Chapter 180 Maori Detective Agency, Kogoro and Hanayama Smoke!!

No. 1, 39 Banchi, 5-chome, Yonakacho.

The office of the Māori Detective Agency on the second floor.

"Miss Yoko~"

Maori Kogoro, who slept in a shabby office chair, jerked the newspaper covering his face.

With a mustache, he had a terrified expression on his face, and his eyes were even more dazed.

What's going on?

Just dreamed of my favorite female star.

How to Okino, Yoko's slender legs......... Suddenly it became two pig's trotters?

Maori Kogoro, who was awakened by his dream, was still a little confused.

Immediately, I smelled a strange aroma.

Fragrant! What a fragrance!

"Groove ~~ What is this taste???"

Maori Kogoro was amazed.

Almost fell out of a dilapidated office chair.

Quickly lie down by the window and take a look.


Twenty meters away diagonally ~ There was actually a long line of dragons.

The dark blue food truck stands out.


~, to be exact

It should be the brine smell of that fragrant ten miles.

You can still smell it clearly from that far away.

Maori Kogoro swears ~

I've never smelled so much in my life.

From afar, I watched many people take pig's trotters and directly start nibbling.


Maori Kogoro subconsciously swallowed his throat, feeling a little dry in his mouth, and he was completely sleepy for a while.

"When is there an extra food truck downstairs?" The taste of this braised pig's trotters is simply amazing! "

Squint and take a deep breath.

Maori Kogoro immediately wanted to rush downstairs.

But not yet out the door.

He stopped abruptly again.

I suddenly remembered that I had no money in my pocket.

The family's financial power is now in the hands of her daughter Mauriland.

The reason is that he lost a whole hundred thousand yuan playing small steel balls two days ago.

One thought to this ~

Maori Kogoro was a little depressed.

Smell the delicacy that floats into the house.

My stomach is also a little hungry.

Open the refrigerator~

Take out the bento box that Xiao Landa got up early in the morning.

Nori sushi, red roe, soup tofu.........

These are all Maori Kogoro's favorite dishes.

In fact, Xiaolan's cooking skills are quite good.

At least he's always loved to eat.

But now look at the bento in your hand.

Maori Kogoro was stunned in place.

Suddenly, I felt that my daughter's cooking was not fragrant at all.

Trotters ~ trotters ~~

My mind couldn't help but think of that thing in my dream.

Maori Kogoro swallowed again, his expression becoming serious.

"No, I really can't stand this smell, it seems that I have to use a secret weapon that has been hidden for a long time."

Looking at the time, it was not yet twelve.

Xiaolan, who is still at school at this time, will definitely not be able to return.

Maori Kogoro smiled.

Push open the sofa to uncover one of the floor tiles.

Then take out an envelope.

"Fortunately, I was not discovered by Xiaolan, this time it was my capital to turn over."

That's right~

The secret weapon in Maori Kogoro's mouth is private money. Restoring the floor tiles and furniture to their original positions, he casually stuffed the envelope into his pocket.

Maori Kogoro originally planned to wait for luck one day before going to play with the small steel ball.

But now delicious current.

It's always okay to spend a little time satisfying your mouth.

Maori Kogoro thought to himself, walking downstairs with brisk steps.

With 200,000 copies in his pocket, he walked a little flutteringly.

"What? 10,000 pieces for a pig's trotters, why don't you grab it? "

When the confident Maori Kogoro saw the price displayed on the food truck, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

A small trotter is so expensive to sell.

Can you believe it?

If someone had told him that before.

He absolutely slapped the past.

But now ~

The black words on a red background told him clearly.

All this is true.

Maori Kogoro suddenly discovered.

I have this 'huge amount' in my pocket.

That's just enough to buy twenty trotters.

"Huh~ if you can't afford to eat, hurry up and get out, and the boss didn't force you to buy it."

A strong man in a white suit squeezed Maori Kogoro away, rubbed his oily hands, and grinned: "Boss, give me five more pig's trotters." "

Chu Feng glanced at the strong man in surprise, and asked casually: "You have already eaten ten, are you sure you can hold on?" "

"No problem, don't say fifteen, even if it is fifty, I can eat it."

The strong man patted his chest, and he always had a proclivity for cleanliness, and he didn't care about the oil stains on his body at all.

"The owner is really good at craftsmanship, the brine pig's trotters are excellent, it is simply the most satisfying meal I have ever eaten in my life."

"In the future, if anyone sets up a stall in this area to trouble you, just report my name of Hanayama Smoke, and this area of Yonehua Town happens to be the territory of our Fujikikai Hanayama Group."

Hua Shan, who was holding an iron bowl, grinned, and his face was full of confidence to declare his name.


Maori Kogoro Gu San's appearance was a little more serious.

Although he resigned from the Metropolitan Police Department ten years ago and changed his career to become a detective.

But with a sense of justice, he has never been accustomed to such extremists.

Fujiki-kai, along with Fuyoshikai and Yamada-gumi, are the three major hokudo organizations of Kaikyo.

Huashan smoked in the Huashan Formation.

It is also a well-known evil party in the area of Yonekacho.

Known as the strongest fighting expert in Weijing.

Maori Kogoro didn't expect it either.

Just come out for a meal.

I can actually run into this guy.

And seeing Hua Shan Fu's polite appearance to the fast food truck owner, he has obviously been fascinated by the brine pig's trotters here.


Eat fifteen in one go, how not to support you to death.

It seems that I feel underestimated by the polar elements.

Maori Kogoro pouted a little dissatisfied.

"Who says I can't afford to eat? Bring me two first. "

Take the paper bowl with both hands.

After turning around, he found that only the table of Hanayama was still empty.

It's no wonder~

Who dares to sit at a table with the boss of the Huashan Group.

Maori Kogoro was not afraid, and Hanger Langdang sat opposite Hanayama Shige.

He is a judo master, strong in strength, and of course not afraid of the fighting experts in the street gangsters.

"That's right, your mustache is quite eye-catching, and you haven't missed Boss Chu's cooking."

Maori Kogoro was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Hua Shan Yan actually took the initiative to talk to him.

It's just that the title 'mustache' makes him a little uncomfortable.


An evil party is an evil party.

The arrogant attitude is really casual.

Maori Kogoro pouted.

The magnanimous detective decided to give this guy a go.

And then~

The gaze fell on the crimson pig's trotters.

Shiny grease~

It's almost impossible to take a bite right away.

Maori Kogoro has always obeyed his desires.

Just like he loves to smoke, drink, gamble, play mahjong, and watch beautiful women.

A detective never wrongs himself...

Picture: Blade teeth, flower mountain smoke!

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