Chapter 159 Kitchen Dao Vision, Glowing Fruit!!

Special executives are also human beings and have their own likes and dislikes.

IGO and Gastronomy have been at odds for 30 years, and there is no need to hide anything from each other.

A wry smile appeared on the face under Starkin's mask.

Secretly glad that the president had sent him.

If the other two came, I was afraid that I would not be able to stand this kind of anger.

Starkin doesn't care.

As long as it does not actively attack him.

It's hard for the sous chef to get angry.

Xue Che really stared at the plain 'concubine smile' in front of him.

Although verbally praised, a trace of worry inevitably rose in my heart.

Modern cuisine has developed to this day.

Color and aroma have become the most basic criteria for excellent cuisine.

The golden acerola fruit itself sells very well, but it is not a boutique.

At least compared to Burkiwuz's 'Elysium', it is more than a step behind.

On the plate in front of him, there were only four golden tiger tail fruits.

Pick one up and look at it carefully.

She suddenly discovered.

At first glance, there was no incision in sight.

After the golden tiger tail fruit was coated with an unknown slurry by Chu Feng.

The incision became almost imperceptible.

A hint of surprise flashed under his eyes.

After careful observation, he found the incision, and then he peeled the husk~

A warm light suddenly bloomed from her hand.

"What's that? The golden acerola seems to be glowing? "

"Vision! Kitchen Road Vision! This kid's cooking can actually trigger a vision of cooking? "

"He's not going to be a grand chef, is he?"

"A small number of nine-star chefs can also do it, but it is extremely mentally draining......... Kitchen Road Vision! "

Only chefs who fit the way of cooking and resonate with the ingredients can cause this special phenomenon.

People who didn't know Chu Feng couldn't help but open their mouths at this moment, revealing shock.

However, those who knew Chu Feng's skills did not feel strange at all.

"Huh~ Boss Chu's cooking will glow, isn't it normal, although he rarely makes glowing dishes."

Alice pouted, and the afterglow swept towards the group of stunned people, as if looking at a group of dirt buns who had never seen the world.

It seemed that she had forgotten that she had first seen "Magic Mapo Tofu." "

"I seem to be even more surprised than these people."

"No, it's not just about glowing!"

Erina's eyebrows frowned lightly, and a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face.

"There is also the fragrance, although it is very light, but there is a faint floral fragrance in the venue."

The tip of her mouth trembled slightly, and after a slight pause, Erina said very affirmatively.

"Indeed ~ it is really a peaceful scent of exotic flowers~~"

"Golden tiger tail fruit definitely does not have such an aroma, what did he do?"

Kanhyuga sniffed the air, and then revealed an intoxicated expression.

The faint fragrance actually made her feel the sweetness of flowers and fruits, and her mood became particularly comfortable.

"That's awesome! It should be related to the pulp that Chu Jun applied on the husk, I don't know what precious ingredients he used? "

Mujiu Zhiyuan Guo, who had been in a state of tension, suddenly relaxed his mind after smelling this fragrance.

Beautiful eyes stared closely at the young man in the center of the venue, faintly with a hint of worship and ambiguity.

Qian Hinata was slightly startled, and looked at this introverted junior girl with a little surprise, and an aunt smile suddenly appeared on her face.

It seems that this junior girl is moved!

Kanhyuga probably knows a little about the ins and outs of this halberd.

Although he faintly guessed that Chu Feng was not simply helping Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, there was also the meaning of deterring all forces.

But this simple little girl in front of her has obviously become obsessed with this man with a sense of security.

This kind of boy who has both skills and charm.

Kanhyuga was ten years younger.

It is estimated that I can't help but fall in love with him.

He glanced at Thor, who wrapped his hands around his chest and kept his eyes on Thor in the center of the venue.

Kanhyuga suddenly felt a little worried about her sister's love path.

This blonde maid who had followed Chu Feng for a long time.

They don't seem to be weak people.

Can she allow others to step in?

Takeshi didn't pay attention to the hustle and bustle of the audience.

In fact, she couldn't hear her surroundings now.

When the shell of the acerola is completely peeled off.

A crystal fruit like a pearl of the night bloomed with a faint light between her fingers.

Vaguely ~

In the flesh, there seemed to be a magnificent woman.

Unparalleled in nobility, enchanting dancing.


This is the true vision of cooking! At this moment, he even gave birth to the idea of not being willing to eat the fruit.

Illusions come and go quickly.

She only blinked twice, and the flesh returned to its crystal clear appearance.

You can even see the shrimp inside.

The alluring fragrance comes to your face.

At this moment, it seemed to be tempting her to quickly eat this delicacy.

This time she no longer hesitated.

Including Starkin and Senzoemon.

The three swallowed 'concubine laughter' at almost the same time.

A red dust concubine laughed, no one knew that it was Lychee! This moment~

The three of them seemed to understand the true meaning of this sentence in a trance.

It seems to understand, but not completely!

A combination of cool and hot.

There is not a single point of discord.

The ultimate delicacy that blends almost perfectly.

Instantly, Xue Che Zhenji and the others were stunned in place.

In my mind, there seems to be a prosperous scene of peace in the world.

The ancient capital of a long time wafts the fragrance of Luoyang flowers from afar.

Vaguely, there is a gorgeous woman who is singing and dancing on the city wall.

Views, deliciousness, pomp and circumstance...

When it all comes together perfectly.

It suddenly gave people an indescribable mental shock.

Under the moonlight~

The three judges seemed to be trapped in endless dreams.

The sweet and sour juicy of acerola fruit.

With gentle chewing.

The crisp gem shrimp meat gradually exudes the ultimate fresh aroma.


The taste of fuel consumption and passion fruit is highlighted.

Creamy and sweet and sour.

On the contrary, it deepens the deliciousness of the shrimp.

It does not have the violency of Bliss noodles, nor does it have a hot and charming fresh aroma, this dish has only a faint sweetness and deliciousness.


Just a few simple tastes, but they jumped happily on the tongues of Kazuki and others.

It was as if a woman was dressed in a soft gauze and dancing to joyful music.

That kind of intimate tenderness is simply impossible to sink into forever.

Senzoemon remembers his wife who has been dead for many years, and also remembers the good life that the two had together decades ago.

Two lines of hot tears couldn't help but fall, and the blouse was actually shattered in silence.

Bukiwuz's nine-star cuisine can't shake the cracks.

Now just swallowing a golden tiger tail fruit, the unique skills of the Xue Che family were released without warning.

A sparkle has bloomed in the eyes of the Starkin tiger.

Under the moonlight.

The energy pouring into the body turned into silver threads, which were quickly devoured by gourmet cells unimaginable~

A small fruit, the energy contained in it, actually exceeded the sum of the entire bowl of noodles before.

At this time, Starkin stared intently at Chu Feng.

He was a special chef.

Know to do it.

Dream ingredients must be used to the fullest.


Chu Feng's cooking level is definitely more than nine stars.

This young man of about twenty years old in front of him ~ must be a special chef!

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