Chapter 172 Jia Baili eats white food, and the autumn selection begins!!

"I hope that one day, you can come to the Hundred Flower King Academy to set up a stall."

After tasting the concubine's smile.

Momoku Qiluoli hopes that the group of guys in the school can also experience such happiness.

Lili Xiang, who also evokes good memories of her childhood.

Before leaving, he smiled sweetly at Chu Feng.

The twin sisters spent almost half an hour here.

It was the first time Chu Feng saw her smile.

Have to say ~

Lili Xiang smiled better than Qi Luoli.

"I'll talk about it later."

Chu Feng replied.

He also doesn't know what the future holds.

Stalls are always full of a lot of randomness.

Busy times always pass quickly.

Seven o'clock sharp!

Chu Feng closed the stall on time! Just returned to the Sakura apartment.

Chu Feng and the others took a look at Jia Baili at the door.

This girl still looks like a deep Internet addict.

The dark circles looked as if they hadn't slept for days and nights.

"Jia Baili, how many all-night have you stayed up?"

Looking at Jia Baili standing at the door, Chu Feng was really a little curious.

"About a week, I don't remember the specifics."

Jia Baili yawned and yawned, looking listless.

“......... You are not afraid of sudden death! "

Rolling his eyes, Chu Feng complained for a while.

Even angels, be careful to be temperate.

"Kaede, this guy is already helpless!"

Thor carried the unsold 'shrimp slippery egg'.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the angel aura on top of Jia Baili's head turned dark again.

Shaking her head slowly, the dragon maid's tone was full of contempt.

When the angels came to earth, they fell so badly that God would cry to death when he knew it.


Jia Baili indifferently withdrew her mouth, then rubbed her hands, and asked with a smile: "Boss Chu, today's cooking is not sold out?" "

Been a neighbor for so long.

Of course, she knew that Chu Feng would bring some food back every day.

It's not that it can't be sold out.

It's that when the time comes, stop doing business.

Looking at the waste wood angel with a flattering look.

How could Chu Feng and the others not understand her careful thinking.

"Hmph, I know that you guy wants to come to the rice again!"

Thor gave Jia Baili a blank look, and the free hand took out the key to open the door.

Jia Baili shrunk her head a little embarrassed, and there was a trace of 'pleading' in her eyes.

After hesitating, Chu Feng couldn't bear to refuse.

"Come in."

Anyway, it is not the first time that Jia Baili has come to rub rice, but she has come twice during this time.

Even if the waste wood angel has fallen, he is a little cheeky, at least he didn't think about eating white food every day.

For her sake, she's been to the food truck three times.

The first two times, Chu Feng did not blast her out of the house.

This guy is not really hungry.

Never count the time to wait at the door.

Simply made a pot of egg fried rice.

Hmm~ doesn't shine the kind.

Jiabaili, who has come once, is familiar with the road, and takes the initiative to set up the dishes and chopsticks, just like going back to his own home.

Until everyone came to the table, Thor glared at Jia Baili in dissatisfaction.

Connor had already eaten and was curled up on the couch watching cartoons.

"Jia Baili, are you running out of money again this month?"

As soon as he picked up the bowl, Chu Feng was suddenly a little curious.

The food truck food is not expensive these days, and the waste material angel has not come once.

Jia Baili, who was shaving rice, suddenly paused, and the expression on her face instantly stiffened.

Then, she smiled awkwardly: "I fancy a few pieces of equipment a few days ago, and I got a little bit of gold!" "


It should be a hundred million points, right!?

Just look at the appearance of the blonde girl.

It is certain that the month's living expenses will be exhausted at the beginning of the month.

As far as Chu Feng knows~

Hell and the Celestial Realm give angels and demons a lot of living expenses every month.

This guy, how much did it cost to buy equipment?

Chu Feng, who has always been thrifty, cannot understand the brain circuits of Internet addicted girls.

Sighing, he put down the bowl and chopsticks and said seriously: "Jia Baili, you should learn to learn Wei Nai and go find a job." "

(⊙_⊙) Jia Baili was immediately dumbfounded.

Why did you suddenly have to go to work by yourself?

"Your rent this month is all paid by Wei Nai, and if it goes on like this, you really can't even afford to eat."

Chu Feng ignored the confused Jia Baili and mercilessly pierced her embarrassment.

It's not that I care about a few meals, but I'm worried that Jia Baili will develop a habit and run to this side as soon as the meal arrives in the future.

Big Boss Chu never raises idlers, let alone a waste wood angel, although Jia Baili is indeed quite cute.

Besides~ penniless.

How else to patronize the food truck business?

Jia Baili was both a tenant and a diner, and Chu Feng needed to care about the other party's livelihood.

This moment~

The scrap angel was embarrassed and about to take out three rooms and one living room.

But the fragrance that came into her nose gave her no time to think about it.

"Uh-huh~I'll go look for a job tomorrow~~"

Jia Baili, who had a serious face, nodded solemnly.

And then~

Continue to bury your head in shaving.

For her ~ nothing is important now, this bowl of egg fried rice.

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly, and he didn't know if this guy listened to it.

Anyway, he had already decided that even if Jia Baili starved to death next time, he would definitely not let herself.

After eating the egg fried rice beautifully, Jia Baili walked away with a happy smile.

Although it was only a dish that Chu Feng made casually, it also made her feel like a paradise.

After returning to room 304, she remembered what the other party had just said.

Work? What kind of work?

This is a real headache.

Now Jia Baili finally realized that it would be difficult to drift to Chu Feng's family in the future.

One night without a word.

Except for Thor's night raid at twelve o'clock in the morning.

After preparing a bento box for Conna in the morning, Chu Feng casually ordered the food group.

[At twelve o'clock at noon, at the gate of Yuanyue Academy, Shenglong dumplings, egg fried rice, and soul noodles. ] 】

As soon as Boss Chu's news came out, a group of divers instantly exploded.

Food expert: egg fried rice? Soul Calming Noodles? Is it the kind that glows?

One color in the west: Senior sister gentian, I have seen Boss Chu's soul face, and it will indeed shine.

Tianyu Chop: Golden egg fried rice, it is really an unforgettable taste, it is because of it that I met Chu Jun.

Fallen Jia Baili: Sick and coquettish to go aside, all day long know that in the group to say hi, have the ability to do it head-on?

Tianyu chopping: Internet addict girl, deliberately provoking things, right?

Boss Chu: Jiabaili, did you find a job?

Fallen Jiabeli: (⊙_⊙)

... I'm looking for it, I'm looking for it.........

Megumi Field: Did I notice the time and place of the food truck stall today?

Kohei Sojin: I saw it earlier, at the school gate at twelve, if we move quickly, we should be able to get the qualifiers.

Yoshino Yuhime: Boss Chu won't want to make trouble again, right? Today is the day of the autumn trials!

God's Tongue: Rejoice, it's a good thing that this guy didn't advance the time, otherwise I'm worried about whether the tryouts will go smoothly.

(Erina, who had just washed and changed her clothes, frowned and then sighed in relief, she couldn't imagine the contestants and spectators being led away by the food truck.)

Food expert: I only care about Chu Feng's egg fried rice now, and what kind of Shenglong dumplings.

Xiyi Color: According to Boss Chu's naming habits, can this dumpling still rise like a dragon?

Kohei Sojin: Well~ I think it's very likely, but the biggest worry now is the price, won't this dish also cost 100,000? )

(Thinking of the price of a concubine laughing yesterday, Chuangzhen was a little scared)

......... Far Moon Gakuen.

The third floor lounge between the moons and days.

When Senzoemon learned the news from Erina's mouth, he was suddenly a little crying and laughing.

At such an important moment in the autumn selection, I didn't expect the mysterious Chu Feng to stop

However, in the past two days, the popularity of Far Moon Academy in the world has increased a lot.

Senzoemon didn't care about this little thing.

At most, it is a competition that may affect a small number of students.

Old man Xue Che was now more curious about the three dishes prepared by Chu Feng.

Shenglong dumplings, golden egg fried rice, soul noodles.........

He hadn't tasted any of that.

The time soon came to nine o'clock in the morning.

The voice between the moon and the sky is a boom.

It is used as a venue for outstanding students to eat halberds.

It has always been a sacred place in the hearts of all students in Yuanyue.

The venue was surrounded by portraits of the first seats of the Ten Masters, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Most students don't know that the statue of Baiga was put away only two days ago.

The halberd between Chu Feng and Bukiwuz, two nine-star chefs.

Xianzuoemon is also not good at showing this glory.

Xiaolin Gentian and other members of the ten masters have already arrived at the VIP room on the second floor.

Through the glass window.

Everyone could clearly overlook the entire venue.

There was a commotion in the audience.

The discussion did not stop from the beginning.

This gastronomic feast.

The entire Far Moon is extremely important.

The venue was large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

In fact~

Not only Yuanyue, but all teachers and students are paying attention to the fall selection.

Even the entire neon cuisine world takes it very seriously.

The giants of the neon catering industry will select potential seedlings from them and give certain investments appropriately.

The fall selection competition is not only a competition between students, but also a stage to show themselves.

After all, in this gastronomic world, even the most talented chef will find it difficult to achieve something in the end if he does not have the resources.

Dreamy ingredients, such as fantasy ingredients, may not be touched by ordinary students for the rest of their lives.

This game is an important opportunity to change his own destiny.

Sixty contestants looked at each other firmly.

One by one, white figures dressed in chef's uniforms walked into the venue.

The huge venue is divided into AB divisions.

There are 30 kitchen stations in each division.

Those who are selected know in advance which division they are in and go directly to their respective kitchens.

If Chu Feng is here.

You can see Megumi Tasho and Alice in Area B.

Kohei Sojin and Yoshino Yuhime and others are in Area A.

Kobayashi Gentian quickly found the location of the group of friends, and after a little attention, he stopped paying attention.

This group of first-year students, who often eat fast food, have improved a lot in recent times and have the strength to advance to the quarterfinals.

That's right~

Far Moon Gakuen continues the tradition of "simple and rude".

In the fall selection qualifiers, the four people with the highest number of each division advance directly to the knockout rounds.

Sixty to eight, the game time is three hours, and the competition is extremely fierce.


The most exciting autumn selection in history is about to begin.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo and others were a little absent-minded.

This also includes negatives

Erina, who is responsible for the venue of Area B.

After receiving Chu Feng's notice in the morning.

They read the food truck's dishes.

The names of those three dishes kept circling in my mind like a magic spell, always lingering.

"Xiao Linzi, what are you going to eat at noon?"

Feeling bored, Akane Kubo Momo held Butch with one hand and pulled the corner of Kobayashi's gentian with the other.

"Of course, eat it all once, it's rare for Boss Chu to be generous."

Xiao Lin Gentian smiled, his eyes full of expectation.

Chu Feng usually rarely makes glowing dishes, let alone three dishes at a time.

Just thinking about it, Xiaolin Gentian was a little excited.

Akane Kubo Momoko aimed at her best friend's belly.

He looked down at himself again.

For the first time, I hated my petite and cute appearance.

Her little belly can't hold so much.

Ruishan Zhijin also noticed the conversation between the two, and with a flickering expression, he pushed his glasses, cheekily leaned over and asked with a smile: "Senior Sister Tao, where is Boss Chu setting up his stall at noon today?" "

In the current Shijie, in addition to Saito Shumei and Ongijima Fuyupu, there is also Eizan Edzu who has not joined the food group.

It's different from the first two bad guys who never play with their phones.

Eizan Edzu has always wanted to join the group.

However, his popularity in Yuanyue has not been very good, and no one will pull him.

Boss Chu, who has watched the anime, of course, can't let a mouse poop spoil the whole bowl of soup.

Therefore, Eizan Edatsuya rarely finds traces of fast food trucks.

This opportunity finally came, and he didn't want to miss it.


Akane Kubo Momo just glanced at him coldly, and replied angrily, 'Shut up your'.

Little Peach is now struggling with her food intake, how can she still be in the mood to take care of Little Four Eyes...

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