Chapter 173 Tian Sohui's Hanging Cut, the group of people who received gifts!!

"Everyone, the forty-third autumn selection has officially begun, and today's theme is - curry!"

An idol beautiful girl with a cute bow tied with a cute bow, and Rei Kawashima, who acts as the emcee, blows the horn of the competition.

Rei Kawashima, who has a pure surface and a black belly on the inside, has been hosting since junior high school and has been very experienced in driving popularity.

The students at the AB two district cooking stations all looked solemn and made their own dishes as quickly as possible.


There was a brief silence between the moon and the day.

Everyone is watching the players' performance.

Sixty people were chosen.

All of them are the elites of the first year of high school.

At this time, it is even better to use various spices to make the ideal curry dish.


The huge venue is surrounded by the smell of various spices.

VIP lounge on the second floor.

Touched a nose of ash on Akane Kubo's side.

Eizan Edatsu also glanced at Kobayashi Gentian.

In the end, he gave up his plan to ask the other party about the whereabouts of the food truck.

The reason is simple.

Fear of being beaten!

Kobayashi gentian, who used to be able to tear crocodiles by hand.

After advancing to the Seven Stars, his strength was even more terrifying.

Eizan Edatsu also didn't want to ask for his own suffering.

I looked at Kuga Teruki and Ki no Kuni Ninning again.

You don't need to ask.

These two goods will definitely not tell the truth.

Eizan Edzu was also depressed for a while, and decided to follow Akane Kubo Momo at noon.

"Hey, Xiaohui is going to hang the bladder?"

Akane Kubo's gaze fell on one of the counters in Zone B.

A girl with a double ponytail twisted braid, with a salmon more than half a meter long hanging in front of her.

Xiao Lin Gentian also looked over there curiously, and said in amazement: "I didn't think that Xiao Hui was so wild, and dared to choose whales as the main material in the selection competition?" "

"Rare pufferfish, there are whales in the east, dealing with this large fish covered with a layer of colloidal on the surface, Xiaohui's choice is right."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said expressionlessly, but a trace of worry flashed under his eyes.

The people in the food group love the simple and kind Megumi Tasho.

In addition, this girl likes water very much, and she can talk to everyone.

Swim bladder fish live in the deep sea layer below 500 meters, and the adult body length is more than half a meter, which has always been known as a delicacy in the world.

This fish is slippery and difficult to handle on a cutting board, and the hanging cutting method came into being.

"Don't worry, Xiaohui grew up by the harbor since she was a child, and this skill is not difficult for her."

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo were the first to enter the food group, and they still know something about Megumi Tassho.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning nodded slowly.

And then~

I saw Megumi Tasho in front of the cooking counter clasping his hands together.

As if praying for something.

Kobayashi Gentian:(⊙_⊙)...

Akane Kubo Momo: (⊙_⊙)

Ji no Kuni Ninning:.........

Is it too late to pray to God and worship Buddha now?

"That kind of disintegration method requires a high degree of skill to swing a knife when the fish is hanging in the air unstable!"

"Would the average person choose such a difficult fish in such a big competition?"

"Megumi Tasho, the tail of the crane in the past, I heard that I often frequented the magical fast food truck, and the level of cooking has improved a lot recently..."

"Huh~~ a little progress to blindly choose an extremely difficult fish to handle? Are you not sure to start praying now? "

"Sure enough, even if the crane tail has tasted the dishes of the special chef, it is still useless waste!"

The chatter in the audience kept ringing.

But Tasho Megumi, who clasped his hands together, was unmoved.

Is she really praying? Of course not!

Tian Suohui was just silently grateful to Chu Feng.

It just looks a bit like worshipping the gods in your heart.

Boss Chu said that what a dish needs most is a sense of layering, not the number of ingredients.

"The bladder bladder is fatty and slightly sour, but Thai curry is based on turmeric, chili pepper and white pepper."

"Choosing only the meat under the back of the amine swim bladder and using the curry paste in the right amount is enough to make this dish have a richer taste."

All the production process was recalled in his mind, and Tashoe opened his clear eyes.

Although his face was still a little nervous, there was not the slightest hesitation in his firm eyes.

After experiencing the baptism of horror movies, Tashoe feels a lot more bold, and now she is not so frightened.

Swinging a knife, dissecting, hanging cutting.........

Megumi Tansho, who has been learning this skill from his grandfather since he was a child, moves like flowing water, and it doesn't take a moment to get the part he needs.

This operation caused an uproar in the audience.

It's not just Megumi Tassho's performance that is amazing.

Everyone also found that several first-year students who were unknown in the past were very eye-catching.

Yuhime Yoshino, wearing a pair of ball heads, is making game curry.

Similarly, only a few simple ingredients such as wild pigeons and wild mushrooms are prepared.

A red-haired Kami Ryoko smoked beef.

From time to time, the rich smell of meat reached the audience closest to her.

Those who have received gifts are fighting to prove themselves.

Level 3 lounge.

Senzoemon had a smile on his face.

The performance of this year's freshmen has made him quite satisfied.

"Ah Yin, it seems that Yuanyue is about to usher in a new golden age."

For a long time, Xianzuoemon couldn't help but feel a feeling.

Dojima Silver smiled and said, "This is also thanks to Boss Chu, if it weren't for his appearance, this group of freshmen would not have made such great progress." "

"Yes, what an amazing young man, but it's a pity that our Yuanyue Temple is too small, and there is nothing to attract him."

Every time he thought of not being able to let Chu Feng come to the far moon, Xianzuoweimon felt a pity.

"The general marshal does not have to be like this, with the character of Boss Chu, it is estimated that it is useless for the IGO president to invite him personally."

"That's right, I really conveyed to him the meaning of the IGO president, but I still refused."

"What a young man with an eccentric personality, so good at cooking, he only knows how to set up a stall."

Thinking of Chu Feng's stall in front of the Yuanyue Hotel, Dojima Yin was angry and funny, and then suddenly said, "The general marshal is also going to eat fast food at noon?" "

Senzoemon nodded slightly: "Of course, I heard that today is all luminous cuisine." "

"There are not many dishes that can produce visions, and I want to see them today."

The two men smiled heartily, and by this time most of their thoughts had drifted to noon.

The autumn tryouts were in full swing, but Chu Feng didn't pay much attention. Even when Erina's invitation was sent out in the morning, he directly refused.

Prepare the ingredients in the morning and leave on time when you are approaching the middle term.

Twelve o'clock sharp.

The dark blue food truck stopped again near the gate of Yuanyue Chaliao. Looking at the familiar stalls and flower beds, Chu Feng couldn't help but think of the king.

Remember the first time you went out of the stall, it was also the same location and location.

At that time, there were many onlookers, but very few diners.

If it weren't for Xiaolin Gentian taking the lead, maybe none of them would be sold.

But the second time to come~

Chu Feng didn't need to worry about customer sources at all.

Because there are already many people gathered on the edge of the flower bed...

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