Chapter 188 Connor calls, Ayumi has been kidnapped!!

"Parking is not standardized, take the car tears two lines ah."

Looking at the back of Qin Jiu, Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"You have a feud with those two?"

Jia Baili didn't know when she came to table 3, and asked with a curious look.

Anyway, Angel Coffee Shop usually has no business, and the store manager will not care about her.


Chu Feng shook his head.

"But the way you look gives me a sense of schadenfreude."

"That must be your delusion."

Chu Feng would definitely not admit it.

I am really happy to see Gin Jiu and others embarrassed.


Nursery's cell phone rang.

After answering~

The dragon maid's face became strange.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Feng immediately noticed the change in Thor's expression.

"Connor called and said that Ayumi had been kidnapped."

Suddenly heard the news.

Chu Feng almost didn't react.

What does it mean?

Ayumi Yoshida was kidnapped?

This kidnapper has a brain disease, why arrest a little girl with an average family environment? Many children at Didan Elementary School have hundreds of times better families than Ayumi Yoshida.

Jia Baili heard the conversation between the two, and after being slightly stunned, the corners of her mouth twitched and laughed.

"The elementary school student's friend has been arrested, how come there is still time to call you? With her strength, saving people is simple. "

"Connor-chan doesn't have cognitive impairment, mostly afraid of being discovered by friends."

Chu Feng said lightly, it was easy to guess Connor's thoughts.

"That's right, she's with Riko right now."

Thor nodded slowly, and said a little speechlessly: "Kidnapped together, there is also a girl (⊙_⊙) named Akiko Tsumoto"

At this moment, Chu Feng's expression gradually became strange. Not long ago, I heard Gin and vodka talking about the Tamimoto family.

Now a little girl named Akiko Ryomoto has been kidnapped.

Where in the world is there such a coincidence.

Don't even doubt.

It is certain that this matter was done by the black-clad organization.

"Then let's go over now."

Chu Feng shook his head and smiled, and glanced at the absence of the store manager, so he stretched out a hand towards Thor.

The slender little hand held the thick palm, and the two disappeared in place.


Jia Baili, who had a single ponytail, was stunned in place, a series of question marks appeared in his mind, and then exaggerated his mouth.

"God, God walks! How could Chu Feng know the unique skills of our angel clan? Could it be that he is also an angel who has experienced all the mortal experience? "

Jia Baili subconsciously rubbed her eyes, sure that she was not wrong just now.

"Naive, what about the guests at the two tables? Gone so soon? "

The store manager who had just gone to the warehouse to get coffee beans looked at the empty shop with a confused expression.

I just left for a short time, and all the guests ran out.

Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?

The store manager stared at Jia Baili, who was still very cute with an expressionless face.

In the end, the question in his heart was not said.

...... Didan Elementary School.

Chu Feng and Thor appeared in front of Connor.

Attached to cognitive impairment, ordinary people cannot see them at all.

Connor, who was surrounded by a group of police officers, noticed it for the first time and glanced in the direction where the two were.

While no one was paying attention, Thor unlocked his cognitive impairment and walked towards the cordon with Chu Feng.

The leader of the team is still Twilight Thirteen.

There are also several subordinates who are taking notes for Connor, Conan, and Riko Saigawa.

"Mr. Chu, we just informed the parents of the students, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Twilight Thirteen, who had a relationship with Chu Feng, quickly greeted him when he saw this.

"Just happened to drop by to pick up my sister, what happened to Didan Primary School?"

After Chu Feng and Twilight Thirteen shook hands slightly, they pretended not to know.

"Well, there was a vicious kidnapping incident at the gate of the school just now, we are taking notes for the children, Mr. Chu, please wait for a while."

Twilight's face instantly became serious, and then he turned his head and asked, "Sato, have the children's notes been completed?" "

Miwako Sato, who was squatting in front of Connor and the others, heard this, and immediately stood up and replied, "Hai, I have already asked them all." "

Twilight Thirteen nodded slightly, "Then tell me about the incident." "

Miwako Sato: "At 4:35 p.m., five children cleaning Class B of the first grade of Teidan Elementary School left school last, and Ayumi Yoshida and Akiko Ryomoto were among them. "

"According to Conan's children's description, the suspect is a man about one meter and seven or five meters tall, wearing a black tights and a picture mask, unable to see clearly, and the only obvious feature is short red hair."

Twilight Thirteen was slightly stunned, and said suspiciously: "There is only one suspect?" "


Miwako Sato nodded, "He is the only one, and the speed is extremely fast, from kidnapping the two children to escaping, it took less than ten seconds in total." "

Hearing the report of his subordinates, Twilight Thirteen's face became solemn.

The criminals this time, obviously not ordinary people, are trickier than all the criminals before.

"Then let's do this first, parents will come and let the children go back."

Twilight Thirteen beckoned to Connor and personally delivered it to Chu Feng.

Miwako Sato was a little surprised, then turned her head to look at Shiratori Renzaburo and said curiously: "Who is that young man?" Officer Twilight seems to value his appearance? "

Faced with the problem of searching for a police flower, Shiratori Renzaburo said with a smile: "He, the newly promoted special chef recently, even if the hall director comes, he does not dare to ignore him." "

Shiratori Renzaburō, who will go back to inherit the family business if he can't become an elite in the police world, must know more than others.

Now that Chu Feng's name had long been spread in high society, no one dared to ignore the youngest special chef in the world.

"Special chef? So young? "

Miwako Sato was really shocked this time, and her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

She knew very well what the four words Grand Chef represented, and she was just shocked by the age of the other party.

Connor quickly came to Chu Feng's side and waved at Caichuan Lizi: "I'll go first, don't worry, Ayumi will be fine." "

The ethereal voice didn't seem to have the slightest emotion, but Chu Feng and Thor knew that this was a promise made by Connor.

Looking at each other and smiling, the two of them each took Connor's small hand, and after passing the corner, they instantly disappeared in place...

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