Chapter 187: Gin Jiu's car was dragged away by Yumi Miyamoto!!

"Brother Gin Jiu, do you say that today's task can be successfully completed?"

"Shut up, Raven Mouth!"

Gin Jiu glared at Vodka viciously, and then said in a sinister voice: "According to reliable information, the Qimoto family has successfully cultivated 'bacon leaves', the boss has spoken, we must get the secret recipe." "

"If the recipe is so important, why leave it to an outsider? Vodka's face was full of doubt. "

"The organization now needs this kind of agile and skilled assassin at close range, which is a good way to examine his skills."

"What if he fails?"

"That's why the organization let us follow up in real time, and if we can't even do this little thing, Calvados will be responsible for sending him to hell."

Gin Jiu, who was sitting in the far corner, laughed softly, and the corners of his mouth outlined a cruel arc.

Vodka also laughed, but with a bit of a humble look.

The two guys from the black-clad organization talked quietly, not paying much attention to the people in the coffee shop.

Qin Jiu secretly investigated Chu Feng's identity and knew that the other party was a special chef.

Usually this person hates trouble, as long as it is not about himself, he will not be nosy.

As for the store manager and waiter?

The black-clad organization did not put ordinary people in their eyes at all....

Bacon leaves?

Hearing this name, Chu Feng searched in the points mall.

【Name: Bacon Leaves】

【Capture level: 2】

【Habitat: Nutrient-rich land】

【Weight: 1pcs/1kg】

【Price: 0.5 points】

【Contains high-fat yellow-green vegetables comparable to beef, and although it is delicious to taste directly, it can highlight its taste when eaten with other ingredients.】 】

That's right~

Bacon leaves are actually a dream ingredient.

From a plant called the "bacon tree".

The bacon tree itself is not of much value, the rhizomes and fruits are bitter and have no value at all.

But the leaves it grows are as delicious as bacon, and you can pick them and eat them directly.

The Lingben family, Chu Feng knew.

A family with similar financial resources as under the snow.

The consortium mainly develops the chemical industry, and there is not much news about this company in normal times.

Unexpectedly, this private company quietly researched the planting formula of the bacon tree.

Chu Feng was a little surprised, after all, the survival rate of plant-based dream ingredients was extremely low in the human world.

This family has something! But Piff is not guilty.

A consortium that is only famous in Neon Country has this kind of thing.

It is no wonder that it is targeted by the black-clad organization.

Continue to enjoy the world of two with Thor.

Chu Feng did not intend to pay attention to these things.......

"Di Woo~Di Woo.~"

Not long after, a mini patrol car appeared in front of the Angel Coffee Shop.

A policewoman wearing a uniform from the Ministry of Communications appeared in front of the black Porsche.

The policewoman looks good, has a well-proportioned figure, and she also wears a hat with short hair.

Chu Feng stared strangely at the policewoman who was issuing a ticket.

Then he looked at the Porsche that was illegally parked.

Look at it~

This is the end of not following the rules of the road.

Chu Feng had already predicted this.

In the corner of the coffee shop.

After rudely drinking a cup of coffee, vodka also noticed this scene, and quickly spoke: "Big brother, what is that policewoman doing?" "


Gin Jiu slowly turned his head, then snorted coldly, and his eyes gradually became gloomy.

That Porsche, but his favorite car.

"Big brother, she seems to be issuing a ticket?"

Vodka reminded again.

"Shut up, I'm not blind."

Gin Jiu glared at the stupid little brother angrily.

"Want to open us a ticket? It's such a deception, I'll kill her now!" "

Vodka's emotions were a little out of control, and his right hand was tucked into a black trench coat, as if he wanted to pull out a gun on the spot.

"Idiot, are you crazy? Attacking the police in broad daylight, do you think we are not noticeable enough? "

Gin Jiu stood up, one hand on the vodka, and the tone was quite helpless.

The lower-grade black-clad organizations did not dare to attract the attention of these giants at all.

Qin Jiu glared at the vodka angrily, and walked outside without looking back, and Chu Feng was sitting by the window.

Curious about what kind of sparks will collide between traffic policewomen and black?

"This car belongs to you?"

Looking at the two men in black in front of her, the policewoman asked sharply.


"Just stop for a short while, so you won't get a ticket, right?"

Gin Jiu and Volt strengthened to endure the discomfort in their hearts, and spoke at almost the same time.

"Ticket? Parking on the corner street, do you think a ticket will do it? "

The policewoman glared fiercely at the two men in black in front of her, and then seemed to see something, and beckoned into the distance.

A trailer slowly drove to the door of the coffee shop, and a ticket was handed to Gin Jiu.

Gin wine: (⊙_⊙)...


When the two key members of the black-clad organization came to their senses, the hook of the trailer was hooked to the bottom of the Porsche.

"You, you're still going to tow our car? Are the traffic police in Junjing so overbearing? "

Only then did Vodka react, looking incredulous, and subconsciously stuffed his hand into the trench coat again.


Gin Jiu stopped the brainless little brother again.

Recently, the wind has been a little tight, and today is a critical period of the mission, and he doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"But, big brother..."

Vodka wanted to say something, but in exchange for a 'shut up' and a cold look in the ginjiu's cold eyes.

The policewoman glanced at the man who put his hand in his clothes and snorted coldly: "How?" Still want to bribe police officers? Believe it or not, pull you away with someone with the car? "

Seeing another thin and tall man take the ticket expressionlessly, she nodded slowly, and continued: "Remember to go to the traffic department of the Metropolitan Police Department to pay the fine and get the car, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can go to the Traffic Enforcement Division to complain, my name is Yumi Miyamoto, police number 9527." "

Yumi Miyamoto got into the mini patrol car dashingly.

Walked away with a trailer amid the sound of dripping and whining.

Gone is the car of ginjiu.

Gin and vodka were suddenly messy in the wind.

These two days I have been staring at the research institute of this company without sleeping.

Finally, it was determined that the other party had mastered the cultivation formula of 'bacon leaves'.

They dare to relax and have a cup of coffee and wait to see the newcomer's performance.

Who knows that before a cup of coffee is finished, their car is gone?

At this moment, the depression of gin wine can be imagined.

But what if the matter has come to this?

You can only send someone to the Ministry of Transport to obediently pay a fine and pick up the car.

You can't just blow up the Metropolitan Police Department because of this little thing.


Looking at the back of the gin wine and vodka fading away, Chu Feng couldn't help laughing, Thor also kept staring outside, but he never understood where the laughter was.

Isn't it just that randomly parked vehicles are towed away by the traffic police? What's so funny about that?

Thor, who has not seen Conan, certainly will not understand.

The terrifying black-clad organization in the original work.........

Gin and vodka were actually stunned by a traffic policeman to the point of speech.

It's funny just to think about it...

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