Chapter 237 amuse me? The special chef will come to our cafeteria to set up a stall?!!

The act of licking dogs, Chu Feng has always disdained.

Generally speaking, he is the one who is licked.

A faint glance at Igarashi Qinghua.

Big Boss Chu quickly withdrew his gaze.

Look at the students in the neighborhood who are obviously starting to move.

He suddenly felt a little depressed.

Glancing at the peach and Qi Luoli who picked up the shrimp and stuffed it into her mouth.

Chu Feng is very clear~

It was this woman painted 'Blue Goblin' who influenced her business.


You can't blame Momoku Luoli for this.

People just came to eat a crayfish.

And there was no violation of the law.

Big Boss Chu has always been very reasonable.

Guests will never be evicted for no reason.

【Ding! Fragrant chili salt crayfish received customer praise, triggered a hundredfold critical hit, reward: 2 million yen!】

[Ding! Trigger a hundredfold critical attack at the same time, reward: 100 points!]

【...... Trigger a tenfold critical hit, reward: 200,000 yen!】

【...... Trigger a tenx critical hit, reward: 20 points!] Connect several prompts to sound.

Chu Feng was too lazy to think about the scarcity of customers.

It is estimated that after Tao Xunqi Luoli leaves, there will naturally be more guests.

【Gambling skills:+1】

【Gambling skills: +2】

Snake Yumeko and Momoko Lili flashed golden letters on the top of their heads. It is very in line with the current place, and the limb points are all added to the gambling skills.

Chu Feng estimated~

Perhaps the students of the private Kao will only improve this kind of skill. Lili Xiang is not as lucky as Qi Luoli, someone passed the door to peel the shrimp shell.

Slender little hands peel the shrimp shells.

Remove the white shrimp inside and set aside.

After several iterations, she wiped the oil from her hands. Uncover the corner of the mask and slowly pick up a piece and put it in your mouth.

That timid look doesn't look like a high school student.

It is an elementary school student who starts stealing bento boxes before lunchtime but is worried about being discovered by the teacher.

The look of carefully unveiling the mask, even Chu Feng was anxious for her.

"Aren't you tired of wearing this thing to eat?"

Rolling his eyes, Chu Feng couldn't help but Ye Groove. (⊙_⊙)...

The action of chewing shrimp suddenly stopped.

Then looked left and right.

Only then did Lili Xiang find out that Chu Feng was talking to her.

This cute behavior is really enduring.

"No, you can't take it off, not in school!"

Lili Xiang made a swallowing motion in her throat, and then said.


Although I can't see the expression of the other side.

But Chu Feng could be sure.

Now Lilixiang's face must be flushed.

Shaking his head and smiling.

He really couldn't figure out how a person could be afraid of being born to this extent.

Although Big Boss Chu is a little scared.

But good villains can still communicate with people normally.

Now I just want the other party to take off the mask and eat normally.

Lilixiang actually began to get nervous.

While chewing on the shrimp, Momoku Qiluoli glanced at her sister, but surprisingly did not open her mouth.

The two sisters knew each other very well, and she knew that Lilixiang would never take off her mask at school.

In fact~

When Kiroli has something to go out.

The two sisters often swapped identities.

Lili Xiang plays the role of the president. This is a trick that goes against you. As long as Lilixiang doesn't speak. Pretend to be cold. No one can break it.

After all~

Who dares to doubt that the high will grow up.

Even Igarashi Qinghua.

Now I don't know that the distinguished president also has a twin sister.

Of course~

Swapping identities is such a thing.

Kiroli wasn't fun at all.

But for Lilixiang, who is bent on helping herself.

This is the only thing she can do well because of her introverted personality. There was a bitter smile in her heart, and Qi Luoli was also helpless about this.

If you can.........

She wished Lilixiang to show her beautiful side generously.

Shaking her head and smiling, Kiroli picked up a piece of shrimp again.

The red lips opened lightly, slightly bitten, teeth collided......... The elasticity of the shrimp dances a cheerful waltz on the tongue.

The expression of joy flashed, and Qi Luoli subconsciously narrowed her eyes. ~

It's this taste~

The spicy and salty flavors are constantly circulating. Two unique flavors mixed together. Completely conquer the taste buds of this cold president.

Although the crayfish is not as laughing as the concubine.

But under Chu Feng's cuisine, it still presents the ultimate deliciousness.......

"Oh my God~ will grow up and actually laugh?"

"Sure enough, it is a special chef's dish, and it can make the chairman of the cold show a smile. "

"The grown-up laughs so beautifully, she is simply the perfect goddess. "

"Today I said that I will eat the dishes of a special chef once, and I will go to the student union to borrow money now!"

"That's right~ Lao Tzu has never tasted special cuisine in his life~~"

"It's either rich and powerful, or it's all luck, otherwise who can taste the craft of a special chef?"

"Boss Chu can come to our school to set up a stall, that's our luck!"

Seeing Qi Luoli and the others eating so deliciously.

Nearby students stared at the clear soup and colorless stir-fried meat on their plates, and now they had no appetite at all.

Stir-fried dishes! The taste is already heavy.

At this time, half of the canteen is filled with the rich aroma of fresh shrimp and pepper.

Ask these people how they can afford to eat in the cafeteria.

And the person who had not yet had time to cook silently put down the dinner plate.

They all stopped at the corner of the cafeteria, waiting for Kiroli to leave.

It is estimated that it will only wait for the intimidating student council president to leave.

They'll be swarming toward the food trucks.

Chu Feng glanced at the 'diners' who were waiting for him.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

As for whether there is a business in the canteen?

Chu Feng would not be so virtuous as to sympathize with strangers he didn't know.

Right at this moment.

A stocky middle-aged man walked out. See a sparse line in front of the window. He couldn't help but frown.


He noticed the conspicuous food truck in the cafeteria.

And then~

The stocky man's brow furrowed even tighter.

Walking to the nearest window, he complained, "When did the school add a fast food business?"

"Manager, didn't the student council and council inform you either?"

The cafeteria aunt was a little surprised.

"Uh......... Recently, it seems that the school has no instructions in this regard. "

The stocky man was a little suspicious, always feeling that something was wrong. A strange food truck appeared very abruptly in the cafeteria. The first reaction of normal people should be to question the origin of the food truck.

But the first thing that came to the mind of the cafeteria manager was to confirm whether the school had added to the business, wherever the magic food truck appeared.

will invisibly affect the cognition of the people around them.

The canteen manager shook his head, really couldn't think of anything wrong, and could only say helplessly: "Forget it, I'll go and tell him to set up a stall outside the canteen, it can't affect our business." "

The cafeteria aunt glanced at the short and fat man strangely, and kindly reminded: "I advise you not to go, first see who is sitting there." "


The cafeteria manager was full of doubt, hesitated, but still took out his glasses from his suit pocket and put them on.

"Student Council......... President?"

It doesn't matter if you don't look.

Short-sighted, he saw clearly.

I almost fell off my glasses in fright.

"She, why did she come to the cafeteria to eat?"

This moment.

The expression on the short and fat man's face was like seeing a ghost.

In fact, since Momoku Qiluoli entered school.

She hadn't even set foot in the cafeteria. Having been a cafeteria manager for so long, the stocky man was sure of this.

But before he could finish his shock, the cafeteria aunt threw a bombshell again.

"Because... The food truck owner is a grand chef!"

The conversation of the group of students just now.

The cafeteria aunt heard it clearly.

Although it feels incredible.

But now that you think about it, it makes sense.

Only the cuisine of the Grand Chef.

In order to get the student council members to run into the cafeteria. (⊙_⊙)

Hear this answer. The cafeteria manager was stunned.

I almost doubted my ears.

"Ha, the grand chef is coming to our cafeteria to set up a stall?"

Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

At the moment he only had two thoughts.

Either they are too tired from work and have auditory hallucinations.

Either the guy in charge of cooking in front of you is crazy....

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