Chapter 174 Shenglong dumplings not only move, they can also dance?!!

"Classmate, why are you here? The autumn selection isn't over yet! "

"Of course, I came with the ten masters, how important is the chef's cooking important to watch the competition?"

"Huh? You know that too? "

"Nonsense, Senior Sister Gentian spoke so loudly when she passed by, many people heard it at that time."

"Debt ~ the youngest special chef in history, you have to taste his dishes."

"I didn't catch up with the last time Boss Chu came to set up a stall at the gate of Yuanyue, and this time it is not to be missed."

Chu Feng had just parked the food truck.

I heard a few students talking to a few students by the flower bed not far away.

And then~

Si Yingshi, Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo and others surrounded them.


In addition to Kei Isshiki, Erina, Saito Junaki, and Ongijima Fuyusuke, the other ten members came.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, I want all three kinds of dishes!"

Xiaolin Gentian took the lead and took the initiative to open the cab of the fast food truck, looking particularly excited.

Although I have visited the food truck many times, I have also seen some of the glowing dishes.

But offering three kinds of luminous dishes, this is the first time this kind of thing has come across.

"Are you sure you can finish it?" I don't believe in wasting food here. "

With a strange glance at Xiao Lin Gentian, Chu Feng had a smile on his face.

It seems that today's business will be surprisingly good!

Thor came down from the passenger cab and expertly opened the two windows.

The fall selection is not over yet.

There are not many people surrounding the food truck now.

In fact, there are only about ten people.

Kobayashi Gentian skillfully buckled the dark board in front of the window and pulled Akane Kubo Momo to sit down, followed by Ji no Kuni Ninning.

Three girls occupy the treasure land.

Si Yingshi and Kuga Teruki could only choose vacant seats on both sides.

Ruiyama Edatsu also glanced at the five guys who ranked higher than him, and casually found a table.

"Chu Feng, let's get a Ascending Dragon dumpling first?"

Xiao Lin Gentian rubbed his hands and said eagerly, his golden eyes kept staring at the steamer in front of him.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and then uncovered the steaming lid.


A blinding light instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"This is..."

"What a dazzling light!"

"The rumors are indeed true, and there will be a vision in the special cuisine!"

"It's such a strong light, I can't see what's inside at all."

"I wonder what a 10,000-yen Soaring dumpling looks like?"

"When I first saw the price, I thought it was a bit expensive, but now I just feel like it's worth the money!"

"That's of course, the special cuisine only sold for 10,000, and we have already taken advantage of it..."

When Xiaolin Gentian passed by the gate between the moon and the sky, he was discussing Chu Feng's cuisine with Akane Kubo Momo.

At that time, the students closest to the gate were keenly aware of words such as 'Boss Chu' for the food truck.

Although most of the Yuanyue students did not see the halberd two days ago.

But the name of Chu Feng and the fast food truck has now spread throughout the neon cuisine world.

The youngest Grand Chef ever!

This title alone has made all chefs smack.

This group of young people, who were not much younger than Chu Feng, showed extreme fanaticism.

After all, the magic cuisine of fast food trucks.

Even if they have never eaten it, they have heard a little. Dishes that make people improve are inherently magical.

Coupled with the gimmick of the special chef, it was difficult for Chu Feng to think about it.

As for the fall selection?

Anyway, it's nearing the end, it doesn't matter if you see it or not.

As the sound of discussion sounded, the light of steaming gradually dissipated.

Nine 'dragon-shaped dumplings', lying quietly in the steaming grid.

At first glance~

Aside from the quirky shape, there's nothing special about it.

Kobayashi Gentian stared at the steamed dumplings a little suspiciously.

Still wondering if Isshiki and Kohei really guessed wrong.

Although the name of the dish of Boss Chu is easy to understand every time.

Shenglong dumplings are most likely literal.

But now it doesn't look like this thing is going to rise? And then~

Xiaolin Gentian, who had been staring at the steamed grid, found that the tail of the dragon-shaped dumpling seemed to move.


After taking a closer look, it did move.


There was a slight clap sound.

The tails of the nine dumplings all began to flutter.


Those lifelike dragon heads really rose.........

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo and the others all became a little strange on their faces at this time.

It's not that they haven't seen strange cuisine, after all, now that food is in place, there are all kinds of strange things.

But the moving dumplings, they really see it for the first time, and they can't help but feel novel.........

"Lying groove ~ This dumpling is really alive ~~"

"The dragon's head is up, this is the real ascending dragon!"

"No wonder you want to call it Shenglong dumplings, it can really rise."

"But who can tell me why this thing sways from side to side after two clicks of its head?"

"Seaweed, seaweed, seaweed~~ This dumpling is poisonous, why should I also put it up???"

"It's amazing~ Is this the vision of premium cuisine?"

Not to mention these ordinary students who have never seen the world.

Even the top five seats of the ten masters have never seen such a strange scene.

Not only do dumplings rise automatically, but they also dance? Can you believe it?

Anyway, Si Yingshi and Xiaolin Gentian and others have never seen it.

At that moment just now, they saw with their own eyes that the nine dragon-shaped dumplings of the steamed grille first shook their tails a few times, and then the dragon's head began to slowly lift.

Finally, the entire dragon-shaped dumpling looks like the upper body is upright.

This is not over ~~

The straightened dumplings first nodded twice to everyone, and then actually danced.

Rhythmically swaying, both Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo involuntarily swayed in their seats.

This dish is poisonous, right?

At the same time, he laughed awkwardly twice.

The second and fourth seats of Yuanyue quickly sat up straight.


The dragon-shaped dumplings were also completely still, staring at everyone like this.

After the shock, everyone subconsciously held their breath, and then a series of inhalation sounds sounded around them.

"Hiss~ what a magical dumpling, Boss Chu brought me one."

"I also want, moving dumplings, it's really a long time to see."

"Whoever stepped on me, wouldn't you sit in your seat and order?"

"Uh~Sorry, I was so excited just now~~"

"Lying groove, you stepped on me again!"

A certain brother was too excited, and when he rushed to the food truck, he was reminded by others and retreated.

Coincidentally, the person who reminded him was stepped on again before his foot could be retracted.

Thor shuttled back and forth between the five dining tables, giving each person a dumpling.

The regular length of Thang Long dumplings is a standard 12 cm, which is much larger than ordinary dumplings.

One sold for 10,000 yen, in good conscience, Chu Feng felt that it was not expensive.

However, looking at the steamed dumplings that were constantly decreasing, he couldn't help but have a question.........

The Shenglong dumplings in the original book can dance?

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