Chapter 166 Suzuki Sonoko's family, Starkin is also here!!

Yukinoshita Yukino: Sing +2!

Yono Yukinoshita: Horseback Riding +2!

Glancing at the sisters under the snow, a hint flashed above their heads.

A strange expression suddenly appeared on Chu Feng's face.

The skill tree of these two sisters seems to be a little off.

He also doesn't know if the system is intentional?

I always feel that skills such as singing and horseback riding seem a little unorthodox.

No skills were brushed from the Yukishita family.

Chu Feng said it didn't matter.

He doesn't need business skills anyway.

Luck was good today.

In total, the Yukoshita family provided more than two million yen and 200+ points.

Although the points earned by the stall are not as many as the temporary tasks.

But just get more customers every day.

Plus a little luck.

Thousands of points are not difficult.

It wasn't long after the Yukinoshita family left.

Sonoko Suzuki's family also came.

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Sonoko Suzuki, it seems that he did not join the food group, right? How did they know they were setting up a stall today? Use your brain a little.

Chu Feng instantly guessed the truth.

As the top chaebol of neon.

Chairman of the Suzuki Foundation.

Shiro Suzuki naturally had a way to know the movement of the food truck as quickly as possible.

Chu Feng didn't care about being known, as long as there was no malice.

And the more popular the food truck, the more customers and the richer the rewards.

Shiro Suzuki is a stocky man with glasses and a figure-eight beard.

He was about fifty years old, and next to him stood a tall noble lady.

Behind the two, they were followed by a young woman with a gentle smile on her face, and Suzuki Yuanzi, who showed a bright smile when she saw Chu Feng.

The young woman with long wavy hair tied into a single ponytail is supposed to be Sonoko Suzuki's older sister.

What is the specific name, Chu Feng has long forgotten.

After all, "Detective Conan" is one of the few episodes he can't chase because the number of episodes is too long.

"Boss Chu, we're meeting again."

Suzuki Yuanzi almost jumped to the window, and a pair of eyes fell directly on Chu Feng.

This young lady's biggest hobby is to find handsome guys, and now she is a flower idiot

Thor glanced at Suzuki Garden strangely, well, there was no threat at all

This kind of virtuous flower idiot girl who beheaded Tianyu could not arouse Chu Feng's interest.

With a smile, he came to the Suzuki family with a plate.

Thor put down four servings of 'white juice stew' and turned to leave.

The Suzuki family began to taste the dishes of the special chef.

As soon as the tender and delicious cream was in his mouth, Shiro Suzuki couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

"Sure enough, he is the youngest special chef in history recognized by IGO and the Gourmet Club, and Mr. Chu's cooking level is truly breathtaking, and he can make such delicious dishes without using fantastic ingredients."

Shiro Suzuki said very seriously, without exaggerating in the slightest.

As the top consortium family in Neon, the Suzuki family is much richer than the Yukinoshita family.

Even under the Suzuki Foundation, there are biotechnology companies that specialize in fantasy ingredients.

Shiro Suzuki has eaten a lot of dream ingredients in his life.

Although the gourmet cells contained in the body are not as good as those food hunters.

But the power contained in the body cannot be underestimated.

The dish in front of him, which was made only with ordinary ingredients, actually caused the gourmet cells in his body to stir, as if tempted, subconsciously devouring this delicacy.

Of course, 'white sauce stewed meat' does not have any energy, it is just a simple dish.

But even so, it leads to "greed." "

"The gastronomic cell."

This is what shocked Shiro Suzuki the most.

In the face of the praise of this business celebrity.

Chu Feng just laughed politely.

Of course~

Chu Feng didn't know how the other party felt at this time.

His gastronomic cells come from the system, without the urge to be greedy, let alone lose themselves because of the temptation of food.

What the system produces, erases all negative effects from the beginning.


"Boss Chu's cuisine is extremely delicious every time I eat it."

"Or let's exchange contact information, so that we don't have to look for you every time Manjunjing!"

Suzuki Sonoko swallowed a spoonful of delicious seasonal vegetable stewed meat and blurted out his words like a bead.

Thor glanced at Chu Feng, who nodded slowly, and the dragon maid took out her mobile phone.

Gaqunla people, a series of operations flowing, skillfully shocking. (⊙o⊙)

Sonoko Suzuki was completely dumbfounded.

In addition to tasting the dishes of the food truck.

She wanted Chu Feng's contact information even more.

Although the blonde maid looks like each other's girlfriend.

But after getting to know each other, maybe I still have a chance.

It's normal for couples to break up this year.

Although Miss Yuanzi disdains to be a third party.

But......... It is also possible to "pick up leaks." "


Who would have thought that Chu Feng had actually built a food group...

Glancing at the group list, I found that there were mostly girls inside, and they all seemed to be regular customers of the fast food truck.

The frustration was fleeting, and Suzuki Sonoko quickly returned to normal and continued to taste the food in front of him.

After all, she just likes handsome guys, and she is not an idiot who wants to be dissatisfied.

In front of the food truck, suddenly quiet.

The Suzuki family has clearly indulged in the deliciousness of grand cru cuisine.


A tall man appeared in front of the food truck.

The black iron mask on his face is particularly conspicuous.

Starkin! Sous chef of the gourmet club.

'Why is he here?' ’

Chu Feng muttered to himself, and a trace of suspicion spread in his heart.

"We meet again."

These were Starkin's first words after coming.

Nodding slightly, Chu Feng spoke, "Want to eat something?" "

Door-to-door guests!

He doesn't refuse to serve food just because he's a gourmet club.

"One for each of the three dishes."

Just like regular diners ordering food, Stargin didn't do much nonsense and delivered cash directly.

"Please wait."

Chu Feng nodded and began to make dishes.

Shrimp smooth egg, white sauce vegetable stewed meat, magic mapo tofu.

This is the three-course dish formulated by Chu Feng today.

Starkin casually found a table.

From beginning to end, there was no mention of yesterday's events.

It was as if there had never been a conflict between Chu Feng and the Food Club.

Shrugged ~

Chu Feng didn't care so much.

As long as the other party is not here to ask for trouble.

He detected no malice in Starkin.


Three courses appeared in front of Starkin.

Delicious and delicious cuisine.

It immediately made this man's eyes shine.

Scoop up a spoonful of the stewed meat in the white sauce.

Stuffed directly into the hole at the mouth of the mask.

That's right~

Even when it was eating, Starkin did not take off his iron mask.

This strange style, Chu Feng shook his head straight, he really couldn't understand the other party's brain circuits.

Eat with an iron mask, you are not afraid to panic? And look at Stakin.........

It seems like it's really just coming over for a meal!?

For a while, Chu Feng couldn't figure out the idea of this deputy chef of the food club.

But soon~

The system tone distracted him.


Starkin is also a 'European emperor'???

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