Chapter 198 Final! Megumi Tasho VS Kohei Sojin!!

"Phew~I feel full, it seems that I haven't eaten enough~~"

After enjoying a pineapple bun, Yuki Yoshikawa rubbed her little belly, and her tone was a little melancholy.

The stomach is obviously swollen, but the mouth can't help but want to eat, which really makes people entangled in knowing that they can come across such delicious dishes.

What else is she eating at home? I have to dry three pineapple buns.

Kyoko Hori also looked pleasant.

Bright eyes filled with satisfaction.

Boss Chu's cuisine is as intoxicating as ever.


"Kyoko, we'll come early tomorrow."

Yuki Yoshikawa licked his lips and said expectantly.

"Then you may be disappointed, he won't be here tomorrow."

There is also a time to join the food group.

Kyoko Hori probably figured out the rules of fast food trucks.

That is, there is no regularity!

According to the old group members.

Chu Feng would not set up stalls in the same place continuously.

"Uh How are you so clear? "

"God, why should I taste this delicacy?"

The thought of not being able to eat delicious pineapple buns tomorrow.

Yuki Yoshikawa's whole mood is not beautiful.

Kyoko Hori did not answer this question.

She was not familiar with Chu Feng.

I don't know if the other party agrees with her pulling people into the group.

In case tell Yuki Yoshikawa about the food group.

In the end, there was no result.

Isn't a dear friend an empty joy.

Hori Kyoko decided to take the time to ask Chu Feng in the group.

Other than that~

There is another reason that also makes her very entangled.

The price of food truck dishes varies greatly.

Kyoko Hori does not want Yuki Yoshikawa to work part-time to pay for meals like the fallen Kabari of her friends.

As the bell rings for Katagiri High School.

There were suddenly a lot fewer pedestrians on the streets.

Gradually calming down, Chu Feng was also happy.

Thor swiped his phone while thinking about the new dish.

The time soon came to ten o'clock.

Big Boss Chu closed the stall on time.

At noon, I got some stir-fry.

After Thor and Connor had lunch, they went out hand in hand to play.

It is estimated that he will have to go to an off-the-beaten-path place to fight again.

Chu Feng didn't care about this.

Dragons are aggressive by nature.

Don't let them vent occasionally, sooner or later they will have to hold back their illness.

Thinking of the agreement with Yuanyue, he found a briefcase to pack the 'formula', and Chu Feng took the key and went out.

To avoid attracting too much attention, he chose to take a taxi instead of his beloved food truck.

...... Between months and days.

Finals of the fall selections.

It attracted the attention of everyone in Engetsu Academy.

After three rounds of competition, Megumi Tasho advanced to the final as a dark horse, which surprised everyone.

At the beginning of the school, he said wildly, announcing that he wanted to land in the far moon, and Kohei Sojin defeated Alice to enter the finals, but many people gritted their teeth and approached two o'clock in the afternoon, and the huge venue was full.

The uniformed students exchanged their heads with smiles on their faces, looking happier than the finalists.

"I really didn't expect that our first-grade crane tail had come to this step"

"Yes, he can actually defeat Ye Shan Liang, that is the youngest genius professor in the history of Yuanyue personally cultivated."

"What do you still mention the old saying about? Sister Tiansho's recent progress is obvious to everyone! "

"Cut ~ is not because of the food truck's cuisine, otherwise no matter how high the talent is, it will not be possible to improve so fast."

"Sour ~ really special sour ~ ~ transfer students don't run to Boss Chu as often, and they almost lost in the face of Miss Alice."

"I heard that in order to eat Boss Chu's cooking, this guy changed his law to ask for money from his family."

"Gee~~ Still a gnawing old man? This kind of guy is definitely not a match for Tiansho's sister. "

The scene was full of people and discussions began one after another.

It's not hard to see ~

Those who support Tashoe are the majority.

After all, pure and cute girls are always more likable.

Compared with~

Kohei Sojin, who spoke loudly on the day of enrollment.

There are few supporters.

Kohei Sojin arrived at the venue early.

Facing Tasho Megumi, who lives with Polar Star Liao.

Confident, he did not dare to raise it.

The two often discuss in private.

He naturally knew the strength of the other party.

Especially in recent times.

Tasho's progress is even more visible to the naked eye.

Take a deep breath.

Kohei Sojin was oblivious to the hustle and bustle around him.

Calmly stared at Megumi Tasho, who was slightly nervous on the other side.

It's hard to imagine.

Xiaohui, who had a weak personality.

I really had to reach the peak of a first-year student step by step.

What made Kohei Sojin even more frustrated.

Compared to his own difficult promotion, the other party seems to be at ease......... The final has not yet begun, and the VIP room on the third floor between the moon and the day.

Chu Feng followed Erinai and Crimson into it.

The Zoemon Gate, Dojima Gin, and Sekishohei are all here.

"Boss Chu, I finally invited you here."

Xianzuoemen, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, slowly turned around after hearing the movement, and there was a bright smile on his old face.

Chu Feng, who has always 'not asked about world affairs', is not very good.

"You say this as if I am stubborn."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched.

Although not very sociable.

But he's not old stubborn either, okay.

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Erinai pouted and complained, "After the autumn selection began, I didn't invite you less?" "

Actually, before the qualifiers started.

She sent an invitation to Chu Feng.

But twice in a row, he was 'ruthlessly' rejected.

As soon as she thought of this, Erina became a little angry.

The girl in the flower season spoke, but it didn't work for the bad old man of grandpa.

The proud Erinai felt hurt.

"Didn't this happen to be set up two days ago?"

Chu Fengquan did not hear the tsundere girl's complaint, and casually gave a lame reason.

"Hmph, you only sell out for two hours a day, and you're really busy with business..."

Not to be outdone.

Anyway, I have long wanted to complain that the opening hours of the fast food truck are too short.

Sometimes she was too busy, or her working hours overlapped, and she couldn't catch up to eat Chu Feng's dishes.

Scarlet hid behind Erinai and snickered.

Only the wayward Boss Chu can make Miss Xue Che helpless.


Xianzuo Weimen noticed the file bag in Chu Feng's hand and said curiously, "What is this?" "

The main thing is that this thing is a bit eye-catching.

I believe that anyone who comes to watch the cooking competition will not bring this thing...

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