Chapter 203 Xiaohui's selection of materials, Kohihiru secret sauce beef!!

The two people at the counter carefully prepare the dishes.

The conversation of the judges, the two turned a deaf ear.

Not even a little offended".

At the fall selection final, which is most important for first-year students.

Brainstorm another chef who has nothing to do with the event.

It is a sign of disrespect to any contestant. If the judges' table was not discussing Chu Feng, but someone else. Even the mild-mannered Tashoe is likely to be angry.

But since it is Boss Chu.........

Then it's okay.

I vaguely heard 'marinated pig's trotters', "fried gluten." "

" and other words. Tashoe felt that her gluttony was hooked out again. "

I didn't have time to eat food trucks these two days.

When the game is over, be sure to go and enjoy it.

No more~

It's even more gastronomic to think of this.

Tashoe quickly shook his head.

Then he glanced up at the figure in the VIP room on the third floor. Boss Chu was watching there, and he was fighting for it.

Tashoe secretly cheered himself up.

Vows to make the perfect dishes.

The other side ~

A look of helplessness appeared on Kohei Sojin's face.

The expression is a little crying and laughing.

I managed to make it to the final.

The judges didn't seem interested in his cuisine at all.

Now I don't even look at this side.

Wait and see, Kohihiru's secret sauce beef will surely surprise you!

Kohei Sojin is full of confidence at this moment.

He has done his best to improve this dish, almost completely abandoning traditional practices.

Beef with sauce is a dish that takes a lot of time.

Similar to marinated meat, it takes at least five or six hours of cooking to come out of the pan.

But for the fall selection final, there are only three hours.

Want to make sauce beef in such a short time.........

Without a special simmering method, it is almost impossible to complete.

The auxiliary materials and spices selected by Tasho Megumi are also different from ordinary braised pork.

There is no choice of commonly used auxiliary materials such as potatoes and turnips.

There are also no spices with strong flavors such as five-spice and thirteen-spiced.

Her materials are simpler, and can even be called ordinary.

"Shiitake mushrooms and spring shoots? Why did Xiaohui choose these two auxiliary materials? "

"Shiitake mushrooms are thick and tender, but they are easier to absorb the taste, so isn't it afraid to affect the taste of beef when using this ingredient?"

"Spring shoots are not hidden in this regard, but the light taste does not match the mellow beef at all."

"Could it be that the first time she made a dream ingredient, Megumi got the wrong character of the white-haired Cindy Xiaola cow"? "

"Characteristics of white-haired Cindy Laila cattle? Is there anything special about this ingredient? "

"The school provides the essence of white-haired Cindy Laila beef, with the most collagen and the strongest gravy, if you add shiitake mushrooms, it will affect the taste of this dish."

"How come? Could it be that Xiaohui, who advanced to the final with a winning record, will lose to the transfer student who stumbled over? "

Some of Tianshomei's fans looked at each other for a while.

And Kohei Sojin, who makes dishes in an orderly manner, has also attracted the attention of many people at this time.

"Three hours to make beef sauce, are you going to speed up the stew of beef with honey and lemon?"

"Star anise cinnamon, licorice fennel, it seems that Kohei Soku really intends to make light sauce beef."

"Spicy is the soul of sauce beef, light and tasteless, it is simply an insult to this dish!"

"People from the Kume Research Society, right? Your president has now switched to studying Chinese cuisine and other cuisines, why are you still holding on to Sichuan spicy? "

"But there is one thing, the taste of beef with spicy sauce is really yyds~"


The two cooking counters are hot.

The people watching this game were equally not idle.

VIP lounge on the third floor.

Xianzuoweimon and Chu Feng stood in the middle position in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Calmly looked at Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sojin, who were extremely busy.

Suddenly, I heard that the space door of the food world began to expand.

After being slightly surprised, Chu Feng didn't think about this again. Even if fantasy ingredients are popular, he can still run his own business.

Anyway, there is a points mall, and there is no shortage of fantastic ingredients.

Even if it's really lacking, just take Thor to the food world.

Erinai and Alice were by Chu Feng's side.

On the main Senzoemon side are two bad men, Dojima Silver and Seki Shouhei.

Compared to them, it was still more comfortable to take Chu Feng with him.

At least look at the eyes~

See clearly the selection of materials for Tassho.

Erina's brows couldn't help but frown.

"Didn't Xiaohui take a hard look at the information we sent her? Actually cooking white-haired Cindilella beef with shiitake mushrooms and spring shoots? "

Erina, apparently surprised, too.

Alice didn't know much about the properties of this ingredient.

When in Northern Europe.

Her parents did not allow her to touch the dream ingredients.

After all, the age is still young and the level is still low.

Early exposure to high-end ingredients can do more harm than good to any chef.

After rolling her eyes twice, the eccentric Alice suddenly spoke: "Chu Feng, it seems that my grandfather's vision is better, and the chances of Kohei Chuang really winning are greater." "

It's not that Kazuda has a bad relationship, she's just seeking truth from facts.

Although both choose to make Chinese food, from the perspective of material selection alone, Kohei really chooses to be more reasonable.


Facing Alice's words, Chu Feng just chuckled and said casually: "You guys first look at the amount of Xiaohui's selection of materials." "

Erina: (⊙△⊙)

... Alice: (⊙△⊙)

A trace of confusion and puzzlement appeared on the two pretty faces at the same time.


Just now they saw it clearly.

Tashoe just picked some shiitake mushrooms and spring shoots.

Could it be that she had already calculated the weight of the ingredients and pinched them casually? But even if you plan all this.........

Can the flavors of several ingredients be completely integrated? Tashoe Megumi is not the man in front of him.

Can she do such an incredible thing? At least in the impressions of Erinah and Alice.

Only Chu Feng could fuse any ingredient to the most perfect degree.

Erina didn't believe that Xiaohui had reached such a level, and her red lips said lightly: "Then tell me, what is so special about her selection of materials?" "

Alice's burgundy eyes also stared straight at Chu Feng, and her fair face was full of curiosity.

"Two catties of beef, two taels of spring shoots, eight taels of shiitake mushrooms, the weight of the main material and the auxiliary material is the same, do you still think this is a coincidence?"

Chu Feng casually said the answer.

"How do you know so clearly?"

Alice, who had always had little patience, quickly interjected and asked.

Erinai stared at Chu Feng strangely, her eyes were also full of puzzlement.

If memory serves.

Just now, Tashoe did not weigh it.

There is no staff member to record this little thing.

Could it be that this guy can accurately see the weight of the ingredients just by looking at the naked eye?

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