Chapter 212 Zhao Limbache's food righteousness, you will play qigong?!!

With a bang.

A wall of ice shattered.

"So strong!"

Among the crushed ice residue.

The red fruit of the upper body of the Ji Ling Bache reveals his figure.

Although vaguely knew that this young man who suddenly appeared was very strong.

But just now the two punched each other.

He intuitively understood the horror of the other party.

That furious force.........

Almost smashed him directly into the ice.


"Your punches are not skillful, you should be just a chef."

"Fighting this kind of thing, it still depends on us professional fighters!"

Holding a tubular weapon, Limbache emerges from the ice slag.

The legs of the trousers were shattered and the shoes were missing.

He stepped barefoot on the ice, as if he didn't feel a trace of cold.

While walking towards Chu Feng, Jiao Lin Ba Qi laughed maniacally: "To come to the food world at such a young age, you should be the rumored new special chef - Chu Feng?" "

Within the gastronomic world, communication is very difficult.

Only a simple prop made of a shell on the back of a telephone snake can deliver messages within a certain range.

The telephone snake is a level 4 capture fantasy creature that inhabits hot and humid environments.

The three- to four-meter-long snake carries a deadly virus and has a shell like a snail on its back.

This shell is unusually hard, only slightly inferior to diamonds, but it cannot be used for hiding, it is just an ornament.

However, this shell has undergone special treatment and can be made into simple communication props.

Of course, only props made of the same snake shell can make calls. Between the two, it is more like the relationship between independent base stations and the same batch of phones.

The capture level of the telephone snake changes with size.

Theoretically, the higher the level of the telephone snake shell made of props, the wider the communication range.

A month ago, Demin Bach came to the Ice Hell.

In fact, he had only heard of Chu Feng's name, but he didn't know what the other party looked like.

After all, props can only communicate, not transmit images.

But after knowing that the other party is a chef. Lingbache suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

What about a little more strength than him? I don't know how to use skills.

No matter how much strength you have, it is also a lot of effort. He is a natural warrior.

Chefs are just side hustles.

Fighting is what he does best.

The steel pipe" turned a few times in the palm of his hand.

Lingbache laughed.

Obviously made up his mind to make a quick decision.

As for the Jerry boy?

Then you can only ask for blessings. That little loli and that dragon.

Lingbache was a little stunned.

Chu Feng stood in place and shook the hand of the fist.

The strength of this four-handed guy in front of him is not bad.

The combined value is at least 2,000 or more.

But with this bit of strength, Chu Feng has not yet put it in his eyes.

Looking at Ji Ling Bache strangely, he couldn't help but wonder: "Where did you get your confidence?" Think you've eaten me? "

Chu Feng was indeed a little unable to understand the other party's brain circuits.

Just now~

It was not him who stepped back more than ten meters and smashed into the ice wall.

Lingbache, whose hand was already oozing blood, became confident after being injured.

It's incomprehensible.

"Hmph~~ It's just a small injury, today I will let you see the power of my eating skills!"

As if he had been stepped on a sore foot, Limbache shouted a little angrily.

The steam on the body was tumbling, and the wounds on the hands healed instantly.

The huge energy reserves in his body allow him to repair his injuries on his own. The dream ingredients that Ji Ling Bache swallowed just now were not eaten in vain.


A technique that uses gourmet cells to devour the energy reserves in the host's body and instantly produce extremely explosive power.

In this state, both strength, speed and recovery will be greatly improved.

The thick muscles of Ji Limbache began to shrink rapidly, and the entire physique tended to grow stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ji Limbache, who had already decided to fight a quick victory, brought out all his strength as soon as he came up.


Under the powerful explosive power, Ji Ling Bache left a large hole in the ice, and the whole person jumped high.


The 'steel pipe' in his hand, which was about one meter and five meters long, had come to his mouth, and his entire cheek was bulging high.


Accompanied by a strange sound.

An invisible qi arrow rushed straight towards Chu Feng.


The corner of Chu Feng's mouth outlined an arc, instantly understanding the opponent's attack method, and dexterously dodging this qi arrow.

Although this world gastronomic cell is not the only extraordinary force, it still dominates by and large.

And the person who awakens the food demon again, even in the food world, is a strong Limbache!

There is no doubt that it is to awaken the food demon and learn the existence of food instruments.

As far as Chu Feng knew.

Food can be roughly divided into three categories.

Mind transformation, organ strengthening, and awakening of supernatural energy.

The attack method of spitting out strong air currents should belong to organ strengthening.

Chu Feng couldn't accurately guess what kind of organ the other party had strengthened? Both the air sac and the lungs are possible.

After all, the people who will gourmet...

It seems that he always likes to modify his body indiscriminately....

"How fast?"

Seeing that Chu Feng easily dodged his attack, Qiao Lin Ba Qi frowned.

The body fell freely, and in just a few seconds, he and he, did not forget to continue to attack.


A succession of air arrows erupted from the 'pipe mouth'.

Tiny holes burst out one after another on the ice field.

But no matter how hard Zhao Lin Baqi tried his best, he was still unable to hit Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's speed was too fast.

The composite value of the system.

It contains a series of factors such as strength, speed, mental power, etc.

In theory, the data of Chu Feng's body will always be in the most perfect equilibrium state.

"How is that possible? Without the use of food and autophagy, how could your explosive power last so long? "

Ten minutes later.

Demon Lynbach stopped.

With an incredulous expression on his face. Autophagy is not the ability to use sustainably.

The average person's autophagy is only three or five minutes.

And Lynbach.

It lasted for 10 minutes.

Outbreaks of overload. Already exhausted him.


Chu Feng still looked radiant. This made Ji Linbach can't help but feel a feeling.

The other party is just teasing himself.

It's like a cat playing mouse.

The screams in the cold wind gradually disappeared.........

Lingbach knew that Jerry Boy was finished.

Just the dragon.

It is not something that a branch minister can deal with.

Not to mention an equally eccentric violent loli. Lingbache's face completely lost the calmness he had just had.

Chu Feng really did not show any combat skills.

But extreme speed and super physical fitness.

The slow reaction of Limbache could not do anything about the other party.

"If you have the ability, don't run around, fight with me like a man!"

Panting sharply, Lamba roared inwardly.

In fact, at this moment, he had already retreated.

But the speed of the man in front of him was so fast that it simply made him desperate.

Instead of continuing to entangle, it is better to provoke the other party to confront yourself.

What if it does?

Demin Bach is confident that he can compete with him in strength.

"Are you sure?"

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Chu Feng's face.

It was the first time he had heard of this 'death-seeking' request.

Want to go head-to-head with him?

It seems that the other party does not know his strength at all.

Seeing Chu Feng stop his figure.

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Ji Linbage's mouth.

Sure enough, he was just a young man, and he couldn't stand the provocation.

The cheeks bulged again.

This time it rose even bigger than before.

When Lynbach blows.

That weapon made from the mouthparts of the demon mosquito.

There was even a burst of "buzz." "

"The sound."


There was a soft sound.

An invisible air arrow that is almost visible to the naked eye.

With a thunderous momentum, he rushed straight to Chu Feng's face.


"It's like only you can play Qigong~"

"After playing with you for so long, it's time to end!"

"Holy Sword, Excalibur!"

Face the almost materialized air arrow. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth raised an arc.

The right hand is raised high, and then....instantly falls!


A substantial knife qi instantly took shape. Landed fiercely on the galloping air arrow.

And Demon Bach... Mao...

At this time, the whole person was already frozen in place...

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