Chapter 165 A family under the snow, vegetable stewed meat when white juice!!

Connor showed off a luxurious bento box in class.

This was something that Chu Feng didn't expect at all.

But even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

Little Conna is exactly when she grows her body.

Nutrition has to keep up~

In the morning, the time and place of the stall and the dishes of the day will be sent to the food group.

Chu Feng and Thor went shopping on the street, bought a few clothes for the two dragon ladies by the way, and in the afternoon Chu Feng prepared the ingredients at home, and when it was close to five o'clock, the stall was officially released, and today's stall location is not ~ far from Didan Primary School.

Just a stall less than half a kilometer away.

After parking the food truck, Thor neatly arranged the tables and chairs.

The first group of guests who came were a little unexpected by Chu Feng.

It was actually the Yukinoshita sisters, and her parents.

"Boss Chu, come four portions of white juice stewed meat."

The tall Yukinoshita Yono came and went directly to the window to start ordering food skillfully.

Behind her were her father and mother.

Yukino hid behind his parents.

It seems a little hesitant and afraid to move forward.

It seems that there is a little embarrassment in the resistance.

Last time, Chu Feng pulled her into the blacklist.

Yukino still remembers it vividly.

Although Chu Feng, who was angry and arrogant, did not have a little strength.

But the taste of that meat bun always lingered in my mind.

When my parents suggested that the family come and taste the food truck.

Yukinoshita agreed without hesitation.

But when she came to the food truck, she regretted it a little.

Thoughts and instinctive reactions of the body are clearly opposite.

"Well, wait a minute."

Facing Yang Nai, who was acute, Chu Feng smiled and nodded.

Glancing at the black long straight girl hiding behind.

There is no mention of her refusal to buy food in the first place.

But Yuki's parents didn't know where they learned about it.

His mother glanced back at the black straight girl and said seriously, "Xue Nai, I don't want to apologize to Mr. Chu soon." "

Yukinoshita's mother looked less than forty years old.

His black hair was high and he wore a neon antique robe.

The serious expression appeared a little cold, and the raised hands and feet were full of aristocratic stereotypes.

Yukinoshita's father is a middle-aged man in a black suit.

Turned to look at her daughter hiding behind her.

A wry smile could not help but appear on his face.

The family has always been decided by the snow mother.

Even if he loves his little daughter very much, he doesn't dare to say anything more because of his son-in-law's status.


Yesterday, seeing Chu Feng's cooking skills and strength, that incredible ability and bold means, also made him feel a little afraid.

As neon business celebrities, the Yukinoshita couple also witnessed the halberd eating between the moon and the sky last night.

At the same time, they also understand what kind of mysterious background the people who dare not easily retaliate against the gourmet club.

So when he knew from Yang Nai's mouth that Xue Nai had offended Chu Feng...

The couple came the next day to apologize.

Of course~

Tasting the cuisine of the Grand Chef is also the purpose of his trip.

Special chefs are a group of proud beings.

The Yukinoshita family is very rich.

It is rare to have the opportunity to taste special cuisine.

Chu Feng glanced at his parents under the snow strangely, surprised by the other party's approach.

If you think about it a little, you can understand that it was yesterday's deterrent that played a role.

Under the snow, Yukino came out from behind her father and slowly came to the window with a red face.

"That~that~~ I'm so sorry that day!"

The flower of the high ridge of Toyonoki Academy may never know what the Taogar is.

It took Yukino a long time to finish the rest of the words at an alarming speed.

"No need, since you have been banned for a day, I have no reason to pursue you again."

Chu Feng said expressionlessly while making the dish.

A principled boss who never drives away guests for no reason.

Yang Nai laughed and said to the middle-aged woman beside him: "Mother, I have long said that Boss Chu will not care about this little thing. "

Under the snow, her mother nodded towards Chu Feng, and a smile finally appeared on her cold face.

In the face of the mysterious grand chef, the head of the Yukinoshita family must be treated with caution.

After all, they are just a bunch of ordinary people.

It is clear that in the face of the unknown, it is necessary to be in awe of Baot.

The Yukoshita family chose the table closest to the food truck.

No one bothered, and Chu Feng began to seriously make the hopper theory.

Vegetable stew in white juice!

It's still from Genshin this game.

Made from a stew of animal meat, cream and snapdragon.

Beast meat and cream ~

Chu Feng chose ordinary ingredients.

Iberian Black Haired Pig!

The points mall is exchanged for 6,000 yen per pound.

It is also considered a relatively high-end meat in the world.

As for snapdragon, it is a plant unique to the Genshin world.

The price is not expensive, and one point can be exchanged for ten catties.

Vegetable stew in white sauce is today's main dish.

Chu Feng's pricing is not expensive, as long as it is an old yuan.

After all, the ingredients used add up to less than half a catty, and the cost does not cost much for a while~

Four delicate stews are placed in front of the family under the snow.

Pork with similar color and cream is mixed together, like a bowl of pure white porridge.

A little green leaves dot the 'white porridge', which seems to be the only green on the snowy mountains.

Single on the phase ~

This dish has already whetted an appetite.

If you count the rich creamy aroma.

I believe that there is no one in the world who can resist such deliciousness.

The family under the snow naturally cannot.

So the four of them picked up the soup spoon in unison and began to taste this delicacy.

As the ingredients melt between the lips and teeth.

The family under the snow suddenly gave birth to a wonderful feeling.

It's as if you're bathed in milk, and you can enjoy the comfort of looking relaxed.

【Ding! The white sauce vegetable stew has been praised by customers, and the horn triggers a hundredfold critical hit, and the reward: 1 million yen! 】

【Ding! At the same time, the horned worm sends a hundredfold critical hit, reward: 100 points! 】

【... Hornworm sends a tenfold critical hit, prize: 100,000 yen! 】

【... At the same time the angle triggers... Reward: 10 points]

A series of prompts ringing in my head.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

Points can also be earned after critical hits.

Chu Feng once again experienced the happiness of getting a large sum of yen at the beginning.

Look at the growing number of points in the column of the system interface.

Critical Strike Return, that's so happy six!

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