Chapter 179: Smell the fragrance and know the meat, satisfied Kasumigaoka Shiyu!!

When habit becomes natural.

As soon as the time comes, the biological clock will send out a reminder.

The first thing a member of the food group will do when they wake up is to pick up their mobile phones.

[Eleven o'clock in the afternoon, 5-chome in Yonekacho, brine pig's trotters.] Sure enough, Boss Chu issued a notice in the group on time.

Kohei Sojin: Why 11 o'clock? We're still racing!

Alice: Boss Chu, Boss Chu, strongly request more time!

Yuhime Yoshino: I almost reached the quarterfinals yesterday, and I was a little disappointed, but now I suddenly feel very lucky...

Shen Ryoko: Braised pig's trotters should be a typical traditional cooked meat product of the Dragon Kingdom, right? I don't know how Boss Chu's pig's trotters taste?

Kasumi Shiko: Hiss~ I really didn't expect ~ Miss Ryoko's taste to be so heavy~~

Ryoko Kami:? (⊙_⊙)

Megumi Field: Well, Ryoko's words seem to be fine, right? I also want to eat Boss Chu's pig's trotters."

The sun on a snowy day: Sister Tasho is still young, this kind of topic is not for you, you know it naturally.

Alice: Haha, I kind of get it.

Tongue of God:.........

Ying Li Li: Xia Shizi, your poisonous tongue, are you really not afraid of being beaten to death?

Kasumi Shiko: Hehe~ It's just to enliven the atmosphere, haven't you found out that even if there is no autumn selection, you have to go to class at this time.

Yuhime Yoshino:... (⊙_⊙)

Speak as if you don't have to go to school.

Kasumi Shiko: I'm sorry, I took a leave of absence.

Alice: Envy!

Megumi Field: Envy +1.

Eiri Pear: How can it be repaired! Isn't your senior year great? Can third-graders take leave at will?

Kasumi Shiko: Kashiwagi ~~ Incompetent bark! Eiri Pear:............ Eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

The food truck stops at booth 8 of Yonekacho 5-chome. It's a short distance from Sakura Apartments, just two streets away.

Yono and Kikuchi Sonogo were already waiting in place.

Seeing Chu Feng open the window, the two immediately trotted over.

Yang Nai, who was full of sunshine and vitality, stared directly at the big iron pot on the kitchen counter with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked with a smile: "Boss Chu, the brine pig's trotters are not good yet?" "

The fire under the iron pot is not big.

But there is quite a lot of heat coming out of the edge of the lid.

Along with bursts of heat, there is also a faint fragrance.

Smelling the slightly sweet meat aroma, Yang Nai subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Although this is a bit unsightly, she can't manage so much.

In the face of Chu Feng's immortal cuisine, who can remain calm.

"Chu Jun, hello."

Mu Jiu Zhiyuan Guo smiled sweetly, greeted quietly, and then looked at the cauldron.

But those beautiful eyes, the afterglow always secretly fell on Chu Feng.

"It's already good."

Nodding at Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, Chu Feng lifted the lid of the pot.


A wave of heat suddenly rushed up.

The rich aroma of meat suddenly came to my face.

"So fragrant!"

Yang Nai's eyes suddenly lit up.

It smells better than her favorite fried snack.

"This is a brine trotter?"

Look at the crimson trotters all over.

Shiny on the surface.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the collagen rich in it.

Braised trotters are rare in neon country.

Kikuchi Gardeno, who specializes in Western-style cuisine, rarely eats this.

"Boss Chu, give me a copy quickly."

"I~I also want one~~"

Unlike Yang Nai's excited look, Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo was now a little shy as soon as he spoke to Chu Feng, and that childlike face quickly rose a blush.

Thor looked at the big monster in front of him, a little helpless, and a little ashamed of himself, this 'opponent' she really can't compare.


As if he hadn't noticed Mu Jiuzhi's shyness, Chu Feng missed two pig's trotters and placed them in a thicker paper bowl.

"Wait a little before eating."

Facing the two familiar customers sitting in front of the window, Chu Feng reminded.


Yang Nai nodded hurriedly.

But the eyes never left the red trotters.

Although Boss Chu is also very good-looking.

But now the appeal is clearly not as good as the food in front of you.

Kikuchi Yuango was also looking at the hooves in the paper bowl.

Although I have never made this kind of dish.

But look at its color~

Definitely simmered slowly.

The time is at least two hours.

The soft pig's trotters seem to melt at the touch of a button.

Rich grease slowly spills from the surface.

Soon a puddle of bright red juice forms at the bottom of the bowl.

Between the rise of hot air.

The rich aroma of meat seems to make people feel like they are in a fairyland.

Yang Nai couldn't help it at first.

Carefully tried it with his tongue.

Feel like you can withstand this temperature.

Immediately open your small mouth and bite gently.

The pork trotter meat full of collagen was instantly torn off by her.

The soft and sticky pork trotters melt in the mouth.

After a faint sweet scent.

This is followed by a fresh spicy flavor.

After taking a bite, Yang Nai looked up at Chu Feng.

The sweet and spicy marinated pig's trotters made her eyes shine.

The fragrant pig's trotters have a strong and moderate taste, fat but not greasy, smooth and soft.

Yono thought it was more delicious than fried snacks.

"Hmm~ this is also so delicious~~"

Gu couldn't help but still have a little hot mouth inside, Yang Nai directly gnawed and began to eat happily.

This eldest lady of the snow family, in front of acquaintances, does not care about the image lady or something, the old lady now just wants to eat meat!

Yang Nai directly grabbed the pig's trotters and ate them, and his mouth was suddenly full of oil.


Mu Kuchi Yuanguo smiled slightly.

Use chopsticks to slowly and gently split the soft skin of the pig's trotters.

That thick layer of fat looks greasy.

When you eat it in your mouth, it is incomparably sweet.


As soon as he took a bite, Kikuchi Yuanguo raised his head, and there was a hint of curiosity under his eyes, and Haishan sauce was a sweet and spicy sauce with a five-spice flavor.

Its raw materials are mostly five spices, sugar, vinegar, chili paste, starch, etc.

The aroma of this seasoning is certainly not as good as that of thirteen spices.

But the victory lies in the long taste and long aftertaste.

Seeing Chu Feng nodding, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo continued to bury his head in tasting the delicacy.

Not long after, when she ate the hoof tendons, the childlike girl couldn't help but stop.

The trotters don't feel hard at all.

Eat it in your mouth and disconnect it without even chewing.

The feeling of Q elasticity is amazing.

"Boss Chu, this should have been stewed for a long time, right?"

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo blurted out subconsciously.

When she reached the innermost part, she knew that she couldn't do this in just two hours.

Simmer and simmer slowly.

This is not just talk.

I want to stew the muscles to the point where they break in one knock.

Two hours is not enough at all.

Kikuchi Sonogo guessed.

These trotters simmered for at least six hours.

There was a hint of amazement in her beautiful eyes.

Stimmering for so long can still ensure the integrity of the ingredients, how did Chu Feng do it? Sure enough, she was a special chef, and she immediately felt the gap between her and the other party.


Chu Feng nodded again.

This time he didn't tell the truth.

Now the ingredients in the cauldron are all secondary stews.

In fact, it is just a simple heating up.

Early at home, he used a dragon pot to stew all the pig's trotters.

Yesterday I experimented for most of the day.

Chu Feng finally knew how to use this legendary kitchenware so correctly.

Accelerate the seasonings needed for cooking.

There is a very small difference in serving size from usual.

Don't underestimate this difference.

Any mistake in cooking will affect the taste of the dish.

Now it seems that the taste of the dishes made by shortcuts is not bad...


"This pig's trotters look so good, I know it's very fluffy when I look at it, and I want to eat it."

"10,000 yen a piece? Isn't it too expensive? "

"Yes, the pig's trotters in the supermarket are only six hundred and one pounds, and you dare to sell 10,000 pig's trotters with one pig?"

"The paste has a special flavor, just by smelling it, you can imagine that this pig's trotters are absolutely delicious and juicy. ~"

"No, I also want to have a luxury today, I must taste this..."

Pedestrians on the side of the road stopped one after another.

There is no other reason.

After all, the smell wafting out of the food truck is too strong.

The two girls with long and short hair in front of the window also ate too deliciously.

One of them has a mouth full of oil, and the other strip of silk slows down.

Two very different eating phases.

It seems to tell the deliciousness of pig's trotters.

A passerby couldn't help it, so he came up and ordered one.

"Brother, what about 10,000 yuan, do you dare to buy it?"

Someone followed curiously, "kindly" reminded.

"Of course, smell the meat, this thing must be delicious."

The middle-aged man who was about to order food replied casually.

The pair never left the steaming trotters in the cauldron.

The people who followed saw that the other party's tone was determined, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Originally, I wanted to say that fools would buy such expensive things.

But smell the fragrance close at hand......... This unspeakable phrase can never be spoken.


Subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

This man took out a 'Fukuzawa Oracle'.

"That, give me a copy too."

It's not that you can't stand temptation.

But the pig's trotters are so fragrant.

Two unknown men each carried paper bowls and randomly found a table to sit down.

When the pig's trotters that had just come out of the pot were a little cooler, the two couldn't wait to eat.

"Lying groove~ What kind of fairy taste is this?"

"Sweet, spicy, tender and refreshing, this is definitely the best braised meat I have ever tasted."

Younger men seem to have no culture, a phrase of 'lying groove' is all over the world, and eating is even more like swallowing dates.

Another middle-aged man who looks like he should be a successful person speaks out the mystery of brine pig's trotters.

Chu Feng specially took care of the taste of the neon side, the light spicy taste was moderate, but the aftertaste was endless.

Passers-by looked at the diners, many of them stunned in place.

After all, these people's eating looks are too exaggerated to be convincing.

"Is it really that delicious? It won't all be rice trays, right? "

"It's just a pig's trotter, he can still make flowers?"

"The dishes of star chefs should not have this aroma, right?"

"I guess it's drugged, anyway, I don't eat anything from the roadside stall."

"Have you noticed that the food truck owner is a little familiar?"

"If you don't want to eat, you can give me the money and be willing to risk your life."

"Lying groove, you are really a talent, I don't know if you have money to buy and eat yourself."

A group of people muttered softly.


Obviously, someone had already recognized Chu Feng's identity.

The only two looked at each other tacitly, and everything was silent.

What happened at the gate of Yuanyue School yesterday.

Today it is on the front page of the gourmet newspaper.

After all, Chu Feng is now extremely well-known in the culinary world.

A hard-to-find Shenglong dumpling, selling all the ingredients in an hour, the whole school teachers and students in Yuanyue gathered to watch.........

People who rarely follow food columns may not know this.

But those foodies who love food have deeply imprinted the dark blue fast food truck and Chu Feng's handsome appearance in their minds.

The two who recognized Chu Feng were excited for a while, and then naturally Baote was silent.

The dishes of special chefs, these ordinary people have not had the opportunity to taste before.

Now that the sky suddenly descended, naturally he would not take the initiative to reveal Chu Feng's identity.

Everyone knows, how else do they eat more trotters?

Trotting to the window, the two spoke almost at the same time.

"Boss, get two."

"Then I want three copies..."

The two of them swiped their cards to pay, and then stared at the delicacy in the cauldron.


Hearing the prompt sound on the mobile phone, Chu Feng nodded expressionlessly, and missed five hoof forks.

Quickly the paper bowl, the two of them casually found a table, and tasted it beautifully...

The passers-by who were still hesitating were stunned again. At this moment, there are no longer a few people who are impressed.

And some have already begun to act.


The number of food truck guests began to increase.

"Sister Yang Nai, Sister Yuanguo, you came early."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is belated, her beautiful face is matched with a long black and straight hair, plus a simple white long skirt, a proper young and beautiful girl.

"Shi Yu is also coming, dare you really not go to school today?"

Yono put down his bones, and that smiling face was full of oil.

"Sister Yang Nai, you really can't bear to look at this food, and people who don't know think you ate something."

The corner of Shiyu's mouth twitched twice, completely without the consciousness of thought filth.

"Huh~ Shi Yu do you want to come and taste it, Boss Chu's pig's trotters are delicious~~"

Who is Yang under the snow?

It seems that the sun is actually dark, how can she care about this commotion.

Hei Chang wanted to compare with her, Dao Xing was not enough.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa was suddenly speechless, but still sat down next to Yono.

There was a lot of noise in the food group all day, and most of the group members had a good relationship.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka expertly ordered a marinated pig's trotter.

And then~

A fork of hooves wrapped in crystal clear pigskin lay out in front of her.

The surface layer is as soft as jelly, which is very attractive to look at.

That sweet smell of meat instantly filled the nasal passages.

It even made Kasumigaoka Shiyu's index finger move.

One bite down.

Softer than jelly, smoother than popsicle billet.........

It's addictive and flexible.

Delicious, delicious, energetic.........

The poetic literary girl could no longer find the right words to describe this dish at this time.

There were only two words delicious left in his mind, and the oil juice quickly filled the corners of his mouth.


Kasumigaoka Shiwa raised her head and leaned back slightly.

He looked intoxicated, and his mouth made a beautiful sound.

This expression and movement shows how much she enjoys it at this time.


Always can inadvertently give people great satisfaction...

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