Chapter 202 This is the final, and the judges are still discussing Boss Chu?!!

"Gastronomy International has decided to gradually let ordinary people know about the existence of dream ingredients."

In front of floor-to-ceiling windows.

Senzoemon put his hands behind his back.

Sifang's face was full of seriousness, and his silver hair was even more windless.

"So suddenly?"

Chu Feng chuckled, and a trace of confusion flashed under his eyes.

Usually, he also visits the IGO intranet, and he does not see the movement in this regard at all.

As if seeing his doubts, Senzoemon explained: "The news is really coming back, IGO and various countries have already begun to act, but if they want to be fully popularized, it still needs a process. "

This time, Chu Feng didn't understand it even more.

The upper echelons of this world.........

This move seems to give people a very urgent feeling.

Sighing, Senzoemon continued: "The expansion speed of the food world has suddenly accelerated, and it has begun to affect our world, and some people speculate that for some unknown reason, the sphere of influence of the space gate has begun to expand dramatically. "

Chu Feng was a little stunned.

Sure enough, the world was directed against him.

I just want to set up a stall happily and enjoy the simple old routine.

Now tell him that the food world is about to merge with the real world? Since knowing the existence of the gastronomic world.

Chu Feng had a conjecture in this regard.

The collision of two worlds is nothing more than two results. Either it fuses together or everyone finishes together. It's just that he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.


Now it's just the space door that starts to 'expand'.

In what form will the two worlds coexist? Not until the last minute, no one knows.

No wonder the high-level of the Far Moon now took out the 'white-haired Cindy Laila Cow'.

It seems that I intend to take this opportunity to prepare the younger students a little mentally.

After all~

With the development of the times, the children of Yuanyue will always come into contact with fantastic ingredients....

The final officially begins.

Of course, the school will not provide a whole white-haired Cindela cow.

Instead, only two pieces of pork belly are taken out.

Compared to the tenderest back meat of ordinary wagyu beef.

The most essential part of the white-haired Cindy Laila beef is the two pieces on the scene. Pork belly is suitable for both fat and lean, the meat is tender, fragrant and fragrant, and the taste is moderate.

And because there is more adipose tissue, there is more juice than meat in other parts.

Although the ingredients are the same.

However, there are no restrictions on the preparation of dishes.

It is entirely up to the contestants to play on their own.

Megumi Tasho and Soma Kohei knew the theme of the final in advance.

Before entering the market, I also made up my knowledge about these ingredients.

Making a last minute effort.

It's better than looking confused.

Xianzuoweimon is estimated to have the meaning of testing the two.

After all, after entering the world of gastronomy.

No one can predict what kind of ingredients they will encounter in the next second.

Immediate play is also an external manifestation of the chef's talent.

Creativity is an integral part of discovering new ingredients and dishes.

Center of the venue.

The two people on the cooking counter did not rush to move.

Instead, he stared motionlessly at the snow-red beef.

White-haired Cindy Laila cattle.

The meat quality is not the same as regular beef.

The snowy flesh has only a slight hint of bright red on it.

It looks like a greasy piece of fatty meat.

The light fragrance of the monthly flowers.

Only the two people on the counter can smell it.

On the judges' bench.

Leonora, Fuyumi Mizuhara, Hinata Kanako, Konogo Kikuchi, and Kakukitaki have long been in place.

Except for Leonora, the rest are all past graduates of Yuanyue. Such a lineup of judges can also be regarded as giving Yuanyue Academy enough face.


Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sojin began cooking at about the same time.

"Huh, Xiaohui wants to make braised pork"? "

Kikuchi Garden Fruit was a little surprised.

"Kohei-san seems to be planning to make sauce beef?"

Kanhyuga clasped her hands and said with interest: "I didn't expect that the two classmates were very thoughtful, and did not choose the simplest stir-fry." "

The pork belly is fatty and juicy, and the one that best brings out its aroma is 'stir-fried'.

And neither Megumi Tasho nor Kohei Sojin chose a simple and effective approach.

"Yes, pork belly is not very suitable for braised or sauce, do young people nowadays like to challenge themselves so much? Now, I'm already looking forward to their cooking. "

Leonora smiled elegantly, but with a slightly strange accent. Kanhyuga and the others seemed to have long been used to it and didn't care at all.

The contestants' cooking has just begun.

It is not enough to attract their group of chefs, who are also at least eight stars.

Just look at the selection of materials by Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sogen.

They can judge what kind of cooking they want to cook.

"Senior Sister Taki, you went to eat Boss Chu's cuisine yesterday, how does the pig's trotters taste?"

It seemed a little boring, and Kikuchi Sonogo asked Kadosaki Taki next to him in a low voice.

In the past few days, because of the autumn selection, she has not patronized the fast food truck, and she really misses Chu Feng's cuisine.

Kadosaki turned his head and glanced at the 'Great Fierce Youkai'.

It seems to recall the delicacy of the marinated pig's trotters.

Subconsciously praised: "Soft rotten fragrant bomb, fat and juicy." "

"To get such an evaluation from Senior Sister Taki, the dish of braised pig's trotters must be very delicious, but unfortunately I haven't had much time recently."

A clear smile appeared on his clean face, and a trace of fascination flashed under Kikuchi Yuano's eyes.

Fortunately, the autumn selection is about to end, and she can find time to eat the food truck again.

"Boss Chu came out this morning, why didn't you go?"

Seeing that Kikuchi Yuanguo looked confused, Kanhyugako, who was sitting on the other side, asked curiously.

She also joined the food group, but she knows the movement of fast food trucks very well.

It's just that the fog house is a little far from the city center, plus there are usually more guests, and Qian Hinata rarely patronizes Chu Feng's business.

"It's too early today, you can't go out without makeup."

Mujiu Zhiyuan Fruit, which was a little natural in itself, almost subconsciously answered.


When Kadosaki Taki heard this, he almost subconsciously turned his head to look at Kikuchi Yuango.

Plump body, white jade-like face, pure and lovely appearance......... With such a base, makeup is also required???

"Why don't I remember that you had a habit of going out in makeup?"

Kadosaki Taki was the second seat in the 88th Engetsu, while Kikuchi Sonogo was the second seat in the 89th.

The two are only one session apart, and they have known each other for many years, and she knows each other's living habits very well.

Kamazaki Taki's gaze became fierce again, and then he thought of his own Ichima Hirakawa, and his tone was a little gritted.


Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo looked stunned.

I realized that I seemed to have spoken out from my heart.


Kanhyuga showed her aunt smile and teased, "Are you going to eat?" Or are you going to meet someone? "

The last time Chu Feng and Bukiwuzi ate the halberd, she had already seen Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo's thoughts.

When Mu Jiu knew that Yuanguo heard this, his whole face instantly turned red, and he quickly waved his hand and said, "Senior Sister Qian, don't talk nonsense, I just think it's a little rude to go out without a clean face..."

It seems that I feel that this reason is a little lame, and the cute girl is a little unable to speak.

"Hinata, stop teasing Yuanguo, another day we will make an appointment to go to Boss Chu's for dinner."

Fuyumi Mizuhara saw Kikuchi Sonogo's embarrassment.

This cold-faced senior sister solved the siege for her at the right time.

Don't look at Hinatako's usual appearance as a big sister next door.

But when it comes to teasing people, it's a set.

Mizuhara Fuyumi's words immediately diverted her interest, and quickly said: "Then tomorrow, I don't know what the fast food truck will sell tomorrow?" "

The deep smell of fried gluten and dog ignorance came back to mind.

Kanhyuga subconsciously licked her lips.

The taste was simply evocative.

A conversation with four Far Moon graduates.

It immediately aroused Leonora's interest.

Although I often listened to Alice on the phone say how delicious Chu Feng's food was.

But Leonora, who had just arrived in neon, had not yet had time to patronize the food truck business.

"Mr. Chu's cuisine is really that delicious?"

At this time, Leonora's attention was not focused on the game. She was obviously more concerned about the deliciousness that the graduates of Yuanyue said.

Hinata and the others are all eight-star chefs.

The taste of the food that can make them all praise without exception, you know, even if it is a special cuisine, it may not satisfy everyone's appetite

Moreover, Leonora also knew that the things that Chu Feng sold were different almost every day

This operation can also satisfy all diners, that young man has something ah this moment~

Alice's mother became deeply interested in Chu Feng, who had only one side of the relationship, and the five judges spoke very quietly.

But the nearest Kawashima Rei, Tasho Megumi and Kohei Sojin, can still vaguely hear some content.

Kawashima Rei, who was standing not far away with a microphone, looked confused.

Host so many competitions.

It was the first time she had encountered this situation.

The judges don't pay attention to the contestants.

Instead, another chef was discussed. It seems to be a little......... Not very professional! In fact, what she thinks is not very authentic. But the minimum of these judges is eight stars.

Kawashima Rei did not dare to slander herself without authorization.

And the object of the other party's discussion. Also a Grand Chef.


This is the final~

Are you still discussing Boss Chu?

Kawashima Rei showed a strange look.

Then I remembered the taste of the bowl of soul noodles two days ago.

After the end of the hosting that day.

She was lucky enough to eat the last bowl.

That delicious and silky taste still lingers today.

Not only that~

Even the resentment that is usually suppressed in the heart.

It seems to have eased a lot.

Why does Rei Kawashima pretend to be a cute idol style? It's not because the level of cooking is not enough.

I can't attract the attention of my classmates like Erina, Scarlet Sand.

I can only choose the way of idol debut".

In fact, Kawashima Rei doesn't like to host work at all.

If not for the limelight, who likes to greet people with a smile all day, but also pay attention to their own image at all times.

The invisible pressure made her feel a lot of resentment towards Yuanyue Academy.

But after eating soul noodles, she felt much more relaxed. In the past two days, he has hosted the competition, and he has not had the same disgust as before.

Glancing at the big screen between the moon and the sky.

It was found that there was no transfer of the judges' voices for the time being.

Rei Kawashima was slightly relieved.

If you let the whole school know what the judges are talking about.

It is estimated that it will cause another uproar.

Even if you don't really like hosting work.

Kawashima also hopes that the competition she hosted will have a perfect ending.

But like the five judges.

She would also love to go back to the food truck.

However, it is not clear when and where the other party will set up the stall.

Glancing resentfully at the VIP room on the third floor.

A tall figure was standing there.

On the day of the qualifiers, Kawashima Li asked Chu Feng for contact information.

However, it was rejected miserably.

This gave her self-confidence an unprecedented blow.

Xiaoli, who is bursting with cuteness, actually has a wolf that can't be trapped?

Whenever she recalled Chu Feng's cold appearance, Kawashima Li was extremely frustrated...

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