

Megumi Tasho was obviously frightened by the 'horned tentacle monster'.

Those two waving slender arms in the ring.

It always gives her a slippery feeling.

"That, against such a monster, Boss Chu should be fine, right?"

After thinking for a long time, Tian Suoe suddenly said something timidly.

"What do you think? How could Boss Chu, who can make perfect cooking at will, lose? "

Hearing this, Kume Teruki was a little unhappy.

As Chu Feng's little fan, he was firm and sure that the other party could win.

Xiaolin Gentian and Thor and the others also turned their heads to look at Tian Suohui, always feeling that this girl was a little worried.

Thor asked even more jokingly: "Xiaohui, did Chu Feng encourage you to watch horror movies, and you deliberately said that?" "

"No it's not~"

Tian Suohui, who was already timid, was stared at by everyone, and immediately said nervously: "I also have a lot of confidence in Boss Chu, but suddenly I am a little worried, and Boss Chu's advice is quite useful, I have been bold recently... It seems to have gotten a little bigger. "

"Isn't it? Are you really looking for horror movies to watch? "

This time it was Thor's turn to be shocked.

I didn't expect Tian Suohui to be so obedient, and he really dared to do what Chu Feng said.

As far as you look like this, you are as timid as before.

The corner of Thor's mouth twitched, and he only felt that the Tian Suo girl was silly and cute.

Xiao Lin Gentian stared intently at the ring, and then a hint of confusion appeared on his face.

"Bukiwuz chopped the shrimp to pieces, and the shrimp shells were also chopped and boiled in soup, and he should have prepared to make candles underneath."

"But Chu Feng cut the shrimp meat into evenly sized cubes, and asked the staff to send the golden tiger tail fruit, what does he want to do?"

Si Yingshi was also puzzled, thinking: "There are many dishes with fruits and shrimp in the world, and it is impossible to guess if they are not dishes. "

"If you have Dragon Country cuisine, I do know one, but I don't know if I can guess accurately?"

Jiu I Teruki raised his hand to cover a handful of yellow hair hanging in front of his forehead, thinking that he was very handsome and said.

"Oh? What cuisine? "

Xiao Lin Gentian suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

"Concubine laughs!"

In the face of the fierce Xiaolin gentian, Jiu I Teruki did not dare to hang people's appetites.

"Concubine laughing? What a strange name, I really want to see it quickly. "

Kobayashi Gentian did not ask about the origin of this dish.

Just know the name, no matter how much you lose your sense of expectation.

Center of the venue.

Bukiwuz begins and faces.

The finest flour is mixed and chopped to the finest gem shrimp.

The hands stretched again, constantly pulling the dough like slender noodles.

The movements in the hands are flying, and the dough quickly turns into slender ramen.

This moment~

Bukiwuz's hands seem to be mixed with the noodles, making people stupid and indistinguishable that the noodles flying in the sky are getting thinner and thinner.

Like countless long dragons flying in the air.

It gives people an ultimate visual experience.

All present were a group of people with status.

But watching Nine Star Chef make dishes, he is not a common thing.

And Bugivuz is also a chef who has developed gastronomic cells to a certain extent and has magical skills.

Although many orthodox chefs in the culinary world will not recognize the star rating of Burkiwuz in their hearts.

A half-way food hunter.

A nine-star qualification obtained by relying on gourmet cells to make dream ingredients.

It's hard to get the chefs who have been cooking since childhood to recognize it.

Many cooks at the scene had already set their sights on Chu Feng.

It's just that~

There are no flashy tricks, no complicated and cumbersome production processes.


Chu Feng's speed of cooking was very slow.

Ordinary people can see every process clearly.

A dark blue kitchen knife with a dragon pattern gently cuts a hole in the golden tiger tail.

Carefully stuff the slightly oiled diced shrimp meat into it and coat the surface of the peel with an unknown juice.

The simple and clear cooking process can be clearly seen by everyone.


Isn't such a simple approach a bit too perfunctory?

This is a duel between nine-star chefs, and he doesn't put his opponent in his eyes too much, right?

Including Xiaolin Gentian and other members of the ten masters, everyone in the audience was a little speechless.

"This guy, I hope he doesn't roll over this time!"

Alice has no smile now, and she always feels that Chu Feng did not take this halberd seriously.

Since eating the food of the fast food truck, she regarded Chu Feng as a heavenly person, and naturally did not want the other party to lose.

Erinai didn't talk to anyone else from the beginning, always staring at Chu Feng on the cooking counter.

Looking at the serious expression on the other party's face, he seemed to sense Alice's concern, and shook his head: "He knows what he is doing very well, so don't worry about it." "

After a pause, a smile was outlined at the corner of Erina's mouth, and she said to herself: "Concubine laughing? An ordinary dish, I don't know how to shine in his hand. "

Although I don't want to admit it, I have visited the food truck many times.

The proud tongue of God has long been conquered by Chu Feng's cuisine.

That man can even achieve the ultimate perfection in takoyaki.

Dishes made of gem shrimp and acerola fruit will not be as simple as they seem.

The golden acerola fruit is only a level 1 dream ingredient, and IG0 is grown a lot inside.

This kind of 'superb lychee' that can bring people a sense of happiness.

And what kind of sparks will collide with gem shrimp meat?

Erinai was extremely curious now.

I can't wait to switch places with my mother.

Of course~

She was just thinking about it.

Know it's a pipe dream!

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