Chapter 210 Ice Hell, Demon Bucky and Jerry Boy!!

The silver peak under the sky is snowy blue.

The Rongbu glacier is as transparent as glass.

The mountain rises.

From afar, the strange peaks are listed, shining in the sun.

Ice Continent, Ice Hell!

In the vast ice field of eternity, only blue and white colors seem to remain between heaven and earth.

Chu Feng breathed the air happily, and the cold wind of minus seventy degrees only made him feel a little cool.

The combined value is more than four thousand, and this cold has little effect on him.

Thor, who was dressed as a maid, held Chu Feng's arm with a smile on his face.

In this icy hell.

The two are not at all like adventurers.

On the contrary, it is like a couple who come to travel.

It's just a pity ~

Chu Feng and Thor couldn't fully enjoy the world of two.

They were followed by a little guy of one meter two.

Connor still wears a very characteristic ethnic dress.

With a jumpy pace.

Her long double ponytail hair continued to sway slightly with her movements.

On a flat ice field in the distance.

A herd of huge "yaks." "

"It's moving in one direction. It seems to be migrating, or simply going to foraging grounds. "

Chu Feng stood on a high place and curiously looked at this group of yaks that were nearly three tons in size

The name of this creature is not known.

He couldn't search the mall.

It is also not clear which part of this 'yak' has the most delicious meat.


Not all meat in Dream Ingredients is edible.

For example, the frost dragon, except for the thigh meat, other parts are difficult to swallow.

There are also some fantasy creatures that are highly toxic all over their bodies in addition to some delicious parts.

"Kaede, you don't know this kind of cow either?"

Thor was a little surprised, she had always felt that her man knew everything.

After all, the other party can come up with dream ingredients at any time, and this aspect should be well understood.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly and muttered, "When you came over in the afternoon, did you run into anyone else?" "

Thor leaned on his shoulder and thought for a while, then said uncertainly, "There should be, I don't know." "


Chu Feng just asked casually, and did not expect Thor to provide useful clues.

After all, his girlfriend has always been frizzy, and it is usually difficult to pay attention to other details.

Watching the yak herd leave, the three had just eaten dinner and were not hungry at all

The herds of yaks strolling away did not know that they had just escaped a catastrophe.

Right at this moment~

Connor's soft voice sounded.

"Chu Feng Chu Feng, I've seen humans before, just in that direction."

Connor pointed to the southeast while jumping, with a hint of invitation in her tone.

Rubbing Connor's head, the latter immediately showed a look of enjoyment.

Thor let go of Chu Feng's arm, directly changed back to the original body on the spot, and continued: "Sit on my back, let's fly directly over." "

Connor was lazy and jumped directly into Chu Feng's arms.

The two rode onto Thor's back and headed for the depths of the southeast ice field.

Since you don't know the name of the fantasy creature, find a way to find someone else. After all, people who often haunt the food world must have a guide in this regard.

Chu Feng planned to find someone to borrow "one."

As for whether the other party is willing or not? Just have a good talk.

I believe that you will always meet someone who is sensible.

Inside the large glacier.

A long table made entirely of ice is placed in the middle of the canyon.

A strong man with four arms sat upright on the main throne.

He wears a green turban, his body is covered with tattoos and scars, and his face looks extremely hideous.

What is even more strange is that this person has four arms and is tearing the roast meat on the ice table at the same time.

Right next to his head.

Also sitting was a hideous-looking man.

This person has long pale green hair.

The dark skin seems to be crumpled into a ball of bronze.

I saw him peeling a fruit shaped like a 'banana'.

Stuffed into his mouth while chewing and said vaguely: "Lord Ji Limbache, does the ice hell really have a century soup?" We looked for so long, how come we didn't even see a single hair. "

Ji Limbache!

One of the three sous chefs of the gourmet club.

The strength is amazing, and it has a strong lung capacity that ordinary people cannot match.

I saw that he glanced at the green-haired man lightly, and grinned: "Jerry, finding the century soup is a task personally ordered by the guild president, if you don't want to do it, you can go back to the headquarters now to resume your life..."


When the Jerry boy heard this, he shivered sharply, and quickly said: "Lord Ji Linbache, I don't mean to be lazy, it's just that this place where birds don't, it's really a little boring..."

Let him go back to life alone.

Then it is better to kill him directly.

Just think of the horror of the president and several chefs.

The Jerry boy couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart.

"Huh~This ice hell is a good place, there are not many rare and delicious ingredients~~"

"Look at this swamp tough fish liver, we don't have this thing over there in the pine forest."

Lingbage swallowed a piece of fish liver, his expression extremely enjoyed.

The Jerry boy pouted without a trace.

Level 18 swamp toughness.

In other words, the powerful Demon Limbache has the ability to capture.

Change to him alone.

Seeing this thing is only a U-turn and run.

"Lord Ji Linbage, the dragon we saw this afternoon, well, the one with a snow-white body, is it the legendary Frost Dragon?"

A man sitting at the end asked with a curious face.


Zhao Linbaqi pondered for a moment and shook his head: "It should not be, it is completely different from the one in the book, and it is estimated that it is some kind of undiscovered species." "

"Gee, dragon meat, I don't know how it tastes?"

The Jelli boy licked the corners of his mouth, looking like he wanted to get into it.

Demon Limbache glanced at him and directly interrupted his delusion.

"Level 48 Frost Dragon, if you want to challenge, no one here will stop you, but Lao Tzu will not accompany you to death."

Although arrogant, he is very self-aware.

That level of fantasy creatures, it is estimated that only those who will grow up can have a firm grasp of victory.

The Jerry boy was speechless for a while.

Let's just talk about it, do you want to be so real? Don't you allow others when you're bored?

Facing the serious-looking Demon Bach. The depressed Jerry boy dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.


Right at this moment~

The voice of a slightly angry woman resounded throughout the Ice Canyon.

"I heard that you want to eat dragon meat???"

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