Chapter 211: I heard that you want to eat my sister?!!

The cold wind howled.

A gourmet congregation inside the canyon.

For a while, there was silence.

Except for the sound of the wind whistling in the depths of the extreme cold. Only the crisp female voice echoed through the canyon.

Demon Lynbach suddenly looked up.

Only a dark green dragon was seen standing on the top of the cliff.

Golden eyes were staring at them coldly.


The sound just now came from this dragon that had never been seen before.

"Dream~~ Dream Ingredients spoke??"

The 'banana' in Jerry's hand fell to the ground, and it took him a long time before he stammered.

"Wow! This is a truly amazing discovery! "

Limbache abruptly stood up from his ice chair.

Directly handle the pipe-like weapon leaning next to him.

With a very solemn face, he looked up at the dragon on the height.

His weapon is made from the mouthparts of the Demon Mosquito, which is extremely hard and has an extremely sharp tip.

In the face of the dragon that suddenly appeared and spat out words, Demin Bach also had to take it seriously.


At this time, a thought kept swirling in the minds of the food congregation.

Dream ingredients actually spit out words?

Simply incredible! This caught off guard.

Directly shattered the three views of this group of people.

After all, whether it is a gourmet meeting or an IGO.........

I've always used creatures from the food world as ingredients.

Even if the level of fantasy creatures is high, it is just a group of animals with little intelligence, as long as the method is right and finds weaknesses, humans can kill them for meat.

Ingredients talk?

This kind of bizarre thing, people in this world have never thought of it.

But obvious~

The dark green dragon in front of him has a very high intelligence.

The Jelly boy was completely stunned, and he didn't react until he saw Limbache take up the weapon.

"That's not right! There are still people on the back of the dragon! "

Lingbach has three compound eyes and has far more eyesight than ordinary people.

Soon he found two figures, one large and one small, standing on the back of the dragon.

The Jerry boy tried to stay focused, but could only see a small cluster of shadows.

After all, the distance is too far, coupled with the wind and snow, it is also a severe test for vision.

"The voice just now came from the mouths of these two people?"

Although it is also surprising that someone submits to a fantastic creature with a violent temperament. But compared to the dream creature speaking, it seems to be slightly more acceptable.


Limbache just shook his head and said 'I don't know'.

At this moment, his face was already solemn to the extreme.


The wind blows by~

A dark green dragon tens of meters long fell from the sky.

A strong and powerful wind mixed with an icy and biting wind rushed to the face.

Ling Bache and the others subconsciously shivered.


Two figures, one big and one small, appeared in front of the food congregation.

The man's three-dimensional facial features are as handsome as a knife carving.

Another little loli who is about seven or eight years old. It is like a porcelain doll coming out of a comic.

Such a pair plus a dragon.

It's kind of weird.

"What are you?"

Limbache's pupils contracted violently.

The pair in front of you.

It gave him an unprecedented sense of crisis. It was as if a voice was telling him. Any one of the other parties.

None of him is an opponent.

"You don't know me?"

Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

He only heard part of the conversation with the other party just now.

But since you are a food club, you should know yourself.

After all, there is a little conflict between him and the food club.

But the man with four hands on the opposite side shook his head with an expression on his face that did not seem to be lying.

He didn't bother to think about such irrelevant topics.

The gaze fell on the Jerry boy.

Chu Feng's slightly angry voice sounded again.

"I heard, you want to eat my sister?"

The Jerry boy was completely dumbfounded.

I almost lost my ability to speak for a while.

This headless word, he can't take it at all.

Especially the dragon's huge golden eyes stared directly at him.

The Jerry boy almost frightened into a fart.

Don't look at the name of the third minister of the gourmet club, which is very bluffing outside.

But in the face of dragon-shaped creatures in the world of food.........

Jerry boy's strength is simply not enough. Fortunately, he still has a little ability to think.

I quickly remembered what I said before. (⊙△⊙)...

Now he finally understood that disaster came from his mouth.

What is the strength of the man who asked in front of him and that little loli? The Jerry boy couldn't tell.

But the coercion of that dark green dragon.

But it left him unable to move for half a minute.

Why was he so at that time? At this time, the Jerry boy couldn't wait to slap himself twice.

Forced to endure the fear in his heart, he said: "This ~ that is just a misunderstanding ~ ~"

At this moment, any justification pales in comparison.

Seeing the other party's stunned look, Chu Feng was slightly disappointed.

He still hopes that the people at the food club will be a little tougher.

Looking down at Connor, Chu Feng said casually: "This guy will be handed over to you, teach him a good lesson, don't kill him." "

Then he said to Thor: "The four-handed guy is handed over to me, and you deal with the rest, and finally bury it together." "

Still adhering to the consistent principle, Chu Feng did not want Connor to be stained with blood on his hands.


Since I met people who will be gourmet.

He certainly won't "reason with this group of robbers."

After all~

This is a bunch of guys who like to plunder.

Inside the IGO intranet forum.

Many people have been robbed of ingredients by people from the food club.

Nowadays encountered.

Chu Feng naturally wouldn't be polite.

"No problem!"

The dragon spat out words again.

It's still that crisp and nice sound.


Can you really talk?

Now the people at the food club are extremely convinced. But with it comes endless fear.

The other party obviously did not intend to let them go.

Lingbache's strangely patterned face was already crumpled.

Knowing that things today could not be good.

But he really couldn't think of the origin of this strange pair. The hand holding the weapon couldn't help but rise blue.

The expressionless Connor took the lead.

Hear the green-headed muscular man say to eat himself.

She was holding her stomach.

It was always only when she Connor ate something else.

Now someone actually wants to eat her meat?

Haven't you heard the phrase 'the cicada is calling, Connor eats it'? It's unbearable!

The petite body bounced to the ground. The ice instantly smashed into a big hole.

Even if it doesn't change back to the body.

The physical strength of the dragon clan is also extremely terrifying.

Violent loli appears.

Directly press the Jerry boy to the ground and ravage...

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