Chapter 220 Tease me? Just drink half a bowl of soup and make it?!!

"This is the soup of the century?"

Thor looked at the almost transparent 'water' in front of him.

A strange expression suddenly appeared on his face.

If it weren't for the fragrance wafting out of it, it would be too tasty.

She suspected that the pool was actually empty.

Because the century soup is too clear. The color is as transparent as air.

Look down.

I just saw a small pool with a diameter and depth, both only thirty centimeters.

"That's right, this is the most delicious ingredient in the Ice Continent - Century Thick. "

Fan Ma Yujiro said categorically. He had the privilege of being here once.

The taste is still unforgettable.


At this time, the thick aroma continues to penetrate the tip of everyone's nose.

Enough to say it all.

Thor just asked casually.


After all, I've never seen a near-transparent dish.

And then~

The dragon maid Mari took out a stack of bowls from the different dimensional space and distributed them to everyone.

"Huh~Let me taste first~~"

A little cat-like smile on his face. Thor picked up the spoon and began scooping the soup.

The pool is not big.

The soup inside is even less pitiful. Not even filling the entire pool. Thor only scooped half a bowl for each person. She understood a truth early on.

Good things should be kept and eaten slowly.

【Name:Century Soup】

【Capture level: 60】

【Habitat: Extremely cold place】

【Price: 500 points/1 drop】

【The century soup formed by pressing many ingredients is not only mellow and delicious, but also has a smiley face that the drinker cannot control because of special satisfaction. 】

[It is said that......... It will take at least thirty years to form a perfect soup of the century!】

Recall the introduction of ingredients.

Chu Feng looked at the half pool of soup in front of him.

Lost in thought~

The soup in it is estimated to be more than thirty years old.

The age should be much older.

The information given by the points mall does not clearly say how much 'one' is?

However, it is estimated that it is more than a bowl, and it is impossible to produce half a pool.

After all~

Five hundred points a drop. That's five million. Now he has this half bowl of soup in his hand. It is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions.

Took a slow sip.

The clear soup is extremely rich. The taste of countless ingredients that have never been eaten before.

A rush of brains pounded his tongue.

Harmony without the slightest conflict.

It seems that it is born with this taste, and it is indescribably refreshing.

Yujiro Fan Ma subconsciously grinned, revealing a satisfied smile.

It's just that the man with a wide body shows this expression, which is really ugly.

Thor and Connor didn't suppress their feelings.

Although with their strength.

Don't care at all about the "century soup." "

". But the ultimate deliciousness..."

It still made the two dragon maidens show a heartfelt smile.

Chu Feng's face was expressionless, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The mind began to restore the "century soup." "

". Have the 'taste of God'. "

He can easily taste all the flavors. Then replace the unknown ingredients one by one.

There are so many ingredients in the food world.

IGO and Gourmet have learned less than one in ten thousand in thirty years.

In the food display window alone, at least more than half of the ingredients are not recorded in the food guide.

Chu Feng could only replace it with known ingredients and try to replicate the taste of the century soup.

"Huh~ Sure enough, it is a rare delicacy in heaven and earth, and this soup is not tired of drinking many times." "

Fan Ma Yujiro sat cross-legged on the ground, picked up the small bowl and drank it, and suddenly let out a burst of emotion.

Last time he faced the attack of three ice field dragons, he only took a sip and fled.

Like now, you can sit down and savor it slowly.

"Old cow drinking water, giving you a drink is simply a waste. "

Thor sipped the precious soup and did not forget to complain.

"Eh~gulp of wine and eat meat, get used to it~~"

Yujiro Fan scratched his head in embarrassment.

There was still a satisfied smile on Muscular Hengza's face.

Faced with the terrifying blonde maid, he did not dare to refute at all.

Connor swayed involuntarily while drinking the soup, and her two ponytails also swayed.

Chu Feng knew that little loli would only subconsciously do this when she was in a good mood...............

"Connor-chan likes this?"


"So will it be good for you next time?"

"Uh-huh~~ uh???uh"

Originally, Connor just nodded subconsciously.

But it soon became clear that something was wrong.

Isn't this soup naturally formed?

Could it be that Chu Feng had already learned how to do it?

Slightly stunned, Connor said curiously: "Chu Feng Chu Feng, you can already do it?"

Thor was also a little surprised, and subconsciously asked, "So soon?"

Free a hand to flick on Thor's forehead, Chu Feng spoke: "Don't say that men are fast, you still don't know my speed? "

"Hate, there are outsiders. "

Thor instantly understood, and gently patted Chu Feng's hand away, with a disgusted expression.

"You can be when I don't exist. "

Yujiro Fan sat up straight and looked up at the roof of the cave, looking like he hadn't heard anything.

Then, as if he suddenly thought of something, he stared straight at Chu Feng again.

"You just said that you have learned the method of Century Soup?"

Yujiro Fan looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

He almost didn't react just now.

This is the soup of the century.

A natural combination of countless precious ingredients.

Just drank half a bowl of soup, you told me you can make it?

Just kidding, right? The gods of food are not so fast!

Yujiro Fanma's eyes were as big as copper bells.

It's not like he hasn't seen a grand chef.

There's even a good friend who is also a special chef.

But he had never heard of it.

Which chef just tastes a bite and learns the recipe in just a few seconds.

And the food in front of you is still the natural cuisine century soup.

Fan Ma Yujiro just wanted to ask Chu Feng now.

Are you sure you're not teasing me?

But look at the other party's serious handsome face.

Yujiro Vanma knows.

Chu Feng did not lie.

He really can do it already!

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