Chapter 197 is delicious to this extent, who cares about handsome guys?!!

Straight death demon eye, god-level secret technique!

This is a causal weapon.

It can also be seen as a causal superpower.

Straight death, that is, the ability to look 'dead' directly.

The disembodied concept of "death" is accepted in the form of visual messages. People with straight death eyes can see lines that intersect like graffiti, and dots that connect the lines one by one. "

Dead lines represent lines that are easy to break by splitting objects.

The dot represents 'the death of things'.

Dead lines can be seen without effort, while dead spots can only be seen with concentration.

There is no difference between hard and soft dead lines, no matter how hard things are, they can be cut along the dead line effortlessly.

Even if the body is still active, the part of the dead line that has been cut will be necrotic, and it is impossible to restore it, as long as the death of all things is understood, so that the illusory things such as concepts, futures, and memories can be 'killed'.

Like 'no slashing and no pulling the knife', the Straight Death Demon Eye cannot be defended at all.

Once hit, there is no cure.

However, its consumption on the user is much smaller than 'no killing and no pulling the knife'.

Theoretically, as long as the spiritual power is strong enough, it can see through the death of all things.

A smile is outlined at the corner of his mouth.

Now even if a god appears in front of him.

Chu Feng also had the confidence to kill him.

Jia Baili and Wei Nai saw the strange smile on Chu Feng's face, and they always felt an indescribable evil.

Especially when looking directly at each other's black eyes, there is a feeling of being seen, as if there is no secret at all.

"A man who can conquer a dragon is really not simple."

Jia Baili's heart trembled, and she buried her head and continued to nibble on bread.

Wei Nai smiled sweetly into the window, but she didn't feel anything.

No matter how powerful Boss Chu is.

She always believes that the other party is a good person.

Satania was thick and nervous.

At this time, he is eating with a pineapple bun.

Nothing beats the deliciousness that comes to your mouth anymore.

Little Bird You Rokuka is just an ordinary person.

Even if the [Evil King True Eye] has improved by two points.

I just feel that my right eye is a little astringent, as if I have entered sand.

This feeling came and went quickly, and with the blindfold on, she didn't care much.

The deliciousness is far beyond the pineapple bun of the holy conditioner, and the little bird Yuliuhua must taste it with heart.

The Evil King's true eye is her imaginary ability, even if she suddenly awakens, it is a specific skill.

At least the system feedback that the bird's ability to swim six flowers is still blank.

Chu Feng's ability to get the Straight Death Demon Eye with a tenth-fold critical attack had a great element of luck.

It was approaching eight-thirty.

Wei Nai pulled Gabriel and Satania away.

Although the latter still wants to complete the A-class demon act.

But Wei Nai, who has always been sensible and well-behaved, obviously will not let it go.

Satania was helpless, so she had to take the bird Yuliuhua away with her.


The front of the window became deserted.

But at the table, there are still some guests.

Among them is Kyoko Hori, who wears the uniform of Katagiri High School.

Tall figure, ladylike demeanor, looks glamorous.

Maybe it's because he is not familiar with Chu Feng.

Or maybe there is a girl with short and medium hair around her.

Kyoko Hori did not choose to sit in front of the window, and after ordering food with a smile, she casually found an empty table.

Chu Feng politely returned the salute, and he was still very polite to this friend of Mai Sakurajima.

"You know the boss here?"

The two just sat down.

Another girl with short and creamy blonde hair asked Kyoko Hori.

From time to time, his eyes also looked in the direction of the window.

The girl wears a dark gray loose jacket, and her height is actually not much different from Hori Kyoko, but the kawaii's face makes her look particularly petite.


Kyoko Hori smiled and nodded.

Her seat was facing the window.

So he kept staring at Chu Feng in the fast food truck.


The short-haired girl was keenly aware that something was wrong in her girlfriend's eyes.

Seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls, curiosity is always extraordinarily heavy.

And this person in front of her is still her best dead friend.

Secretly glanced at the food truck owner again.

Confirmed ~

A handsome guy indeed!

"Kyoko, you won't fancy the boss here, will you?"

The short-haired girl leaned into Kyoko Hori's ear, her voice was low, and the fire of gossip seemed to be burning.

The latter turned his head, gave his friend a strange look, and shook his head: "Yuki don't talk nonsense, I just like the food here." "

Yuki Yoshikawa didn't believe this at all, but was even more curious.

"Something delicious here? Do you come often? "

"Not really, I've only been here once."

"Huh~~ I only came once, and when I saw him again, I hurriedly pulled me over, and said that I didn't fancy people?"

Yoshikawa Yuki's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an ambiguous expression on his face.

"It's all said no, anyway, you've only arrived after eating the food here."

Kyoko Hori rolled her eyes and didn't bother to explain, facts speak louder than words.

After all~

She still remembers the taste of 'crab yellow ham baked vegetables' last time.

Although Mai Sakurajima also pulled her into the food group with Chu Feng's consent.

But fast food trucks are expensive.

Or let the always thrifty Kyoko Hori retreat.

Chu Feng occasionally lowered the price.

She also happened to have something every time.

I was going to work part-time to save money, and then invited Mai Sakurajima to eat here, but I didn't expect to meet at the school gate this morning.

See pineapple buns for a thousand yuan price.

Kyoko Hori hardly hesitated.

Subconsciously, he pulled Yuki Yoshikawa to trot over.

In fact~

The two of them had already eaten breakfast when they were at home.

But the food of the fast food truck, don't say that it is only seventy percent full, even if you are full at home, you have to taste it.

Boss Chu only sells a thousand pieces of dishes, which is usually not easy to encounter, it depends on luck.


Yuki Yoshikawa understood what it meant to be delicious.

What's more than delicious?

Simply incomparably delicious.

She is not good at cooking.

Bento boxes are all prepared by mothers.

Occasionally, I also try Kyoko Horiko's craftsmanship.

The level of cooking of good girlfriends naturally has nothing to say.

Yuki Yoshikawa always thought it was better than her mother's cooking.

But chewing on a melt-in-your-mouth pineapple bun.

She suddenly realized ~

It's the best thing in the world.

This is how food should taste.

"Kyoko, eat well!"

Yuki Yoshikawa's eyes seemed to light up. At this moment, I was completely impressed by the soft and sweet taste.

The various flavors seem to be completely integrated with the bread.

Not at all inconsistent, but very harmonious.

It's indescribably delicious!

Now she finally understood why Kyoko Hori didn't look at the food truck owner quite right.

It turns out that the other party did not come to see the handsome guy, but really liked the food here.

With something so delicious, who cares about handsome guys?

She now wants to tie up the handsome guys in the fast food truck home and cook for herself every day....

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