Chapter 221 IGO's Deal, Jewel Flesh!!

The more advanced the cuisine, the more difficult it is to replicate.

Even if it's not a chef.

Yujiro Fan also understands this.

Therefore, I heard Chu Feng saying unrealistic things in a serious way.

After a little stunned.

All he was left with was shock. shook his head. The world of cooks is too complicated. He is still relatively good at fighting.

Right at this moment.

Merisman with short blonde hair appeared in front of several people. Miaoman's fiery figure is vividly outlined by the tights.

Behind, followed by Ah Yu and others.

"Mr. Chu, hello!"

Merismann rarely smiled, looking presumptuous.

"IGO people?"

Chu Feng laughed a little playfully, pretending not to know the identity of the other party.

"Merrisman, Habitat 0 staff. "

"Why? Want to grab the century soup?"

"Mr. Chu said and smiled, I just want to make a deal with you. "

Glancing at the blooming "century soup." "

Little pool, Merisman shook his head solemnly. "

The four people in front of him, except for Yujiro Fanma, who can also compete -28, the rest are not opponents.

Faced with such a combination.

Don't talk about snatching ingredients?

Merrissmann could come out and offer a trade. It has already been a great courage.

After all~

The strength shown by the two girls beside Chu Feng was too terrifying.

It is estimated that it has surpassed the president of the IGO.

Although Merissmann is not very clear about the true strength of the president.

But it didn't stop her from thinking so.


The soup of the century is too precious.

If you can get some samples.

Merissmann believes IGO has the ability to replicate the dish.

Even if you can't copy it perfectly, at least you can make a simple version.


Even if she pays some price, she will get the soup of the century.


Chu Feng chuckled, and his smile gradually converged.

Merismann's face was solemn.

I can't figure out what the young man in front of me really thinks.

Naruto Tadakatsu also looked grim.

Suddenly a little regret followed Merisman to stand up.

But in order to win over IGO and the Wu family.

He must also show a posture of 'advancing and retreating together'.

In fact~

Chu Feng did not mean to scare this group of people.

Just now he was just thinking.........

What good can IGO come up with?

After all, organizations that have been exploring the world of gastronomy since thirty years ago must have collected a lot of precious ingredients.


Chu Feng muttered, "What kind of transaction method?"

When Merisman heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I wonder if Boss Chu is interested in the meat of the gemstone?"


Feel free to bring up the introduction of this ingredient.

【Name: Gem Flesh】

【Capture level: 48】

【Habitat: Legal Island】

【Price: 50,000 points/100 jin】

[The mammoth that lives on the island, also known as the Ligaru mammoth, is a behemoth with a length of 1,500 meters. 】

[Each legal mammoth, with a piece of meat containing delicious gems in various parts, is definitely a favorite of foodies!]

This new ingredient aroused Chu Feng's interest.

Seeing that he was a little moved, Merisman hurriedly asked: "One hundred kilograms of jewel meat, exchange for a bowl of century soup, I don't know what Boss Chu wants?"

"How much are you going to change?"

Chu Feng did not refuse.

One hundred kilograms of gemstone flesh is worth one hundred thousand points.

Redeeming a bowl of century soup is almost the same price. And he has mastered how to make this dish.

The half pool of soup in front of him was of little use to him.

Anyway, it's almost nothing to pick up, and it's not bad to change some other ingredients.

Merisman hesitated for a moment, but finally gave an answer.

"Three copies!"

In fact, with IGO's current research on fantasy ingredients, only two copies are enough.

But she invited Ah Yu and Narugami Tadakatsu to help, so she had to give each other a little benefit.

The two quickly reached an agreement, and Merismann promised to deliver the ingredients as soon as he went out.

Chu Feng nodded with a smile, and then asked Thor to put away the rest of the century soup.

I saw the dragon maid slashing towards the void with one hand.

Take out a blue pot from the pitch-black spatial crack.

Turning the dragon pot, a magical kitchenware that accelerates cooking.

But as long as you don't start this thing, you can also use it simply to hold ingredients.

When he went out, Chu Feng specially asked Thor to put away this kitchenware, just in case he needed it.

"Spatial powers?"

Ah Yu was amazed, and always felt that the full-haired maid was becoming more and more mysterious. Even if the body is strong, there will be rare spatial powers?

After the two groups took their leave, they left in different directions.

After parting with Yujiro Vanma.

Chu Feng and his party returned to the cherry blossom apartment.

Open the food group.

It's still the same inside.

The group of friends either discussed the dishes that Chu Feng had cooked before.

Or guess what he will sell tomorrow.

But the words of Kobayashi Gentian and Erina, etc.

Let Chu Feng know about IGO and other organizations, and begin to speed up the process of popularizing dream ingredients.

Even if there are ordinary people like Kyoko Hori in the food group, they have now begun to talk about fantasy ingredients unscrupulously.

And the two groups of people I met in the hell iceberg before.

It seems that they all entered the food world from different places.


The diffusion speed of the space gate was far beyond Chu Feng's imagination.

Maybe it won't be long.

Everyone in this world awakens the gourmet cells.

When the time comes~

A new era of gastronomy is coming. IGO is really efficient.

Not long after Chu Feng returned home.

There were IGO people who came to the door.

It was just one person who came.

A man with hair standing on end and worm bone decorations on his forehead. He calls himself a martial artist 'Sakura' and is also a Habitat 0 employee. Chu Feng felt that this guy's strength should not be weaker than Fan Ma Yujiro.

The transaction went smoothly and there were no eye-opening people to disturb.

After Sakura left.

Chu Feng carried the remaining half pot of soup.

Go downstairs and store it inside the food truck.

Although century soup is not so easy to break.

But there's no safer place under the sun than a food truck cupboard.

The last bit of original soup, Chu Feng planned to keep it and taste it slowly...

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