Chapter 161 Gourmet Club Headquarters, the new Fifth Branch Minister!!

He glanced contemptuously at Bukiwuz, who was approaching the door.

Chu Feng instantly disappeared in place.

God walk, launch!

Starkin, who had not yet left the table, his pupils suddenly froze.

That moment just now.

He didn't see exactly how the other party had disappeared.

But for sure.

Definitely not fast moving.

Starkin was confident that no matter how fast he was, he could not hide his eyes. 'Teleportation? ’

If the deputy chef of the gourmet club was just facing Chu Feng's cooking level before, then now~

He has realized that the strength of the other party is also good.

With the advent of the world of gastronomy.

Gourmet cells bring great power to humanity at the same time.

And all sorts of weird abilities.

But teleportation? Stakin was unheard of.

The gaze subconsciously moved towards the gate.

The white figure had already appeared behind Bukiwuz.

The flee of Bukiwuz apparently realized this.

The moment he turned his head, his face was already full of panic.

It seems that he can't figure out why the other party caught up so quickly.

Holy Sword Excalibur!

Chu Feng didn't give Bukiwuz much time to think.

Directly launch the strongest hand knife.

The shimmering palm slashed straight down.

Mighty ~

There is quite an atmosphere of breaking mountains and seas.

A howling wind sounded in his ears, and an unrivaled wave of qi came from behind him.

Bukiwuz's sweaty hair stood on end, and he suddenly felt terrified, and a touch of despair appeared under his eyes.

But when he thought of his ability, his heart settled a little.

Bukiwuz is gifted, and after obtaining gourmet cells, he has increased the number of bones in his whole body to 4,000.

As long as the most important supporting bones are okay, even serious injuries can be quickly recovered.

Although Chu Feng's strength and cooking skills were beyond his expectations.

But just to save his life, Bukiwuz felt that it was fine.


Such a thought only sprang up for half a second.

A force that seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth struck all over the body.

Ten pins and ten genera ~~

The sound of bones breaking kept ringing.

It's like dominoes that fall with a push.

The sound of rattling is endless.

This unrivaled force began to surge into the body from the back of the burkiwuz

The bones of the whole body were broken piece by piece, and he was never given time to repair "Ah~~"

A harsh scream suddenly sounded.

The people who stayed between the moon and the sky instantly broke out in a cold sweat.

The holy sword Excalibur, did not make Bukiwuz suffer too much.

Cultivating to the extreme is enough to cut off the secret technique of the planet, almost at the same time as the recruiter screams, it cuts off the opponent's vitality.

Chu Feng carefully controlled the power, and there was no too bloody scene on the scene.

After all, this is the Far Moon Academy, and it is better not to leave bad memories for teachers and students, so when Bukiwuz fled, he did not make a move at the first time.

Good location at the gate between moons and days.

It happened that he was in a parallel line with the teachers and students of Yuanyue.

Students who have not yet gone out of the campus to see the cruel truth of the world can not see anything, and Boss Chu is still very good at taking care of other people's emotions sometimes.

As for the screams just now?

Since it is necessary to deter all forces, this little thing is inevitable.

Soon, crews cleaned up the scene and took Bukiwuz's body.

The celebrities from all walks of life present did not expect Chu Feng to make a move without warning.

At this time, one by one, they have not recovered from the shock.

Chu Feng ignored the sluggish crowd and beckoned Thor and Connor to leave.

The goal has probably been achieved, and there is no need to stay.

Tashoe seemed to be frightened, and a look of panic appeared on her small face.

But when he thought of Chu Feng's usual easy-going appearance, his heart settled down again.

It's okay, it's okay, Boss Chu is beating bad people!

Simple Xiaohui quickly finds a reason to convince herself.

Erina, Kobayashi Gentian and other members of the Ten Masters were silent, and their faces did not change.

They know the cruelty of the culinary world better than Megumi Tasho.

As the best students in this group of Yuanyue, as long as there are no accidents after graduation, sooner or later they will go to the food world.

In that magical world, the most dangerous thing is not fantasy creatures, but humans competing for ingredients.

A small island off the beaten track somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Space Gate 5 is located here.

Since thirty years ago, eight spatial doors to the world of gastronomy suddenly appeared.

IGO and national high-level officials divide it into numbers 1-8.

Among them, the Dragon Kingdom controls two dishes, and the food will occupy one.

There are five remaining space doors, which are jointly controlled by IGO and various countries.

The headquarters of the food club, hidden behind the door of space 5.

Forest of Danger!

A majestic castle is built in a pine forest.

Inside the castle.

There is a spacious dining room with luxurious décor.

Dozens of chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

In the middle of the restaurant.

There is a table more than ten meters long and made of whole top-quality granite.

At this moment, the table is already full of all kinds of strange ingredients, exuding a burst of fragrance.

Roasted whole pigs, hungry birds, sweet whole fruits, balon saber-toothed tigers, and many unknown bugs.

These are all fantastic ingredients that are unique to the food world.

Sitting directly above the long table is a man wearing a chef's hat more than three meters tall and a two-handed beard.

His lips were dark in color, like a deeply poisoned patient, and his face was full of all kinds of strange insects.


One of the three culinary leaders of the gourmet club.

I saw him casually pick up a strange bug and stuff it into his mouth.

A trace of purple blood overflowed with the corner of his mouth.

Kulomad suddenly showed an extremely enjoyable expression.

It's hard to imagine that someone likes to eat bugs raw.

Domilot, who was holding the pink mushroom head, pouted.

Without a nose, he made such an action that seemed a bit funny.

As one of the three sous chefs of the gourmet club.

Domilot's favorite thing is bugs.

He has a lot of insects of all kinds stored in his body.

Specially used to do some explosions, invasion of human bodies and all reconnaissance work

The special hobby of the head chef Kulomad really made Domilot feel sad.

"Starkin, who is far away in the neon, has sent back news that Bukiwuz is dead."

After a long time, Kulomad, who was sitting upright, finally spoke.

"The conch shell cute man actually hangs? What a surprise! "

Cedoru, who was covered in bandages, smiled.

He is the head of the food blending group of the 6th branch, and has always been at odds with Bukiwuz.

"Sedoru, put away your disgusting laughter, Bukiwuz is also our man, so easily killed by someone, it is the face of our entire food club."

A strong man more than two meters tall, muscular and oiled glared at Sedoru with dissatisfaction.

He is the head of the equipment supply group of the 4th branch of Balikamon.

Domilot glanced at the strong man strangely and said with a smile: "Then why don't you go and help Bukiwuz take revenge?" "

Balikamon's body froze, and his face became a little unpleasant... Although his strength is among the best among the six branch ministers.

But the man who killed Bukiwuz used only one trick.

Let him go to the trouble of the other party?

Undoubtedly to send to death.

The five-year-old Balikamon is not stupid at all.

"Lord Kulomad, what should we do now?"

"Now that the material preparation team has no branch director, a lot of work cannot be carried out smoothly."

"Also, there is too little information about Chu Feng, and it is difficult for us to judge the origin of the other party."

Yu is probably the most normal human present.

Perhaps the people who care most about the work of the organization.

He looks like a beautiful man with a gentle personality.

As the head of the intelligence gathering group of the second branch.

He asked himself what he knew about this 'enemy'.

It is precisely because of the understanding of the other party that they dare not make judgments.

Kulomad glanced at the few people present.

Suddenly sighed a little helplessly.

In addition to Starkin, who was in the neon and could not come back, and the first and third ministers who were on a mission, the three deputy chefs actually came to only one Domilot.


The food party is joined by a bunch of unruly villains.

Kulomad's face did not change much, obviously he had long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

"Before the dinner starts, let's say one thing, the new branch head of the fifth branch has been decided, let's get to know each other first."

These words directly made Domilot and the others slightly stunned.

Just after the death of Bukiwuz, a new branch minister was arranged from above? Sure enough, it is still the consistent style of the food club, and I don't take human life seriously.

As soon as Kulomad's words fell, the main entrance of the restaurant suddenly opened.

A man in a black trench coat and black leather gloves walked in.

The man looked less than forty, with a conspicuous strand of gray on his hair combed back.

Behind him, followed by a man with a cap, a red veil around his face.

"Cut thistle, come and say hello to you."

Kulomad spoke again, looking at the man in the black trench coat with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet your colleagues."

The thistle was smiling, and his hands and feet were all revealing an aristocratic demeanor

Domilot squinted his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Who is this guy?" We used to have this person inside? "

Balikamon and Cedoru's faces were also confused, and they obviously did not know the man in front of them.

Only Yu is quiet, dedicated to gathering intelligence, and he knows more things than others.

Facing the scrutinizing gazes of several 'colleagues', Xue Cheji just smiled slightly: "After joining the food party, it is normal for Lord Domilot not to know, and in the future, everyone will always have the opportunity to get to know each other when they work together." "

A glint flashed in Domilot's slightly narrowed eyes, and he felt that he had encountered the same kind.

The sharp-spoken guy in front of him seems to be a sinister villain.

"What about the people behind you? Who is he again? "

Right at this moment.

Balikamon's rough voice sounded.

He doesn't really like people who hide their heads and show their tails.

The man behind the thistle pulled down the red veil, revealing an extremely young face.

He looks to be in his twenties, and the kitchenware coiled around his waist already indicates his identity.

"Special Chef, Caibo Chaoyang, Deputy Branch Head of the Fifth Branch!"

A smile appeared at the corner of the young man's mouth, and his eyes revealed unbridled defiance...

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