Chapter 158 Golden Tiger Tail Fruit, Bliss Noodles and Concubine Laughter!!

Acerola fruit.

It is also known as the best lychee in the culinary world.

This is a dream fruit that is not of high grade and is easy to grow.

Sweet with a hint of sourness.

Can give a sense of unparalleled well-being.

Erina's slight hearing of the dish 'Concubine Smile'.

With the progress of the times.

Nowadays, many ordinary dishes can no longer attract customers.

So the chefs had a lot of great ideas.

"Concubine Laugh" is one of them.

Using the appearance of lychee and fragrant shrimp, the appearance of real lychee is directly simulated and served on the table.

Plus the story of one of the legendary four beauties of the Dragon Kingdom.

This dish has both history and flavor.

In fact, this new dish uses crispy flower grains made of wheat flour, koji red powder and vegetable oil, wrapped in shrimp and fried to form 'lychee shells'.


Chu Feng's approach was obviously different.

Use fresh acerola fruit, pitted and stuffed with shrimp fried until golden brown.

Cold fruit and cooked hot shrimp meat, Erina's taste is really unimaginable.

It stands to reason ~

Such a completely opposite taste should not be too good.

But it's the owner of the magic food truck who makes this dish, and can't take it for two hours with common sense.

The shrimp noodles in Bukiwuz are ready.

Three bowls of generous shrimp noodles were placed in front of Zhenji and the others.

The hot air continued to rise, and then the mist gradually faded.


The aroma of fried and the wonderful taste of seafood broth swept through the venue like a volcanic eruption.

The rich aroma instantly arouses everyone's appetite.

The grounds are wide between the moons and days.

The aroma of several bowls of noodles quickly spread throughout the audience.

It can be imagined how violently the aroma impact of Xue Che Zhenji and the others was.

Starkin glanced at Bukiwuz approvingly, and slowly spoke: "Your level has improved a lot. "

"Lord Starkin has passed the prize."

Although the sous chef only nodded slightly in agreement.

But it also made Bukiwuz's whole face flush with excitement.

Who is Starkin?

Not only is it ranked second in terms of strength.

The level of cuisine has reached the special level.

Such an existence has always been the target of Bukiwuz's worship and pursuit.

"The aroma that permeated the entire venue, it's hard to imagine how delicious this bowl of noodles is?"

"This is a dream ingredient, far from being comparable to ordinary ingredients, and the resulting dishes are really extraordinary."

"No, gem shrimp meat can't give off such a taste, and the teachers haven't talked about it."

"It's oil and soup, and when burkiwuz mixes stock and chili oil, it must have used more than one dream ingredient."

Everyone began to discuss fiercely, and the Yuanyue students all frowned.

Except for Erina, none of the Yuanyue students present almost dealt with the fantasy ingredients, and everything they learned came from textbooks and IGO intranets.

By aroma alone?

There is no way to guess what ingredients the burkiwuz used.

"Unexpectedly, he actually thought of using the meat of giant grasshoppers to boil oil, lobster fish meat and gem shrimp shell soup, no wonder the aroma is so rich."

Dojima Silver narrowed his eyes, carefully discerned the source of the aroma, and quickly told the truth.

"Grade 1 ingredients lobster fish stew, Grade 2 ingredients giant grasshopper boiled oil, this guy in Bukiwuz is really rich."

Xiao Lin Gentian gasped, just thinking about it felt that these three bowls of noodles were so luxurious.

In addition to gem shrimp, other fantasy ingredients can be bought at your own expense.

Erina, who kept staring at the center of the venue, sneered: "After all, it is the branch head of the food club, or the ingredient preparation team, so I should have fished a lot of oil and water in normal times." "

Unlike the auditorium, which is a little farther away.

Tsutsuki Shinki and Senzoemon were the first to feel that the air seemed to be ignited by this rich aroma.

Before tasting it, a hot sensation was already coming from his throat.

This spicy smell is very choking, making people throb and at the same time ticking out the gluttony in their hearts.

The two opposing feelings make people feel the urge to taste them right away.

Xue Che Zhenji squinted his eyes slightly, and the silk strip slowly picked up a cluster of noodles and slowly put it in his mouth.


A violent stream of heat slowly descended her throat, full of extreme spicy gourds, constantly stimulating her nerves and taste buds.

The tongue of God amplifies this taste infinitely, and it seems that the hell scene full of magma on the ancient earth appears.


There was a roar in my head.

At this moment, the spicy and fresh seemed to be stimulating her body.

As if stimulated, the gourmet cells in Qiu Che's body began to devour that furious force.

Enjoy food, devour power, promote the evolution of gastronomic cells......... This is how high-star chefs and food hunters survive.

Senzoemon and Starkin ate some noodles and began to drink soup.

Both of them are special chefs, and they don't have a god's tongue, so they don't care about this spicy at all.

After drinking a mouthful of noodle soup, the two who were extremely bearable nodded at the same time, which was regarded as a recognition of this dish.


The taste of Jiuxing cuisine made with fantastic ingredients is indeed higher than that of special cuisine made with ordinary ingredients.

"The giant grasshopper has firm flesh, but it is rarely caught because of its strange smell, and it's a shame that you can think of using it to boil oil."

Senzoemon glanced at Bukiwuz curiously, presumably the only operation that surprised him.

This halberd, Yuanyue is a neutral camp, just to enhance its popularity, Xianzuoweimon will not deliberately favor any side.

Facing the special chef in the neon cuisine world, Bukiwuz also gave due respect, and said with a slight smile: "Blanching 62 degrees of salt water for 32.1 seconds can make the meat of the giant grasshopper delicious, boil the oil directly without stopping, lock in the moisture to maintain the taste, and finally boil the ultimate chili oil..."

Xianzuoemon was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect such cold knowledge.

Special chefs are also human, and there are ingredients and preparation methods that they have never touched before.

Nodding slowly, this time he glanced upwards at Bukiwuz.

I didn't expect that this guy with a bad reputation really had some skills.

Starkin and Kakuki didn't comment much.

The former's personality is inherently taciturn and generally rarely speaks.

If you can nod your head, it has proved that Bukiwuz's cuisine is good.

Shinki is a rare special executive officer of the IGO.

Over the years, I have tasted many special cuisines.

Chef Jiuxing's cooking could not shake her nerves.

And at this time ~

Chu Feng had already brought it over on the dinner plate.

Twelve 'lychees' lay calmly on three plates, looking ordinary and not spilling the slightest aroma.

Compared with Bukiwuz's 'bliss noodles', whether it is visual impact or taste explosion, Chu Feng's cuisine is far inferior.

"Concubine laughs, please taste!"

A flat voice sounded in the ears of the three judges.

Even in the face of two special chefs and a special executive.

The expression on Chu Feng's face did not change in any way, and he still looked light.

"A red dust concubine laughs, no one knows that it is Lychee!"

"It's a poetic dish, I'd rather taste it..."

Xue Che Zhen laughed, the meaning of favoring Chu Feng was particularly obvious...

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