Chapter 186 Angel Coffee Shop, Chance Encounter with Jia Baili!!

Everything that happens in the Māori family.

Chu Feng naturally had no way of knowing.

After closing at one o'clock in the afternoon.

He spent the afternoon with the Dragon Maiden.

Just like most couples.

The two just simply wandered around and enjoyed the company of their lovers.

Just as Morilan was angry at Kogoro.

Chu Feng and Thor are still at the junction of Ginza and Yonehua Town.

After an afternoon of shopping, Thor didn't buy much, just a few cosmetics and two casual outfits.

She is naturally beautiful, and she usually wears a maid costume turned into dragon scales, and the daily necessities of girls are dispensable for her.

"Huh? Is that Jiabaili? "

As the two passed a café, through the window of the store, Thor saw a familiar figure.

Jia Baili, who was dressed as a maid, had a ponytail on the back of her head, and because she was short, the ponytail looked very long.

But after tying up her hair, Jia Baili is no longer as messy as before, and she is more energetic than usual.

The interior of the Angel Coffee Shop is beautifully decorated, with European-style solid wood tables and chairs, art paintings on the walls, and the front desk is where coffee is made.


The bell rings at the door of the coffee shop to indicate that a guest is coming.


Jia Baili seemed to wander the world, just a mechanical greeting, and her face was expressionless.

"Jia Baili, such a service attitude is not good."

Looking at the waste wood angel's reluctant reception, Chu Feng couldn't help but shake his head.

In the face of guests, even if you don't want to, you must smile at them.

As a fast food truck owner, Chu Feng asked himself that he knew how to treat hospitality.

"Chu ~ Chu Feng ~ ~ Why are you here?"

Jia Baili was taken aback.

The face that was on the board instantly squeezed out a bunch of smiles.

"Ha~ and Miss Thor, are you dating?"

Glancing at the things in the hands of the two, a trace of gossip flashed under Jia Baili's eyes, and then beckoned them to take their seats.

"What do you two need?"

Jia Baili asked with a smile.

"Two cappuccinos."

"Okay, come right away."

Jia Baili nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the front desk.

"Table 3, two cappuccinos."


The store manager with a beard, the pair of slitted eyes subconsciously glared at the boss at this time, staring at Jia Baili with an incredulous face.

This girl from a foreign country studying alone in Weijing actually learned to greet guests with a smile and remember the table and what the guests ordered?

The store manager clearly remembers that when Jia Baili first came to work yesterday, she reported the caramel macchiato ordered by the customer into milk coffee.

Similar things have happened more than once in the past two days, which makes him a little ridiculous

God knows why, as soon as she turned around, Jia Baili couldn't remember the name of the drink.

So at this moment, the store manager barely hid his surprise.

Jia Baili, finally became a qualified waiter.

Testimony is deep like dirt, dead.

While making coffee, he asked curiously, "You guys know each other?" "

"The man is my landlord."

Jia Baili said expressionlessly.


Looking at Jia Baili, who had recovered her face, the store manager was speechless for a while, and he really wanted to take back the relief he had just now.

"No wonder it suddenly changed face, it turned out that I met the landlord, looking at Jia Baili's appearance, I won't still owe rent, right?"

"But this landlord is really young, I guess he is a rich young master..."

The store manager thought so, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

He has always been a good talker, but he has not pointed out the debt to Jia Baili.

After all, the other party has to make up for the tuition on their own, and there is also a bit of language difficulty.

If you blame her again, it will be too unkind.

Until now.

The store manager also thought that the reason for Jia Baili's part-time job was for tuition.

At that time, he listened to krypton gold as a 'lesson money', and subconsciously thought that it referred to tuition fees.

The environment of the Angel Coffee Shop was quiet, and there were few customers, and Chu Feng and Thor enjoyed rare peace.


The bell at the coffee shop door rang again.

This time it was two men who walked in.


Jia Baili looked like she hadn't woken up again, and her voice was weak.

"What is your attitude? When you see my eldest brother, you have to smile, understand? "

The wide-bodied man used a rough and thick voice to accuse Jia Baili very harshly.

Seeing this, the store manager quickly frowned, running a coffee shop for many years, and he could see at a glance that these two people were not easy to mess with.

"Sorry, welcome, what would you like to drink?"

The store manager bowed slightly and greeted the customer with a smile.


Jia Baili glanced at the rough man with disdain, hoping to give him a divine ruling.

But thinking that Chu Feng was also there, the store manager was also very good to himself, and Jia Baili forcibly twisted his head to the side.

She had promised Chu Feng that she would work hard.

"That's pretty much it!"

The wide and fat man snorted softly, then turned his head to reveal a bright smile, and asked: "Big brother, what do you want to drink?" "


The blond man with a hat replied coldly.

Then he saw Chu Feng sitting at table 3.

A hint of surprise flashed under his eyes.

My mind involuntarily recalled the taste of fried chicken nuggets.

"Hey, it's a coincidence, the food truck owner is also here. Big brother, let's go over and say hello, right? "

"Shut up, vodka!"

"But big brother, haven't you always wanted to eat his fried chicken nuggets since last time? Now that we just met, let's go and ask him where he set up his stall today. "

"Shut up, get down to business."

The lonely gin did not pay attention to the chattering vodka.

The delicious fried chicken nuggets are truly memorable and lingering.


Gin has always put the task of organization first, and never loves any enjoyment.

Randomly found a table to sit down, vodka glanced at Chu Feng with a little disappointment, and then honestly sat opposite the ginjiu.

In fact~

Before the two entered the door, Chu Feng had already noticed them.

The main black Porsche 356A is too eye-catching.

Because it wasn't parked in the parking space.

Chu Feng was a little obsessive in this regard, and he felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.

"I hope the traffic police will come and drag it away soon~~"

Chu Feng thought maliciously and continued to taste the coffee here.

Not to mention, the coffee brewed by the store manager tasted good.

As for why gin and vodka are here?

Chu Feng was too lazy to think about it, let alone bother, as long as it didn't implicate himself.

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