Chapter 160 Bukiwuz wants to escape? Don't worry, he can't escape!!


A thick voice came from under Starkin's iron mask.

He seemed very relaxed from the beginning, and his body straightened at this moment.

Starkin thought it was just to walk ~ a cutscene.

After all, it's just a halberd between nine-star chefs.

Nothing to see at all.


The sous chef of the gourmet club never thought of it.

The young food truck owner in front of him was actually a special chef.

Special Chef!

Even in the world of culinary excellence, it is extremely rare.

Everyone has gone through thousands of trials to reach this level.

Such as the Zoe Gate beside him.........

Born into a culinary family, he has a strong heritage and culinary heritage, and he only became a special chef at the age of forty or fifty.

How old is this kid in front of you? Looks like early twenties at most.

How did he practice this ability? A glint flashed under Starkin's eyes.

Chu Feng's talent and cooking skills have reached the point where people have to face it squarely.

The thick voice awakens the Tsuki Jinji and Senzoemon who are immersed in a psychedelic dream.

But the two fathers and daughters of the Xue Che family are obviously much calmer than Starkin.

They had long guessed Chu Feng's true level.

Kakushi was so surprised that he was even skeptical for a while.

The other party is most likely to be a Lin chef who has been difficult to come out for a hundred years.

Compared to the father and daughter of the Xue Che family.

The audience was not calm.

Hearing Starkin's words, there was silence between the huge moon and the sky.

Except for the people in the food group, the faces of the others were full of surprise.



The audience was in an uproar.

"Grand Chef? How can it be? "

"Stakin wouldn't be misjudged, would he? How could there be such a young chef? "

"Move your brain, this halberd is related to the life of Bukiwuz, there is no definite reason, Starkin will not jump to conclusions."

"Hehe~ Nine Star Challenge Special Chef, Bukiwuz is really courageous, it seems that this gourmet branch minister has to be here today."

"He is really unlucky, who provokes is not good, he picks a special chef, and the face of the gourmet club is lost by him."

"You can't blame Bukiwuz for this, can you? Who would have thought that a person who drives a fast food truck to sell snacks would actually be a special chef? "

It didn't take long for the discussion to sound.

Many viewers suddenly had a strange expression on their faces.

The gaze that looked at Chu Feng was even more strange.

Oh, yes~

Your cooking level is so high, why do you still drive fast food trucks around setting up stalls?

Almost 90 percent of the people present couldn't figure it out.

If Erinae and others knew what they thought, they might be able to give an answer.

Setting up a stall is Boss Chu's true love.

Xianzuoweimen, whose clothes were completely cracked, did not pick up the clothes in the hands of the staff for the first time, but laughed bare-chested.

"The cool and hot match perfectly, not only highlighting the deliciousness of the gem shrimp meat, but also deepening the happiness of the golden acerola fruit."

"At that moment just now, the old man seemed to go back in time, remembering that good time, which was really indescribably delicious."

This leader in the neon cuisine industry gave this 'concubine smile' a very high evaluation.

Kakushi changed his usual laziness and nodded his head lightly.

"The above oil consumption dispels the greasy fried food, and the right amount of passion fruit balances the two dream ingredients, and the comfortable taste between hot and cold is really appetizing."

The few special executives of IGO are also the tongues of the gods of the previous generation of the Xue Che family.

It was easy for him to analyze the auxiliary materials used by Chu Feng.

Very simple~

It's not as complicated as everyone thinks.

It's just good quality fuel consumption, and pure passion fruit.

Chu Feng, who sells fast food, has always pursued simple and practical cooking methods.

But Kakushi is very clear.

Use simple ingredients to the extreme.

Definitely not an easy task.

Back to basics, the road to simplicity.

The same can be said in cooking.

Over the years, she has tasted many dishes by special chefs.

But he had never seen a chef like Chu Feng.

It seems that no matter what the ingredients.

He can make it the ultimate delicious.

Stargin did not give a comment.

After all, he is the assistant chef of the gourmet club.

You can't praise your opponent in front of everyone.

In the face of Xianzuoweimon and Xue Che's sincere evaluation, Chu Feng just showed a polite smile.

"Concubine Laugh" received unanimous praise, which is normal. After all, it comes from the points mall, and it is also an eight-star recipe. It's just a pity that it's not the ingredients provided by the system.

It always feels a bit unsatisfactory.

At least Chu Feng knew.

Did it today" concubine laughed. "

"It's not perfect."

In front of the judges.

By this time, Bukiwuz's entire face had turned pale.

The long eyes were full of disbelief.

I thought that Jiu Xing had overestimated Chu Feng's level.

But now Starkin told him that the guy next to him was a special chef.

Play with me, right?

Bukiwuz had a hard time accepting it.

But everyone at the food club knows it.

Starkin never disdained to lie.

There is also no reason to fabricate lies to favor an outsider.


Everything is true?! The body trembled slightly.

My heart is filled with fear.

Bukiwuz could imagine his end, and a sense of despair lingered in his heart.

Starkin scratched his head habitually.

Did you watch Burkiwuz die here? Look at the other person's 'begging' eyes.

The sous chef was a little tangled.

After all, Bukiwuz himself proposed a 'life and death battle'.

Now you can't lose the competition and regret it, right?

The president just asked him to come and take a look, and did not give clear instructions.

Of course~ there is a more important point.

The blonde maid mentioned by Bukiwuz.

Starkin was also not sure of victory.


Facing Bukiwuz's 'cry for help'.

Stargin turned a blind eye.

Anyway, the two of them are not familiar.

"Sous Chef?"

Seeing Starkin's unwillingness to take care of himself.

The words that had just come to Bukiwuz's mouth swallowed back.

That miserable white face had completely lost its blood color at this time.

At the same time, he also knew that he had been abandoned by the organization.

Starkin, unlike their gang, does not have any lofty ideas.

It is said that I was invited to join the gourmet party only for the sake of long-term favor.

As long as the guild leader does not give an order, this guy will not make an easy move.

This moment~

Bukiwuz was completely desperate.

The eyes that looked at everyone present were full of resentment.


Legs bounce up like springs.

Bukiwuz ran in the direction of the gate.

Starkin, who was leaning back against the seat, seemed to have expected this.

After all, most of the food clubs are evil people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, he did not stop it, whether he could leave Bukiwuz or not depended on Chu Feng's own ability.

Senzoemon and Kakukiri were also a little surprised.

At this time, Bukiwuz was about to escape from the moon.

"You're not going after him?"

Xue Che Zhenji couldn't help but ask out loud, and even thought that Chu Feng planned to let the other party go.

Who knew that Chu Feng, who was wearing a white chef's uniform, just shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Don't worry, he can't escape!" "

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